building the tik tok shop for digital businesses, follow to see the journey @thepaydapp
3 subscribers
Dec 8, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
4 years ago I was in college playing tennis with no clue what I’d do
Today, I wake up to this view every morning
I don’t have set work hours
I don’t look at prices
Here’s what I’d do if I had to start from 0
Everyone I know that’s become successful focuses on these 4 pillars
1) skills 2) capital 3) audience 4) network
They all build off each other, but it has to start with a skill
Aug 7, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
You want to start a SaaS
But you don’t know where to start
Steal my full playbook to start a SaaS A-Z that I’ve used 5+ times & dozens of others I’ve consulted
Keep reading 👇🏻 1) We need an idea
- check acquire(dot)com for inspiration
- go on producthunt and look at top upvoted SaaS for a specific niche
- find a common problem in the niche you’re already in
Mar 14, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
ChatGPT is going to make me copious amounts of money in 2023
Here's how you can too👇 1. Content Agency
I spend 4-5 hours per week creating written content for twitter and linkedin
you can offer content creation for these platforms as a service for cheap ($500/mo) and use chatGPT to fulfill the service
Mar 13, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Want to start a SaaS this year?
in this thread I will:
> give you an idea
> do your market research
> give you MVP ideas / how to build
> your go to market strategy
Let's go 👇
1/ Idea
I know the B2B sales niche incredibly well
a SaaS idea that I know I could sell to my audience, is a power dialer for cold calling teams
there's also opportunity to easily use info to push people to the product
people also sleep on cold calling
Feb 28, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
I created a no code SaaS in 48 hours
I got my first customer on day 4
Here's what I've built and how you can do the same
THREAD 👇 1/ Ideation
I used chatGPT to get some ideas
I wanted to do a fine tuned model because I know how to build those easily
I settled on a fine tuned model to generate linkedin posts
Feb 27, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The easy days of making money are gone
95% of people will get crushed
Here's how to THRIVE in 2023
(mini thread) 👇
1/ Sharpen Your Skills
I don't care if you've already made a bunch of money online
not the time to get complacent, continue to improve at your craft
find bigger mentors, reread books, get new courses
Feb 21, 2023 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
3 years ago, I was a broke D1 college athlete taking 11 calls on my friday evenings
today, I'm financially free living in miami
Here's the story of how it happened 🧵 1/ My schedule
wake up 5am
practice 6am - 8:30am
class 9am - 1pm MWF
Lunch 1:15
weights 2pm - 3:30
rest of my day: study, homework, binge YT, read books, outreach, sales calls
Feb 15, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
This is Alex Becker
he recently sold his company, Hyros, for $110m
let's breakdown his brilliant strategy and evolution to get here & how you can copy it 👇 1/ many many years ago he got his start in ecom & also he had an agency
by being immersed in these two niches, he began very good at one thing, media buying.
but, he found an issue.
Feb 6, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Which No Code Builder Should You Use to Build Your SaaS? 👇👇 1/ Bubble(dot)io
by far the best option if you have the budget
both Closify & Trackify are built on Bubble
if you want an intro to a Bubble dev DM me "bubble"
Feb 5, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
I've founded or co founded 3 SaaS companies in the last 2 years
(& exited 1)
Here's a compilation of my biggest learnings thus far 👇
1/ Beware of Cheap Devs
yes, even with no code
they often build your project in a way that can't easily be built on top of later
avoid cheap devs - DM me "bubble" if you need an intro to a quality dev
Feb 4, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
If you have $10,000 in your bank account
here's what I'd do with it this year to create an asset you can sell that also pays you monthly
(keep reading)👇 1/ What niche are you in?
if you see this tweet, I assumr you're familiar with a niche
whether it's sales, SMMA, ecom, copywriting, etc
come up with 5 SaaS ideas for your niche you're familiar with
Jan 26, 2023 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
Working on a SaaS?
Here's your pre launch guide to follow to guarantee customers day 1👇
1. Build your waitlist landing page
call out your ideal client profile, describe benefits, and offer an incentive to sign up for waitlist
incentives can be:
>> discounts
>> extended trials
>> free info products
Jan 22, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Iman Gadzhi shut down his $100k/m profit agency to go all in on SaaS
Here's why you should consider the same👇 1/
Iman is very intelligent
he knows wealth is made in exits and not purely cash flow
he got to a point where the 100k/mo profit literally wasn't worth his time to run anymore as it wasn't sellable
Jan 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Let's address the elephant in the room about no code SaaS
Can you sell it??
(mini thread)👇
the answer is: absolutely yes
here's the thing you need to understand: unless you own a PATENT
no code vs code really has the same moats
the both take time & money
Jan 8, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
If you only gave me 4 weeks to:
> find a SaaS idea
> Build an MVP
> Launch the SaaS
> Get paying customers
here's how I'd do it 👇
1. Interview my friends
I have a lot of friends in business so I'd ask them questions like
> what softwares do you currently use?
> What softwares don't you like that you use?
> what features do you wish they had?
> what do you spend a lot of time on that you wish you didn't?
Jan 6, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
I got an idea, built, launched, and sold a no code SaaS in 4 months
Trackify launched mid August, and I sold it to @Lukealexxander in November
Here's exactly how it happened start to finish 👇 @Lukealexxander 1. The idea
My main company, Closify, has amassed over 200 clients
I asked what other issues they faced
a recurring problem occured, no good way to track sales reps KPI's and do reporting
best option was google forms
Jan 5, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
This is Alex Becker
he recently sold his company, Hyros, for $110m
let's breakdown his brilliant strategy and evolution to get here & how you can copy it 👇 1/ many many years ago he got his start in ecom & also he had an agency
by being immersed in these two niches, he began very good at one thing, media buying.
but, he found an issue.
Jan 4, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In SaaS once you have product market fit
everything is about reducing churn & increasing LTV
and slowly adding more cusotmer acquisition channels
My favorite no code SaaS builder for beginners is softr