Chetan Phalke Profile picture
Stock Markets | Current Affairs | SEBI Regd. Investment Advisors
Jan 9, 2020 26 tweets 7 min read
GOI unleashed landmark reforms in coal yesterday.

Why Coal Reforms Are So Important For The Indian Economy ?…

1 The coal sector in India is constrained by tax structure and transportation cost. On landed basis, taxes, duties and levies account for up to ~25% and freight accounts for up to ~34% of overall coal cost.

Jan 6, 2020 36 tweets 17 min read
Indian exports have performed badly due to our exchange rate policy ? A bad excuse. Solving India’s Export Problem – Note on High Level Advisory Group Report by @zainiqb79224584…

Download highlighted copy of the HLAG report…

Thread @zainiqb79224584 Exports have stagnated...while rupee has depreciated significantly during this period (2)