Alfred Lua Profile picture
Founder dad. Building and exploring in AI. @pebblely_ai Past: @dashibase @vispunkai Magic Blocks, Alfie, Augment Notes. From @buffer @referralcandy.
Jul 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Why I chose Ghost over Substack and WordPress for my paid newsletter, Yeti Distro

tldr: More control, less effort

A thread. Over the past 3 months, I've grown Yeti Distro from scratch to ~100 subscribers (~20 paying). I hope you can learn a few things from my experience.
May 25, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
We tried OKRs for a few quarters at Buffer and stopped because we felt it didn’t work for us. Reading Measure What Matters now, I realized I’ve misunderstood many parts of OKRs.

Excited to properly learn it now! I only read a few blog posts and watched a video about it then. In hindsight, it’s silly I thought that was enough to understand the whole system and not dig deeper.
Dec 28, 2018 27 tweets 8 min read
My journey building an app, a thread 👇 After graduating from Udacity's Nanodegree, I realized I was quickly forgetting things when I stopped coding for a few days. So I decided to build a simple app and work on it for about an hour every day so that I will keep practicing and learning.