Alex Le Profile picture
Advisor @Reddit, formerly EVP, Head of Product, Design, Community
May 30, 2019 21 tweets 6 min read
There’s an old PM joke that goes like this:

PMs hate Spider-Man. He gets to say “With great power comes great responsibility”. PMs have to say “With great responsibility comes NO power”.

Funny... but untrue. PMs love Spider-Man and they have a lot of power. Thread 👇 1/ The Spider-Man joke always bugged me because it seemed like something a PM might say to display some false modesty at best, or because they really had no idea how to lead at worst. Two ways you don’t want to portray yourself as a PM.
May 26, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
The Good Idea Corollary to @andrewchen’s Dumb Idea Paradox: Why starting a startup with an “obviously good idea” isn’t always a good time. Thread 👇 0/ I see two types of founders start companies. Type 1 are so obsessed with building a specific product that they can’t do anything else. Sometimes their ideas seem dumb. Type 2 are obsessed with building a great company, and aren’t tied to an idea. They look for good ideas.