Alex DeBrie Profile picture
💻 Independent consultant ⭐️ AWS Data Hero 📖 Author of Creator of ⚡️ Ex-@goserverless, @HudlEngineering ✉️ DM's open!
Feb 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
❗️Wrote something new today:

Event-driven architectures vs. event-based compute in serverless applications.

I see these terms used interchangeably a lot, but they are different, and the implications are important!… Event-driven architecture == asynchronous, decoupled, message-based communication between services.

Event-based compute == compute that is intimately tied to the occurrence of an event to trigger it.

All Lambda usage is event-based.

Not all Lambda usage is event-driven.
Jan 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I rumbled w/ @houlihan_rick about the DynamoDB Transact API yesterday. Following up w/ thoughts here.

I really like the DDB Txn API! I think it's well designed:

✅ Enables real use cases
✅ Communicates that transactions have a cost
✅ Prevents the most problematic transactions For use cases -- lots of examples, although it's not needed as often as you think. You can often design around it.

But, there is a reason there was a whole Java library for implementing transactions on the client-side in DDB. Sometimes you really need a transaction!
Jun 15, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
👋 I did a deep dive on database & distributed system consistency over the last 2 months, and finally got my thoughts together.

Check it out.…

High-level points below. First, there are three different uses of 'consistency' across these areas, and they only vaguely overlap:

1. 'Consistency' as the 'C' in CAP
2. 'Consistency' as the 'C' in ACID
3. Consistency models (think: Jepsen), which is somehow the 'C' from CAP plus the 'I' from ACID (??!)
Feb 12, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Good notes from @GergelyOrosz here, and he's right that the economics for individual creators can be tough.

Two notes from me on how the economics can be better than his rough calculations: 1) Going *straight* content can be hard (not impossible! There are examples of folks making all / most of their income from content -- @wesbos, @kentcdodds, @adamwathan).

But combining content with other, related income streams can be really effective.
Mar 30, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Last week, I did a presentation for a client that included (among other things), a discussion of DynamoDB and MongoDB.

Operational concerns aside, I think the biggest difference is this:

DynamoDB is authoritarian, while MongoDB is libertarian. 2/ If you've watched my talks, you've seen a slide like this. I like to discuss how DynamoDB partitions work and how they help keep DynamoDB performance consistent as your application scales.

For more, see my reinvent talk here:
Jul 16, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
I have a new chart I've been showing in my DynamoDB training and talks recently.

It's about DynamoDB performance, and there are two key points I want folks to understand:

1. DynamoDB is fast (not blazing fast! but definitely not slow)

2. DynamoDB perf is consistent

(cont.) Point 1: 'DynamoDB is fast.'

You'll get single-digit response times (at the server) from DynamoDB.

This is nice! Your users will appreciate that.

Jul 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Franck Pachot (@FranckPachot ) is an RDBMS expert and wrote a really nice response to an earlier post I wrote about how DynamoDB scales where relational databases don't. I highly recommend reading it.

Link below, with 3 thoughts from me to follow.

1. I'll trust Franck on the time complexity point for joins. He knows waaay more about this (and buffers & pages) than I do, so I'm a bit out over my skis there.

That said, I do think the general point about NoSQL (and DynamoDB in particular) + scalability hold up

Aug 11, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Smart, fair thoughts here by @ryan_marsh about the Serverless Framework plugin system. Thread coming with my thoughts on good (and less good) uses of @goserverless plugins.

Initial tweet, since I can't thread on a retweet: IMO, a SF plugin is best in three scenarios:

1) Extending the Framework's DSL to easily add more resources to your CloudFormation template. Example here is @acloudguru's Alerts plugin to add monitoring to your service.