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Political Editor @BloombergUK
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Jun 29 8 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

— the Tory campaign now expects to lose dozens of seats previously considered completely safe to the LibDems

— it sees large numbers of people in the south of England voting tactically to get their local Tory MP out… — Tory activists in places like Henley report not meeting anyone saying they’re going to vote Tory for hours at a time

— at least two Cabinet ministers have been told by CCHQ they are going to lose their seats to the LibDems and had resources withdrawn…
Apr 27 9 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

* ‘Operation Save Rishi’ gave Sunak his best week as PM and will get him through the locals, allies believe

* Mordaunt WON’T challenge PM, allies say plot’s fizzling out

* Rwanda timeline sees July election talk ramp up… — Sunak allies say he upped the tempo this week with welfare, Rwanda, defence announcements grabbing agenda

— it was the week he entered election campaign mode, one said

— critic praises smart politics by No10, bemoaning why it’s taken so long…
Apr 6 9 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

— Tory MPs are floating the idea of a “unity Cabinet” of moderates + right-wingers, led by Mordaunt, if Sunak can’t survive May 2

— No10 is seriously considering a big shift to the right on migration/ECHR to stop letters… — May 2 locals are the moment of maximum danger for Sunak. Most expect him to get thru it

— but if Tories lose Street, Houchen and 450+ councillors, it could trigger a leadership crisis, MPs say

— PM ally admits 30% chance of a serious move against him…
Mar 18 8 tweets 4 min read

**No10 is now ruling out holding an election in the summer**

— comes after an ally of Sunak threatened an earlier-than-expected vote if Tory MPs move against the PM

— person familiar says idea of an earlier election is rubbish… — within a few hours Sunak’s operation forced to kill summer election talk

— threat briefed last night by senior ally

— that caused fury among MPs who said they’d remove Sunak if he tried it

— now sources saying he won’t call earlier-than-expected vote…
Feb 10 10 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

*Tories and Labour BOTH face bitter infighting

🔵 Sunak/No10 aides blasted over PMQs. Kemi/Penny accused of manoeuvres. Plotters plan next salvo

🔴 Sue Gray’s leaks fury. Blame game aims at Lucy Powell v pro-Reeves hawks… — Sunak and his top No10 aides are accused by other Tories of being bad at politics after his Piers Morgan handshake and PMQs trans joke

— even a loyalist admits he’s slow to react under pressure

— fears he could fall apart in a ‘presidential’ campaign…
Jan 20 10 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

Some Tory MPs — even Rishi Sunak allies — are starting to fear a worst-case scenario: electoral wipeout

They’re asking: what if the polls just don’t narrow?

Ie. What if it’s not Major 92 or 97, but more like Canada 93?… — conventional wisdom is that polls will close as we get nearer election day, with Tory strategists hoping to get the gap down to single figures

— but some are starting ask the unthinkable: what if that just doesn’t happen and Labour’s lead isn’t soft?…
Dec 9, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

How Rishi Sunak went from being a sceptic of the Rwanda plan — and instinctively relaxed about high legal migration — to betting his political future on a policy he never loved… — When Priti Patel first proposed Rwanda in spring 2022, chancellor Sunak didn’t think much of it

— Sunak and the Treasury privately expressed doubts on logistical, value for money and ethical grounds, according to six people involved in the policy work…
Dec 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

— Rishi Sunak is now polling **worse than Liz Truss** with the key voters who decided the last election

— Sunak has presided over a “year of decline” that’s caused an “implosion” in the Tory vote, according to a major study by @JLPartnersPolls… — @JLPartnersPolls analysed 12 months plus of polls by nine polling companies to plot voting intention of key 2019 Tory voters

— they say this gives a deeper and more nuanced assessment of true public opinion

— the results are fascinating and brutal >>…
Dec 2, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

— Rishi Sunak is getting increasingly tetchy in Downing Street, according to people who work there, especially after the Rwanda Supreme Court decision

— that frustration is spreading through a jumpy Cabinet… — No10 deny suggestions of tempers flaring on Supreme Court day

— but it’s been a hard two weeks in the bunker

— Cabinet split on Rwanda has seen law delayed. Autumn Statement landed well but was immediately overshadowed by migration figs. Then Marbles…
Nov 13, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
NEW: Rishi Sunak’s reshuffle opens a deep rift with the Tory right and sparks criticism that he doesn’t have a coherent political strategy

— Right-wingers accuse the PM of a purge. They spent the day plotting how to fight Sunak *before* the election… 🛒 one Tory official says Sunak is the new trolley, lurching from reset to reset, tacking to the right recently on net zero and culture war rhetoric, now curiosly moving to the centre with Cameron

