Alex Plitsas 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Tech Exec, @SOAAorg Board, @AtlanticCouncil Counterterrorism | Fmr: Bridgewater Associates, Pentagon, IC, @NorthropGrumman | Iraq & Afghan | American & Hopkins
Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Lori Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Elke Profile picture 5 subscribed
Sep 10 • 39 tweets • 8 min read
🧵 9/11 🧵

23 years ago, I was a NYC resident. Our neighbor in the condo next door, Bronx Borough President Fernando “Freddy” Ferrer, was running in the Democratic primary for Mayor on 9/11. He could be Mayor, I thought! I went to bed not having any idea what was to come.

We had moved in into a building in the Riverdale section of the Bronx directly on the Hudson River a few years prior. My parents were oncologists working at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan. We were in 5C and Freddy was in 5B

May 23 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I’m back from Doha after a series of update meetings with a number of Ambassadors and hostage specialists. It does not look optimistic but not due to lack of trying by mediators. Incredibly frustrating and complicated. The Qataris are doing amazing work and are under appreciated. Final deals end with a technocratic government in Gaza that do not include any senior Hamas officials and agreeing to it would be the beginning of the end for Sinwar. He has no motivation to sign up for his own demise even if to better the people of Gaza. It’s self preservation.
Nov 30, 2023 • 32 tweets • 6 min read

I just witnessed ~45 minutes of footage of the October 7th terrorist attack at the @AtlanticCouncil courtesy of @IsraelinUSA along with colleagues from think tanks across the ideological spectrum. What I saw was worse than I’ve ever seen.

Pure evil.

***Trigger Warning*** The video footage is a compilation from GoPro cameras, cell phones, CCTV, radio intercepts, and social media from the terrorists and the victims. It was unedited without editorializing and strung together in sequence. In many cases, you saw both the terrorist and the victims view
Nov 29, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read

Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Syrian militias, Popular Mobilization Forces, & Houthi Rebels are the terror groups who conducted the terrorist attack on October 7th and/or have been firing at Israeli civilians & U.S. bases. All funded, armed, & directed by Iran. Iran has developed or supported these proxy forces to maintain standoff and plausible deniability in some cases, in order to prevent having to take direct action, or be held directly accountable for those actions, in pursuit of its foreign policy objectives.
Oct 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Iran threatened to attack from Yemen, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon if they are struck directly in a deterrence message to the U.S. and Israel some days ago

Now on the precipice of the incursion into Gaza:

Houthis missiles stopped by U.S. war ship

Syria drone attack U.S. bases

👇🏼 Houthis launched a missile attack and it was intercepted by a U.S. warship…
Oct 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Iran told Israel through the UN today that it doesn’t want an escalation but if the operation in Gaza continues, it’ll have to get involved. Iran knows the ground operation is going to happen so it could be setting a red line knowing it will be crossed and use it as justification Also, Israel has been striking airport in Syria is a known transit point for arms from Iran to Hezbollah. It is likely Iran was going to fly in weapons and Israel caught wind. That says they are at least preparing for conflict and most likely through a proxy like Hezbollah.
Aug 7, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🧵Thread 🧵

Putin has been using Wagner Group in Africa to extract natural resources to bypass sanctions in return for providing “security.” Putin recently admitted to paying them. Wagner is accused of rape, torture, & murder that Wagner calls security in many African countries Sudan

“Kill, terrorize, expel: Testimonies detail atrocities by Wagner-backed militia in Sudan”…
Jul 18, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 Thread 🧵

“According to Schumer, “the sheer number and variety” of UFO-related claims “led some in Congress to believe that the [U.S. government] was concealing important information regarding UAPs over broad periods of time.”… “Moreover, as noted in the legislation, “credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government [UFO] records exist that have not been declassified” as required by law.”
Jul 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read

Some of the biggest pro-Russia propaganda Twitter accounts are run by criminals and dirt bags

Let’s take a look

1. Scott Ritter

“Scott Ritter exchanged online messages with '15-year-old Emily' - in reality undercover policeman Ryan Venneman - before masturbating in front of a web cam after the undercover officer stressed he was a minor”…
Mar 19, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Iraq War 20 year anniversary

From my tours on the ground in Baghdad during the Surge and afterwards

Battle of Sadr City, 2008 — third battle scene in “American Sniper” Battle of Sadr City, 2008 — third battle scene in “American Sniper”
Mar 19, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 Thread 🧵

After 20 years & a few tours, this is what the Iraq War taught me:

Restrain the U.S. of military force unless absolutely necessary

You break it, you own it. You own it, you fix it.

Nation and State building are long term efforts and costly in blood and treasure We won the opening battle of the war and eventually, the counterinsurgency, only to lose state building to Iranian influence

Superior military technology and weaponry isn’t enough if an insurgency has popular support

Hearts and minds matter more than most realize
Mar 17, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
“The @AtlanticCouncil @N7_Initiative hosted a conference this week in the United Arab Emirates aimed at promoting cooperation between Israel and the Arab world in order to find results that serve a broader community of people.” @TreyYingst for @FoxNews… “Our goal is to produce innovative regional solutions to the shared challenges of climate change, water scarcity, and food insecurity," @OE164 Oren Eisner , President of the Jeffrey M. Talpins Foundation, said in a statement.”