Alexey Guzey Profile picture
interested in the past and in the future
Eli Tyre Profile picture Yomi Shishio Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
a regular reminder that macaskill is a shameless fraud
Image the fact that he's still the leader of the ea community tells you all you need to know about them. ask women in the ea community about his dating habits as well
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Still one of the best book openings ever. Image Image
Dec 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
most decisions are fake. we don't truly understand options (literally not aware of them; feel like the right thing is impossible; can't overcome fear/awkwardness) + most decisions have a "silver-bullet" factor & are autoresolved if set up right. i found helpful to:

1. no trying to make decision at start, instead set a 60s timer, close eyes, and try to write down all thoughts that come to mind about it. if timer is out -> start new thought. if 60s no new thoughts -> finish.
2. what's default? (if don't know, not good!)
Mar 25, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Since 1980, NIH increased funding of scientists 66 and older >10x and decreased funding of scientists 35 and younger >10x.

If we don't do something about it, in a few decades we'll have no science to speak of.

Here's what @newscienceorg's doing about it… Our goal with the fellowship is simple: to provide maximal leverage to young scientists who are working on ambitious ideas in the basic life sciences. Fellows will work in Cambridge, MA, at @enginexyz's new building, w/ state-of-the-art shared facilities.…
Oct 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
US Recon training bootcamp involves you literally being hunted and tortured while you're under-sleeping, under-eating, and under-equipped. Is there an equivalent of this training that could be relevant to our day-to-day life? lots of replies but note that:

1. banking, startups, etc. are NOT training. They're equivalent of being on a mission, not being in bootcamp. What's bootcamp for *them*?

2. in contrast to marine recons, most doctors are incompetent and med schools are terrible at training them
Aug 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Keep thinking about the fact that Walker falsified data and plainly lied about the most basic facts about sleep like the relationships between sleep and mortality and sleep and cancer and yet *nobody gives a fuck* - neither other public intellectuals, nor UC Berkeley, nor media and that instead of deciding that the book is trash, people decide that all of the lies come from the right place and can therefore be forgiven. Image
May 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Something I wish I understood when I was a teenager:

90% of adults are utterly unambitious. When they give you life advice, they will suggest things that satisfy their personal ambitions, not your ambitions. Be extra cautious around adults you like and respect (parents, profs..) also great points:

Dec 27, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ if you're thinking about your 2019 donations, instead of going to GiveWell and absent-mindedly donating to whatever charity they recommend... 2/ ...consider donating to a local charity that will help your community or your town (there are probably good local charities)...
Dec 3, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
the curriculum for my future children (I'm 100% serious):

ages 0-10: English, Russian, Mandarin, RTS + FPS videogames. No math. 11-16: only academic requirement is to spend time working on something you find stimulating and learning *something* + have to write reports on what you find about your interests and the type of work you like.
May 19, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
1/ this essay is brilliant

"I’ve been a graduate student in physics for almost three years, but I only recently figured out why."

some highlights: 2/ "I ended up in physics through stubbornness, and an unusual willingness to suffer for the sake of grades. ... I swapped an absolute goal (figuring out how bits of nature work) with a relative one (scoring higher on tests than my classmates)"
Mar 26, 2019 14 tweets 5 min read
1/ Ignore any paper based on self-reported data… 2/ “60% of the “vegetarians” reported having eaten meat within the last 24 hours.”…
Nov 30, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
1/n One of @gwern's best essays ever is a review of a book nobody has ever heard of.

It's about looking into the future, seeing exactly what awaits us, and being unable to capitalize on this knowledge, because you only know *what* will be and not *when* it will be. 2/n "one quickly realizes that yes, person X was 100% right about Y happening even when everyone thought it insane, but X was off by a few years & jumped the gun & so Z was the person who wound up taking all the spoils."
Nov 30, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
a side-effect of universal peer-review: everybody steals your ideas

in computer science:… in biology:…
Apr 1, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
1/n genius vs technical proficiency 2/n genius and (psychosis and ego-strength )