🛥️ MP says he’s a yacht listing from right to left…
Aug 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW: Home Office officials and the UK Health Security Agency repeatedly warned the government about the risks of an infectious disease outbreak on board vessels holding migrants, prior to the Bibby Stockholm Legionella evacuation, people familiar said… Home Office officials advised ministers they could be sued by asylum seekers if they became ill while living on ships / barges under government care, the sources said

It was one of the reasons the policy was previously rejected…
Jun 3, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
EXCLUSIVE: The Covid Inquiry is trying to track down 2 previously unknown WhatsApp groups integral to govt decision making

Members: Simon Case, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and senior officials

Cabinet Office only handing over what it deems “relevant”… 🤳 WhatsApp Group 1: Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty, other senior Cabinet Office officials

🤳 WhatsApp Group 2: Vallance, Whitty, senior Cabinet Office and Treasury officials, permanent secretaries of key departments…
May 30, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Bloomberg has obtained written legal advice from the government‘s top lawyer Sir James Eadie KC to the Cabinet Office

It advises them NOT to hand over “politically sensitive” material about ministers’ private discussions to the Covid inquiry… Eadie advised that disclosing “politically sensitive” material to the inquiry on discussions between ministers would breach Cabinet collective responsibility, which allows confidentiality to debate policy

Govt tonight insists it’s an important principle…
May 9, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
NEW: Russia is trying eliminate Ukrainian identity in the areas it’s occupied, to ensure they can never be reintegrated into Ukraine, European intelligence officials said

Putin has little interest in negotiating over those areas, officials have assessed… Moscow has entrenched its control of large parts of southern and eastern Ukraine by engineering cultural and demographic shifts through violence, economic coercion and the replacement of local populations, the officials said…
Apr 15, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

Rishi Sunak is considering cutting inheritance tax at the next election, according to people familiar

Senior Tories think this could be the secret weapon to close the polls… Sunak was privately keen on the idea of a pre-election inheritance tax cut back when he was chancellor, and it remains a live option

That’s according to ministers in the current govt who also served with Sunak when he was chancellor…
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Readout

Biden trip brings warm words but few tangible wins...

...and it was awkward to organise behind the scenes... but no disasters.

Sort of sums up UK-US relations under Biden >>… @BloombergUK — UK officials are relieved Biden came at all. At one point they feared no NI exec would mean he'd cancel

— but that odd brush-by on the tarmac and tea today was not the dream result... and was no accident

— whispers from Brit side suggest hiccups…
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Home Office rejected plan to put migrants on ships/barges last year because it could be MORE expensive than using hotels

— Leaked docs show costs of £100,000s-an-HOUR to moor ships

— Officials warned it could surpass the £7m-a-day for hotels… Home Office officials advised the previous govt that ports would likely reject requests to moor cruise ships holding migrants for months on end, or charge exorbitant costs

There would also be greater safety and security issues for the people on board…
Mar 11, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

Rishi Sunak staked his premiership on stopping small boats

But members of his govt, Home Office officials and Tory MPs on the right and centre fear the policy is unworkable, and warn the political strategy could backfire… No10 aides were delighted with how the boats bill landed this week. Positive write-ups in Tory-leaning papers

Aides saw the BBC’s decision to repeatedly lead the news on Gary Lineker — highlighting the govt v left/lib divide — as Christmas come early…
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
EXCLUSIVE: The UK government suspects Russian nationals have exploited lax checks by the companies register in attempts to launder war profits stolen from Ukraine

Story with @AlbertoNardelli >>… UK law enforcement has identified large numbers of sham companies incorporated in Britain by foreign nationals, likely to launder money or evade tax

Hundreds are controlled by Russians

Some are now trying to exploit the war in Ukraine for financial gain…
Feb 4, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

The Tory party needs to raise £25 million in the next year after a donor exodus left a black hole in its finances

Story on troubles at Conservative HQ and the challenges for the next party chairman — the job no one wants… When Nadhim Zahawi took the job in October he was alarmed to find CCHQ had been running at £5 million in the red last year

At one point CCHQ went into its overdraft on its bank account to pay its staff wage bill, according to people familiar…
Jan 28, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
NEW: @BloombergUK Saturday read

— what happened at Chequers on Thursday
— Hunt’s entrenched inflation warning
— big NHS emergency plan coming Monday
— ‘radical’ small boats law coming in Feb
— Isaac Levido says it’s not over yet… Tory strategist Isaac Levido’s Chequers presentation was uncompromising, finding a widespread feeling in Britain that nothing’s working

But also that people didn’t feel particularly strongly about Labour, they just wanted a govt to get its act together…