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“The green line test was coined by a Twitter account named @alpharivelino, which should tell you everything you need to know about the theory.” –New York Post
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Jul 17 5 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been feeling lower leg tingle and soreness in both legs

Could that be something a chiropractor could solve?

I’m in my late 40s, with normal blood pressure, in good health, at a healthy weight

I’m also checking with my doctor but I want to explore all avenues

Thanks! 💚 Thank you all for your amazing comments!

You’ve given me LOTS to investigate, I’ve taken a page of notes

A bit more background:

I feel the tingling and soreness exactly the same in both lower legs and feet

I had sciatica issues twice before that were fixed by osteopaths, so it would make sense if this was related to that

Also, I have slight scoliosis and am slightly bow legged, so again that makes me think this issue is related to my spine and muscles

I was investigating the heart / circulation angle first because I also have cold feet frequently, and my lower legs do feel tired and swollen at times, so my first assumption was that it was a blood circulation problem

My doctor did schedule an ultrasound for Friday, so that’s good, just in case it could be deep vein thrombosis

(I will also investigate the MRI angle)

But from all that I’m hearing, hopefully this issue comes from having posture, weak muscles, compression, etc

Perhaps a pinched nerve (lumbar radiculopathy)

I will continue to research your leads and will keep you posted

Thanks again!

I am grateful to all of you 💚
Jul 15 8 tweets 4 min read
She already stole his trophy! Image Warning #1 –– She is a trophy thief
Jul 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Here's her full video
Jun 23 16 tweets 5 min read
BRUTAL CLAW! Look at how she grabs his neck and pulls him down, while smiling an innocent smile. Love is war, my friends. Love is war ASK RIVELINO

"Why is he allowing her to do that? I’d be irritated and tell her get off." –@WhoGotTheCode

He lets her claw him because he thinks she is just being sweet and affectionate, when in reality she is being domineering and controlling. This is classic alpha female behavior –– covert manipulation of her man. Read more about the psychology of the claw here:

Jun 17 7 tweets 2 min read
Talk to the girls that scare you One of the best things I've read online is a 2010 blog post by @bencasnocha

He quotes a long passage about fear from the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer, and then he adds:

"I think using the word fear is important. That's what it is, and it's not going away."
Jun 16 5 tweets 2 min read
Jun 16 5 tweets 1 min read
To unlock a higher level of devotion from your woman, you need to share a certain amount of vulnerability with her You will learn this the hard way

Or maybe not at all

But any man who has a healthy strong successful relationship with a good woman knows this is true
Jun 15 6 tweets 2 min read
The way she takes care of her

• hair
• nails
• feet

is the way she takes care of her

• pussy
• asshole
• reputation

If her hair is damaged, her pussy is probably damaged too

If her nails are crazy, her reputation is probably crazy too

If her feet are busted, her asshole is probably busted too

See how it works? If you want to find yourself a girl who is

• healthy
• natural
• classy
• soft
• clean

then you need the knowledge to perceive

• healthy natural hair
• classy nails
• soft clean feet

as well as the opposite

• fake damaged hair
• crazy nails
• hard busted feet
Jun 13 11 tweets 4 min read
Chad Argentina vs Virgin India
White pussy is one hell of a drug
Jun 7 8 tweets 7 min read
Nine Green Line Mistakes

A thread Image Green Line Mistake #1: Leaning in

When you lean into your girl for a photo, you're making a mistake. You're not being affectionate or protective, as some guys think. You're actually giving off needy insecure vibes –– to her, to the people around you, and worst of all, to yourself and your own subconscious mind

When a woman gets into a relationship, the last thing she wants is a weak man who depends on her. She wants a strong, confident man who stands up straight, a man who can face the difficulties of life without having to lean on her for support. In fact, she wants to lean on HIM for support. And if he leans on her, she can't lean on him

The main purpose of the green lines is to help you become more aware of your own body language. Now that you know that leaning in is bad, think of the green lines next time you take a picture with your girl –– and don't lean in!Image
Jun 5 4 tweets 1 min read
Roissy's Sixteen Commandments Image Image
Jun 4 6 tweets 7 min read

1. Idealizing her
2. Hiding your sexual interest
3. Trying to squeeze into her life instead of pulling her into your life
4. Giving her compliments instead of giving her drama
5. Trying to win her over instead of being skeptical
6. Telling her how you feel instead of making her feel something (credit: Yohami)
7. Waiting too long to escalate
8. Allowing her to be boring without calling her out
9. Pursuing the wrong woman
10. Pursuing only one woman MISTAKE #1: IDEALIZING HER

When you idealize a girl, you put her above you. You are making her more important than you. This is really bad because if she is more important than you, why would she want to fuck you?

