#TrumpIsTheAntichrist Profile picture
Trump/Musk are corrupt treasonous lying racist fascist death cult leaders & threaten the survival of the USA. #ImpeachTrump #TrumpisTheAntichrist
Dec 15, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read

It's often said that Democrats and Republicans don't agree on a common set of facts anymore and that is why our politics have gone off the rails.

Here is a list of facts about our president. Does any Republican dispute any of these? --Ran a scam university that was shit down by a lawsuit,

--Ran a scam charity that donated illegally to political campaigns that was shut down by a lawsuit ,

--Runs a hotel in DC that gets international business and republican business that helps him
Oct 2, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read

I have heard non-stop complaints from the right about "hysterical" and unfair Democratic treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, and even praising Lindsay Graham's diatribe in the hearing last week (e.g. Kathleen Parker's recent nauseating column). As far as I've seen, Democratic politicians have bent over backwards to be fair and judicious about Brett Kavanaugh. However, the Democratic base is definitely upset, and they have every reason to be upset.