Alessio Patalano Profile picture
Professor of War & Strategy in East Asia | FRHistS | @warstudies | @kcl_CGS | Postwar Japan as a Seapower. Naval affairs. Strategy. Indo-Pacific. One ping only.
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Jan 1 24 tweets 8 min read
Russia trained officers for attacks on Japan and South Korea - Happy New Year X/Twitter. As first thread for 2025 I want to focus on ‘adversarial alignment’ - a theme I believe will be crucial to address in months to come. A thread linked to this FT piece: First of all, usual set of premises. For this Thread much of the visual aids are drawn from different editions of the Defence of Japan: . Invaluable tool to researchers and to inform wider public. One image is from a slide of mine based on 2016 research;…
Nov 16, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
War games expose aircraft carriers as the Royal Navy’s weak link - really? What a shocker. Alternative title: war at sea is a attritional. Alternative title: war games discover that a good naval history book wd have been a much more revealing exercise. 🤨… Let me briefly explain why the article is unhelpful and wide off the mark. I shall proceed by focusing on three aspects: assumptions about war at sea; correlation of operational activity and effects; and last but by no means least, CSG vulnerabilities. Let’s take them in turn:
Jul 5, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Good morning X. With elections results in the UK coming in there will be rivers of commentary on what it all means looking ahead. A couple of ‘hot takes’ based on an observation of relevant statements and writing insofar as the wider Indo-Pacific is concerned. A short thread: A. Expect change. It is somewhat obvious by Labour manifesto literally was run on the notion of ‘change’. For the IP what does that mean?
1. Change of vocabulary. The ‘tilt’ apt as it was to set right tone of expectations is likely to disappear together with global Britain lingo;
Jun 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
There’s something incredibly important in this tweet, one that makes a warship stand out as a fundamentally different military capability: it’s more than a combat platform. It is a reproduction in scale of a society and the values and social practices it is defined by. It is home and office. Restaurant and house kitchen. It is sports centre and ‘me’ space. A menu captures so many of these attributes. It also introduces us to what French scholar Foucault called the ultimate ‘heterotopia’: a constructed place in which ‘home’ is a combo of places;
Jan 13, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Again - important piece of info confirming that both UK AND US struck targets on the basis of legal notion of self-defence, which in turn explains why the last para in this note makes clear this was not part of the Prosperity Guardian operation. A couple of thoughts on this: 1. Proportionality. Emphasis on a legal basis for self-defence creates a clear ‘space’ in terms of depth and length of military action. Action is proportional to the type of challenge and threat to military assets in the Red Sea region;
Dec 10, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
Good evening. The pas few weeks have been quite eventful from a naval perspective. Several theatres have seen different types of action - all providing evidence of the declination of sea power in the contemporary world, and of how contested order at sea stands. A thread: Image I know. Cheeky to start off with an AI generated image. Rather misleading too because this thread is not about the US Navy -yet, it is important to stress that the irony of today’s contested seas is 25 years of assumed dominance leading to a critical lack of sustained investment.
Nov 12, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A Chinese dispute with the Philippines is a test of America - a fine piece citing ⁦@IBKardon superb book. With revealing quotes from known PRC military analysts.⁩…… There is also in the quotes a golden quotes:
“I consider a collision almost inevitable, given the high frequency of encounters,” says Mr Zhou. But if Chinese pilots stayed farther away, that would amount to “escorting America as it harms China’s interests”. Zhuo Buo.
Aug 30, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
Good morning Twitter. It is out. The @CommonsForeign report on the UK and the Indo-Pacific was released earlier today. @aliciakearns (and @TomTugendhat as he previous chair) led a key effort which reminds us of the power of democracies: A Thread on why this matters. Image First off, preliminary observations: The full report is available here: and is the result of a pretty comprehensive set of submissions, oral evidence sessions and used - for the first time in the UK Parliament - a policy simulation as method of analysis;…
Jul 19, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Good morning twitter. Yesterday was Defence Command Paper (DCP) Refresh day: - possibly the best document of this kind in a long time, when read next to the CP21 In fact one needs to read them together to make sense of it all. A🧵…… First off, a personal note for full disclosure. Having had the privilege to witness first hand the energy and vibrancy in action of some of the Head Office Reform, notably the establishment of SONAC in '22 I have a positive predisposition towards DCP. This is for 3 reasons: Image
Jul 12, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
NATO removes Tokyo office mention from joint communique - excellent summary of what is fast becoming a rather anti-climatic petty drama. ⁦@kenmoriyasu⁩ makes sense of a situation that is embarrassing for it reveals about Europe-Asia ties: a 🧵:… First off, a premise: I personally have no strong opinion on liaison office in Tokyo, since I don’t know what’s the gap between the alliance’s intention to actually develop a better grasp of the IP region, and bandwidth to enhance cooperation with key partners.