When you idealize a girl, you don't actually get to know the real her, you imagine a fake perfect version of her. And she doesn't want that. She wants to feel special despite her quirks and flaws

How can she trust a man who is so clueless?

How can she trust a man who is so inexperienced?

How can she trust a man who is so blind?


You want to see her as a beautiful yet flawed creature, because that's what she is. She has hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, daily frustrations and struggles. She also has a dorky silly side, a part of her she only shows to people she trusts

And of course, she has crazy sexual fantasies. These fantasies most likely involve her "surrendering" to a bossy, arrogant, powerful man

NOT to a clueless, inexperienced man

If you idealize her, she may even think you're doing it out of desperation. A lot of pretty girls secretly have low self esteem, especially about their looks –– since they're constantly comparing themselves to even prettier girls –– so if you value her beauty at a higher level than she values her own beauty, she may conclude that you are just horny and desperate for pussy

She will think that you don't have any other pussy options, which is why you are giving her so much praise and attention

As much as possible, you need to put yourself at her level –– or higher. This is where your inner self belief needs to come through. To use a phrase I learned from Todd V, you need to tell yourself "I am enough."

She is flawed, you are flawed. You are good enough for her


Another way I look at it is something I call the Threshold Theory. I may not be the hottest man she's ever met, but I'm good looking enough to date her. I may not be the richest man she's ever met, but I can give her experiences other guys can't give her. I may not have the biggest cock in the world, but my cock is big enough to thrill her and excite her

She is flawed. I am flawed

I am good enough to make her dreams come true

I am good enough to make her sexual fantasies come true

This is the essence of inner game –– and it's the opposite of idealizing her
May 24 11 tweets 14 min read

1-Idealizing her
2-Hiding your sexual interest
3-Trying to squeeze into her life instead of pulling her into your life

4-Giving her compliments instead of giving her drama
5-Trying to win her over instead of being skeptical of her
6-Telling her how you feel instead of making her feel something (credit: Yohami)

7-Waiting too long to escalate
8-Allowing her to be boring/rude without calling her out
9-Pursuing the wrong woman
10-Pursuing only one woman Beginner Mistake #1: Idealizing Her

When you idealize her, you put yourself below her. This is really bad because if she is more important than you, why would she want to fuck you?

When you idealize a girl, you don't actually get to know the real her, you imagine a "fake" perfect version of her. And she doesn't want that. She wants to feel understood. She wants to feel special despite her quirks and flaws. She doesn't want her flaws to go unnoticed

How can she trust a man who is so clueless?

You want to see her as a beautiful yet flawed creature, because that's what she is. She has hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, daily frustrations and struggles. She also has a dorky silly side, a part of her she only shows to people she trusts

And of course, she has crazy sexual fantasies. These fantasies most likely involve her "surrendering" to a bossy, arrogant, powerful man. If you idealize her and see her as a perfect angel, how can you be that man?

If you idealize her, she may even think you're doing it out of desperation. A lot of pretty girls secretly have low self esteem, especially about their looks –– since they're constantly comparing themselves to even prettier girls –– so if you value her beauty at a higher level than she values her own beauty, she may conclude that you are just horny and desperate for pussy. She will think that you don't have other options –– or much prior experience –– which is why you are giving her so much praise and attention

As much as possible, you need to put yourself at her level –– or higher. This is where your inner self belief needs to come through. To use a phrase I learned from Todd V, you need to tell yourself "I am good enough." She is flawed, you are flawed. You are good enough for her

Another way I look at it is something I call the Threshold Theory. I may not be the hottest man she's ever met, but I'm good looking enough to date her. I may not be the richest man she's ever met, but I can give her experiences other guys can't give her. I may not have the biggest cock in the world, but my cock is big enough to thrill her and excite her

