Weston Edwards Profile picture
Infinite games and cosmic jokery. Tweet or RTs are not endorsements.
Jun 18, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
1) For a while I've been struggling with people who always respond analytically.

In my head I knew there was some sort of relational/emotional aspect that felt totally void when talking to them, but I couldn't describe to them in their own language what I was feeling. 2) Sometimes I could just say something like

"I'm sorry I think I phrased that poorly, I was trying to ask how you were feeling about X rather than a description or analysis of X".

Most of the time that would get at least a sentence or two rolling, but it would often die out.
Jun 1, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1) Breathing Practices Thread:

I’ve explored many of them and found them tremendously helpful. No single practice was breath taking, but the combination feels like I have a set of controls in my life that others don’t.

Thanks @visakanv for the motivation to create this thread. 2) Feeling what different length and sizes of in-breaths vs out-breaths do.

For me longer out-breaths feel calming, meditative, trance-inducing, and big picture focusing.

Longer in-breaths feel arousing, energizing, and action-oriented.
Apr 9, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
There seems to be a pervasive growing interest in communes/refactored religions/communities which I think all stem from the atomization, meaning, and addicting tech crisis (as well as others @peternlimberg ). I’m certainly in this group. 2)
Surprise! It turns out manufacturing a sense of community and belonging is really difficult. Everything from zoning (if you’re buying land), personal interconnection, and finding people that trust/like one another who are up for long standing commitments is just a mess
Mar 18, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1) Some of the rituals/practices I've tried over the last 6 months of being funemployed. Preliminary finding... I have almost unlimited energy (constrained on actually doing the energy cultivation practices):

Ice showers
Smart bulbs matching suns color temperature 2)
Sleeping on floor
Induced trance states (chanting / music)
Extending flexing combined with self-massage / writhing around on the floor
Cathartic release
Run/walk as primary mode of transport
Low carb diet (this was accidental, veg for last 5 yrs)
Frequent deep breath
Feb 4, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
1) Sub-cultures have a tendency to eternalize (@Meaningness) an aspect of the psyche as "what's important" or "what really exists":

Rationality - The logical mind
Hippies - The emotional/relating mind
Entrepreneurs - The narrative mind
Mindfulness - The internal observing mind 2) These are the internal Schelling points where the group over-indexes and also considers to be the most valid forms of knowledge/experience.