To avoid misunderstandings or being followed by people whose values I do not share: I am Anti-Nazi. Anti-neoliberal, Anti-globalist and Anti-communist.
19 subscribers
Mar 17 • 15 tweets • 2 min read
Suffering is often a key driver of spiritual growth because it forces us to reevaluate our values, beliefs, and the way we live. Although no one wants to suffer, through difficult experiences we gain wisdom, compassion and a deeper
understanding of ourselves and the world.
Why is suffering important for spiritual development?
Mar 12 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
Everything is vibration. Everything that exists is a manifestation of the frequencies that weave through the fabric of reality. However, these vibrations are not just movement - they are the language of the universe, they are cosmic DNA. If the
electromagnetic wave is understood as a cosmic double helix, then reality is revealed as a coded system with two sides - a meaningful (coding) side,which transmits and constructs information,and an anti-meaningful (non-coding) side, which only passively reflects that information.
Mar 9 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
What Does Elon Musk's Grok AI Logo Mean?
There has been three versions of X's AI Chatbot named Grok. The version of the logo today appears to indicate a Saturn like shape. Because of the education we've been exposed to throughout our lives, most people will think nothing of
said logo.
Now the symbol "X" itself (before our letter X was associated with the new name of Twitter) has often been associated with the planet Saturn. The primary ancient symbol for Saturn (a sigil) includes several X's in its formation. X is the 24th letter of our alphabet
Mar 9 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
We live in a world designed by the rich, for the rich. Everything, from the media you use to the advice you receive, has been carefully curated to keep you trapped in the rat race as they soar higher. It's time to pull back the curtain and discover the truths
the rich don't want you to know. Prepare yourself, because what you're about to learn may shatter every illusion you've sold.
Mar 5 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Breakfast is delayed, not skipped! Namely, what happens if we move breakfast for 180 minutes or more? 1. Cleaning the body in turbo mode
When you skip the standard breakfast time, you prolong autophagy - a process where your body recycles damaged cells and cleans internal "garbage. " The result? Regeneration at the cellular level, less inflammation and, believe it or not, slowing
Feb 21 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
The Law of Abundance says that we are all part of an infinite Universe that knows no limitations. The true essence of abundance is not just in material things, but in an inner sense of fulfillment, connection and trust in life. 1. Abundance as a natural state of mind
The soul is connected to a divine source that is infinite and limitless. When we let go of our fears, insecurities, and beliefs of scarcity, we return to our natural state of abundance.
Feb 19 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
👉1. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Baking soda is a basic chemical compound known as sodium bicarbonate. It needs an acid to trigger its leavening power.
When baking soda reacts with an acidic component like lemon juice,
yogurt, or vinegar, carbon dioxide gas is produced. This causes the batter or dough to rise rapidly, which means you need to bake it immediately after mixing.
Baking soda is perfect for recipes with acidic elements, such as buttermilk, sour cream, or molasses. It's commonly
Feb 17 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Alan Dulles, director of the CIA (1953-1961), sent a directive to the American security services entitled "Doctrine of American Struggle against the East":
The war is over, we will slowly build everything, and we will give
everything we have, all the gold, all the material power, to fooling and driving people crazy. The human brain, the consciousness of people are prone to change. If we sow chaos there, we will imperceptibly plant false values ​​and force them to accept those values. How? We will
Feb 14 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
LINOLEIC AND LINOLENIC polyunsaturated fatty acids are the best carriers of PHOTONS (electrons) of solar radiation, which are also the best usable energy for all biochemical processes that occur in the cells of the human
These electrons are called PI-electrons.
PI-electrons are electrons in a carbon atom that participate in a weak PI-bond that is active between two neighboring carbon atoms.
In such a doubly covalent compound -HC=CH- there is also a strong bond that is less reactive.
Feb 4 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
A list of the most common shadow aspects that people suppress and the physical ailments that usually manifest as a result of them: 1. Suppress anger and rage
Physical complaints: migraines, high blood pressure, chronic pain (especially in the jaw, neck and shoulders), liver dysfunction, digestive problems (acid reflux, ulcers, IBS).
Feb 3 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
No matter what or who is the cause of life's accidents, behind everything there is a test for the people who inhabit this planet. The exam consists of our response to a collective misfortune. Will people massively show compassion for
those who are suffering, will they take concrete action to help and prevent further disasters like this, will they bring awareness on a spiritual basis why it happened, etc...
