Alex Eble Profile picture
Associate Professor of Economics and Education @Columbia @TeachersCollege. Development economist, enthusiast.
Jul 7, 2021 31 tweets 15 min read
This🧵is about a tricky problem in education

The problem: despite growing global wealth and technological progress, there are extremely poor parts of the world where most children grow up illiterate and innumerate

We have two new papers showing that this can be changed

1/n Here are the papers, one in the Journal of Development Economics

and one in the Journal of Public Economics (…)

Our tl;dr message:

Jul 17, 2018 26 tweets 7 min read

Dear PhD students and advisors: with input from @jscottclayton @peterbergman_ @amrasabicPHD and our students, I put together a collection of advice and best practices for thriving in a PhD, with a focus on econ and related fields.

This thread is the tl;dr version You can find the full document here:…

Note: tons of this came from twitter and other internet pals. While I try to cite as many people as possible, some names are probably not named. Sorry! Thank you anyway!

Alright, here goes: