Allan Grill Profile picture
Assistant Dean @Queensu @LakeridgeHealth campus; Chief, Dept. of Fam Med @OakValleyHealth; Associate Prof @UofTFamilyMed & @QueensUHealth; Tweets R my own
Feb 1 10 tweets 3 min read
R/T @CBCNews: Thanks to Amina Zafar for highlighting the importance of Canadians having access to family doctors & other primary care providers, & how medical education can play a role. I have a few thoughts on this to share - thread 🧵 @afhto 1/… Team-based primary care training has existed for Family Medicine trainees in Ontario for some time now in the form of interdisciplinary Academic Family Health Teams (FHTs). The @CFPC_e continues to advocate to spread this model nationally - . 2/…
Nov 5, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
The article ⬇️ by @PSwadden highlights the overcrowded ER situation in Ontario. It also suggests primary care providers are not seeing enough patients in person. Since no Family MD or nurse practitioner were interviewed, here are my thoughts: A 🧵.… 1/17 I work at the Markham Family Health Team. Our office is open to see patients in person, including those with respiratory virus symptoms (cough, runny nose, fever), everyday. Our family docs & nurse practitioners also provide after hours care 4 nights a week & on weekends. 2/17