Alex Holmes Profile picture
@UKLabour Councillor for Valentines Ward, Ilford 🌹 | Secretary of @IlfordNorthCLP | Chair of @RedbridgeCoop |
Sep 29, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Now that the window for nominations for Labour's NEC elections has closed, what can the 3938 nominations tell us? @labtowin have swept up a lot of nominations, but it appears that it will be an uphill battle for them to secure a majority of seats. (thread)… Labour to Win have undeniably exceeded expectations, securing nominations where they couldn't have been predicted to, with their strongest support in London. Meanwhile, Grassroots Voice (Momentum) has the strongest support in smaller-membership CLPs, such as in the South West.
Jan 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Tonight was the worst Labour party meeting I have ever attended. A member accused me and others of being 'agents of a foreign power' as they proposed a motion attacking the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Me and a Jewish member spoke against the motion, but the motion passed. Their motion claimed that there was 'no antisemitism in the Labour Party' and the proposers used multiple antisemitic tropes to make their point that the Board of Deputies is a 'Tory organisation' 'illegally interfering in the Labour leadership contest'
Feb 18, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Deeply shocked that my local MP @MikeGapes has chosen to resign from the Labour Party today. I've campaigned with and for Mike for many years. My first ever vote when I reached 18 was in the 2017 general election for Mike Gapes... I have found Mike to be a principled man who has worked hard for his constituents. I will miss campaigning with him for a Labour government. I share his concerns over the rise of antisemitism in the Labour Party and understand how he believes that resigning was his only option.