Because everything is better than silence. Evil thrives when good people keep quiet and do nothing.
Feb 2 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
The Law of Infinite Love is a universal spiritual principle that says that love is the fundamental force that drives the entire universe. This law claims that love is omnipresent, infinite and permeating and that it is the true essence of existence. When we are
in accordance with this law, we experience inner peace,harmony and fulfillment.
Many spiritual traditions speak of love as the highest vibration, an energy that connects all people and beings. Infinite love is not only an emotion, but also a state of consciousness - one in which
Jan 29 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
The law of natural order says that everything in the universe is connected and in perfect balance, as long as we don't disturb it. It is the principle by which nature works, from the simplest cycles, such as the alternation of day and night, to complex
systems such as ecosystems and the human body. Everything has its natural flow, and our task is to respect and adapt to it, rather than trying to control or change it.
Basic principles of the law of natural order
Jan 25 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
During the last 70 - 80 years, children with talents, abilities and physical traits that differ from the previous ones began to be born among people. It is estimated that there are about 100 million people on the planet now,
children and adults. They have different qualities of the light body compared to other human beings, and they are endowed with new abilities and talents that are necessary to change the consciousness of mankind, and possess unique qualities that are impossible to comprehend by
Life rarely gives us the closure we crave. The human heart longs for
Jan 14 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Is there a link between physical and energetic parasites? Certain researchers say that parasites control most human behavior by hacking their subconscious mind through their intestines. These inner entities cause you to create traumatic connections with other
people so that your frequency stays in the root chakra. These parasitic entities need your energy at the lowest possible frequencies in order to feed on it. They literally cannot survive in a highly alkaline environment that vibrates in the crown chakra.
Jan 13 • 28 tweets • 5 min read
It is now quite clear to us that almost everything, if not everything, that the system offers us is a lie, a lie, the opposite of what we should see.
This time I will start with the calendar. Our ancestors lived in harmony and harmony with nature, and used a calendar that was
aligned with the lunar cycles. Thirteen-month calendar. And with the change of the calendar to a 12-month calendar, with a new summer in the middle of winter, the scattered days, in which there is no logic, broke the balance and the awareness of acting according to natural laws.
Jan 13 • 20 tweets • 3 min read
just read this...Proof that Pacific Palisades was deliberately burned! DEWs, BlackRock and WEF exposed in brutal land grab - CALIFORNIA fire!
January 10, 2025
The fires that swept through Pacific Palisades were not an accident or the result of negligence. They were an organized
attack, a deliberate act designed to violently reshape the landscape in preparation for a dystopian vision of smart cities controlled by artificial intelligence. The evidence is overwhelming, the timeline incriminating, and the agenda undeniable.
January 2025 is the clearest
Jan 12 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
We are accustomed to perceiving the body as something separate from ourselves, constantly trying to fix something, or being dissatisfied with it. We keep going to some child, taking pills and supplements, bothering ourselves with training, in
an attempt to improve its appearance and functionality. We follow everything that society dictates. But the body is not just a physical shell, but a complex instrument that reflects our inner state, our emotional landscape and life choices.
The human body is a true biologically
Jan 11 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
There are so many techniques to work on yourself, the healing methods are so liberating. But it requires a certain amount of time of constant work on yourself. These are deep processes where you work on a comprehensive level: spirit, soul,
consciousness and body. As a result you will have a lasting feeling of joy, happiness and love. Then there is a jump in consciousness and understanding of everything that surrounds you. The vibration of your body changes. What you change in yourself, you change in your entire
Jan 11 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
TREE OF LIFE: ANKH: Egyptian Hieroglyph For Life
The Tree Of Life in Egypt has the Circle of Spirit above the
Cross of Matter or Earth:
This forms the sacred
In Arabic, the Tree Of Life based on 10 Spheres or Planetary Energies is called The Qaballah which literally
means “The Cube Of God”. Qaba is Cube and Allah is God. Literally the Container of Creation.
Billions of followers ritually circumambulate or walk around a giant black Cube in Mecca.
The centre of this Map of Consciousness is the Sun or Tiphareth.
Each planet or Sphere has a