* Document databases store data in documents similar to JSON objects. Each document contains pairs of fields and values. The values can be a variety of types including strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or objects 1/n
* Key-value databases are a type of database where each item contains keys and values. A value can typically only be retrieved by referencing its key, so learning how to query for a specific key-value pair is typically simple 2/n
Feb 25, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
What is NoSQL?
*NoSQL databases are non tabular, and store data differently than relational tables
*NoSQL databases come in a variety of types based on their data model
* The main types are document, key-value, wide-column, and graph #cloudcomputing#NoSQL 1/n
non-relational database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases 2/n