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Naval innovation in a maritime century - this was one of the concept papers ⁦we developed with ⁦@ConGeostrategy⁩. In this one on innovation - one of 3 concepts informing the programme- ⁦@salisbot⁩ and myself review the tech-innovation link:… A key notion set forth is here: ‘Technology is not, therefore, the analytical focus of the quest of innovation. Rather, it is a dependent variable which has to be reviewed against an attentive analysis of the demands of the strategic context of tomorrow.’
May 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Winning without fighting? Why China is exploring 'cognitive warfare' | all war is cognitive - Clausewitz was always clear: war starts on the mind of the adversary when they do not bend to your will. A chilling and thoughtful piece. Some key passages:… ‘The term refers to operations based on techniques and technologies such as AI aimed at influencing the minds of one’s adversaries and shaping their decisions, thereby creating a strategically favorable environment or subduing them without a fight’ - nothing revolutionary here;
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
NATO not likely to intervene in an Indo-Pacific conflict, says MSC chief | mmm. What an unfortunate comment. Unclear about the context ‘conflict’ is very generic; unclear about the action ‘intervention’. Which really points to a key thought:… It would be absolutely a desirable starting point for any self appointed European influential voice to perhaps stop giving opinions of little substance and perhaps develop some little regional competency as a way to acquire some strategic fluency. I know - I’m being radical here.
May 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Simon McDonald: “It’s the end of the game for Britain” - read attentively, this interview is indicative of the malaise behind the perceived irrelevance: a type of senior official that has very little to contribute to make a country diplomatically relevant:… ‘I had come to meet McDonald to discuss British grand strategy, expecting a bullish view of our place in the world. Instead, I encountered a man who could uncharitably be described as being resigned to British irrelevance’ - this passage is damming.
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Buongiorno Twitter. I'm back. The past 2 weeks have seen a flurry of commentary on the risks of an arms race in East Asia prompted by agreements like AUKUS. I don't agree with this view, and here I argue why that is the case:… - a short thread: It's about 'Tech Minilaterals'. Both AUKUS and GCAP (the trilats on subs and jets, and advanced capabilities going with them) witnessed significant milestone moments. They are part of targeted and tailored responses focused on specific capabilities for maritime-centric theatres.
Mar 15, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
おはよございますTwitter! Greetings from a stunningly beautiful Chiba where #DSEI_JAPAN_2023 is about to kick off. Let's do a proper thread on submarines and ask a crucial question: is there a case of post-1945 sub development to gain guidance on challenges Australia might face? The answer is: yes, that is Japan post-1945. The following thread reviews and summarises some key points in work I have done on JMSDF submarine development and that can be found here:…, and here:… - let's put experience in context:
Dec 16, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
Good morning Twitter. The long anticipated new frameworks of Japan's defence and security are out. On schedule as planned. Like clockwork. The original docs are here on the JMoD page -… some initial thoughts which I will follow up on as I plow through them: First things first. The deadline was set so the docs had to come out today. In 2013, the docs were out both in Japanese and English versions. Not this time. That's not entirely surprising since language fine tuning lasted until last minute See here:…
Nov 28, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Good evening Twitter. Tonight PM Sunak gave his first big foreign policy speech. The text is below. The PM comes as a politician with limited FP experience, and criticisms already are emerging which I think miss much needed context, so here is a thread:… Context: Linking economic prosperity and security in a maritime sense.
What does this mean? Many will not be familiar with the very first piece of writing the PM authored back in 2017. It was a groundbreaking piece on sea cables and economic resilience:…
Nov 1, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
Good morning Twitter. I am back. Courtesy of the Russian Navy's commitment to test if and how naval warfare evolves. Yes, a thread about the 'naval drone' attack conducted at the WE by seemingly Ukrainian forces against the Black Sea Fleet. Spoiler alert: NOT. A. REVOLUTION. First things first -as usual. Very grateful to @jkuehn50 for pinging me with @cdrsalamander latest - which as you'd expect - is spot on on the topic:… -Allow me though to offer some additional thoughts on why this matters strategically more than tactically.
Oct 13, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The Military is the Fourth Instrument of UK Power in the Indo-Pacific - a very strange piece from a most trusted analyst and a reminder that regional and thematic expertise need to go hand in hand for any analysis to make sense. Three points here:… 1. Premises. UK interests are presented as economic. No - not just. There are treaty obligations, political expectations, industrial projects. None of this is new, @CommonsForeign and @CommonsDefence run multiple sessions on these; I wrote on them in 2019:…
Aug 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
China’s huge exercises around Taiwan were a rehearsal, not a signal, says Oriana Skylar Mastro | This is a strong take but perhaps one raising three issues:… 1. The exercises are of much larger scale - yes. But so is the PLA. The key question is whether the Pelosi visit was the trigger or a happy set of circumstances; given prior behaviour I’d be tempted to suggest the latter;