Alicia T. Crosby (she/her) Profile picture
Lover. Space Curator. Professional Questioner. Black & Queer AF chasing all things beautiful, divine, & just. CA/Vmo/Patreon via aliciatcrosby. rep: @trinitygr
J Marie Morgan, LPC (she/her) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This raggedy ass country drops bombs left & right while upping military/policing budgets but white & white-adjacent ppl are still pearl clutching & sounding off about a slap?

The US nurtures & exports catastrophic violence boos; just say y'all be waiting to write folks off & go. It's ridiculous! There are so many choices people have in this moment & they are choosing foolishly.

Talk about the violence fellow white people unleashed on Jan 6th, white boys commit every time they shoot up a school, or white women do when you call the police or HR on POC.
Jan 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
On the anniversary of one of the most scary, bewildering things many of us have witnessed together, I implore you to consider how storming the capital was just the beginning.

Hospital systems, schools, groceries, & more are at threat for collapse bc of white nationalist violence The destructive, desperate spirit embraced by the white masses in DC during the #January6thInsurrection didn't die, it was disbursed.

Having faced no consequences, those people went back home & have done all they could to destabilize life for us all.
Jan 4, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Need some good news today?

Well not only is #EvolvingFaith happening in 2022, I'll be working with the conference in a whole new way.

I've loved being the @EvolvFaith BIPOC Spiritual Care Leader since 2019 & it's my joy to step into my new role as Community Cultivation Curator! What's a Community Cultivation Curator?

We're still figuring that out & it will *evolve* over time. Basically I'm tasked with helping think of ways for our community of wanderers & wonderers to more fully connect to God, self, &/or others as they sort out what they believe & why
Mar 28, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I swear some of y'all are really making me itch with your bad Lil Nas X/#MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) video hot takes. Imma break some things down so you can stop being so doggone obtuse. 1) This video is INTENTIONALLY subversive. LNS specifically said yall stay condemning folks like him (and me) to hell but are mad about how we're thriving there.
Mar 26, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
You may do well to read this thru, @Mysonne

I'm saying you need to read it cause your words are making clear that your praxis is off, fam.

Do you recognize that no one would have shit to say to/about you, Tamika, or UF if y'all wasn't fucking up so bad that ppl are finding ways to support communities yall harm @Mysonne?
Mar 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Contrary to fool ass opinions like the one seen below, activism isn't a hobby. When folks are for real about this justice life they're committed to seeing people survive, thrive, & be well, not securing a bag.

If financial incentive is your draw, this ain't the life for you. Image Working for justice isn't wholly a life of struggle but many of us do know what it's like to hit hard times. We've been/are un- or under insured, homeless, on food stamps, living from check to check, juggling work & justice stuff, & reliant on patronage from those with means.
Mar 17, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
A Non-Asian PSA:
In light of some of y'all being determined to show your ass in the wake of #AntiAsianHate here is are some tips to help you not do that:

- an appropriate response to someone mourning is "I see you". Center them, not yourself - Focus on the pain of *Asian people*, not your relationship to *Asian produced objects*. No one gives a fuck about you driving a Hyundai

- Asians have long dealt with being invisibilized yet othered in this country. The hypervisibilty that's happened in the last year is jarring
Mar 16, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
"There are things we love or hate about Christianity that still feel to dangerous to explore or or even think about because we've not been given tools to do grief navigation or be honest due to our pain.

I feel this is where my work comes in…"… Dear Loves,
I know my recent posts have brought up a lot for folks recently because of how pointedly I've spoken about religious violence, trauma, fear, and pain in and related to the Christian tradition.
Mar 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
There's a lot of pain being felt in or because of Christianity and it's functioning right now and I want to offer this in response to what I'm perceiving. You are seen and known to the Divine.
You are seen and known to people.
Violence and trauma may be imbedded in your history but they do not have to be a part of your legacy.
Mar 15, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
[STORYTIME] Sometimes life surprises you and I want to share a bit of how it snuck up on me.

Most of you won't know this but @jorymicah and I are very intentionally building relationship around accountability with one another which may surprise some of you. We've known about one another for years & interacted in the past which often led to great facepalming & giving her up to God on my part lol.

But in the last year or so something shifted.

I began to see Jory soften, accept correction, & genuinely seek to understand in new ways.
Mar 15, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
The last 24hrs have caused me to renegotiate how I see some ministers and theologians as well as what I'm willing to trust them for. I've seen more than my fill of emotional and spiritual bypassing, blaming, skirting ministerial accountability, and other toxic sharing that pissed me off as a researcher whose work is on spiritual abuse, violence, and trauma and as a survivor of varied forms of abuse...
Mar 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the things that excites me but also saddens me is that the Christian church is experiencing a reckoning on its many abuses. Folks are pulling back the covers, throwing open the windows, and airing out the nature of toxic relationships, experiences, and abuse. That's only part of the reckoning I'm speaking on because the other half is receptivity and response in the hearing. It is becoming clear that the institutional church has WORK to do to be appropriately responsive and responsible to those experiencing harm & being harmful.
Nov 4, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Some of you are genuinely surprised & dismayed by the incoming election results & while I'm not, I'm touched by the tenderness present in that.

You genuinely believe that people can show up at the polls & vote in ways that reflect care & freedom for others should be priorities. Your hope is beautiful. Your hearts are in the right place & it's OK to feel grief over what early projections reflect: some people do not hold the same values that you do.

They do not believe in freedom for all. They do not weep over the pain & loss so many feel.
Aug 22, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
My spirit won't rest til I speak on this #BreonnaCon situation some more.

One of the things I noticed is that in every promotional photo, #BreonnaTaylor's name is absent & her face is faded or obscured while the images & names of others are clearly seen.

That is the problem. Even if we assume the best of intent, the organizers of this series of events prioritized branding & gloss over consideration of what it meant to literally obscure the name and face of a very real Black woman who lived and breathed and died at the hands of the police.