Alonso Profile picture
Online business
Yung Rich Crypto Nigga Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 17, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
How I Scaled A Brand New Store From $0-$70k in 20 Days

(with 37% margins)

A thread// First off, the store was created on May 2nd, 2020.

Only a few hours after seeing an ad on Instagram for that same product.

By the end of the day (May 2nd) I had everything ready to go...

- Store was ready
- Products were uploaded
- Creatives were scheduled
Oct 11, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
If you’re about to test a new product... you need to read this

I’m gonna give you my step by step process when testing a new product

A lot of people start off testing a product with Ali pictures & hope to get good results (with black and white - low quality pictures... really? I rarely recommend this

Here’s what I do & recommend you consider doing as well...

This may not be the most effective way. Yours may be better and that’s ok. This is what works for me.

This is the order in which I do things when launching a new product.