Alex Criddle Profile picture
MA in Philosophy: philosophy of mind, mental illness, psychedelics, mysticism, occult, mormon history, birds, permaculture. Plant guy! @EntheoMagus
Dec 14, 2021 101 tweets 15 min read
Time for a @threadapalooza on plant intelligence! Plants can recognize family, can pay attention to their surroundings, communicate with each other, have memory, and more!
Let's jump into the forest together! Plants are Aware of their neighbors.
When sibling plants grow next to each other, their leaves will often touch and intertwine, while stranger plants near each other grow upright and avoid touching,
Dec 13, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
I think the way gifts/gifting work is problematic. And maybe this is just my jaded experience, but I'm curious how others give gifts.
Do you:
A. Send a list to friends/family or want a list from them
B. Not send list & hope for the best
C. Give verbal ideas
D. Other/See results I really don't like sending out a list and having people buy you things from it. It's not gift-giving anymore. It's a transaction. It feels obligatory and like a social requirement.
Nov 24, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
This is exactly why paying attention to where you came from is so damn important. I don't think you're ever *actually* an agent until you've become aware of what familial dynamics are at play in your life.
My mom's dad royally fucked his kids over. And I'm dealing with that. 1/ Had I, like @visakanv says, truly recognized that my parents were the cause of many of these behaviors WHILE ALSO recognizing that their parents were the source of their behaviors, perhaps we might have actually been able to get along better. 2/
Nov 13, 2021 57 tweets 9 min read
Do you think plants can be intelligent, learn new things, or make deliberate choices? If you answered no, you suffer from Plant Blindness. Research suggests that they can do all of those things and more!
A 🧵: All of the following examples support the idea that plants can make choices. They have a variety of information inputs, take stock of that information, and then make a choice based on it.