She is flawed. I am flawed. I am good enough to make her dreams come true
May 19 4 tweets 1 min read
There once was a slut named Rose
She was worse than the other hoes
She got on the boat
Rammed dick down her throat
And then just watched as Jack froze! There once was a slut who fucked Rick
In Paris, she sucked his dick
She left him to cry
Victor was her guy
The bitch changed her mind real quick!
May 17 10 tweets 9 min read
1-Leaning in
2-Leaning in head tilt
3-Leaning in cheek kiss
4-Getting clawed
5-Getting face clawed
6-Getting headlock clawed
7-Pointing your cock to her cock shame
8-Mommy hug cock shame
9-Sitting & squeezing your balls cock shame

Let's review each one Image NINE GREEN LINE MISTAKES
1-Leaning in

When you lean into your girl for a photo, you're making a big mistake. You're not being affectionate or protective, as some guys think, you're actually giving off needy insecure vibes –– to her, to people around you, and worst of all, to yourself and your own subconscious mind

When a woman gets into a relationship, the last thing she wants is a big baby she needs to take care of. She wants a strong, confident man who stands up straight, a man who can face the difficulties of life without having to lean on her for support. In fact, she wants to lean on HIM for support. And if he leans into her, she can't lean into him

The purpose of the green lines is to help you become more aware of your own body language. So now that you know that leaning in is bad, think of the green lines next time you take a picture with your girl –– and don't lean in!Image
May 8 16 tweets 13 min read
1-Idealizing her
2-Hiding your sexual interest
3-Trying to squeeze into her life instead of pulling her into your life
4-Telling her how you feel instead of making her feel something (credit: Yohami)
5-Giving her compliments instead of giving her drama
6-Trusting her instead of being skeptical
7-Waiting too long to escalate
8-Allowing her to be boring without calling her out
9-Pursuing the wrong woman
10-Pursuing only one woman TEN BEGINNER MISTAKES
1-Idealizing her

When you idealize her, you put yourself below her. This is bad because if she is more important than you, if she is better than you –– why would she want to fuck you?

Also, when you idealize her, you don't actually see her or get to know her, you only see your perfect version of her. And nobody wants that. If you've ever had someone idealize you, it's a strange feeling. It doesn't feel good. In a way, it's even offensive. People want to feel understood. They want to feel special despite their quirks and their flaws. They don't want their flaws to go unnoticed
Apr 29 5 tweets 2 min read
“Modern women unconsciously leave a trail of clues in their socials. The lean away. Not having their man in their profile picture or bio. Not celebrating major events with their husband - her latest post - she's at an event on her 24th birthday with friends but not with Louis. Louis is sealing concrete.”

LOVE IS WAR “They met in 2019 at university. Perfectly balanced. She was a 6-7, Louis was a 7-8 on the smv scale. Tall, popular, star athlete, he had it all going for him. She fell under his frame and when a woman leans in, she falls in love.”

Perfect explanation by Sam @Silentmind92
Apr 19 6 tweets 5 min read

Looking for “a good woman” is a mistake

You need to look for women in general, learn how to talk to them, how to attract them, how to date them

Once you’re able to date lots of women, then you can start to compare and contrast them

That’s when you can start to see which girls are more modest, wholesome and trustworthy — and which girls are more vain, loud, self absorbed, superficial and attention seeking

One thing you will start to notice:

You probably won’t find a modest wholesome girl at a crowded dark place with loud music, drugs & alcohol

You are more likely to find a wholesome girl at a healthy daytime activity focused on self improvement

For example:

Tennis class
Ceramics class
Yoga class
Museum tour
Hiking trail
Language class
Cooking class
Weekend book fair
Farmer’s market

You are also more likely to find a wholesome girl doing “regular” daytime activities like:

Grocery shopping
Walking her dog
Walking home after work
Reading or studying at a cafe
Shopping for clothes

At night, you may find her at more upscale cultural activities, like:

University lecture or talk
Film festival
Poetry reading at a cafe
Book reading at a bookstore
Opera or ballet

Another important thing to realize. She probably won’t go out of her way to find you. You will probably need to find her and talk to her first

That’s your masculine burden — to go out and find her


1-Her job is to look pretty
2-Your job is to talk to her HOW TO MEET A GOOD WOMAN

One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is relying on dating apps to meet women

Dating apps are mostly a waste of time for men. They can be frustrating and demoralizing


1-Develop a sexy hobby
2-Learn how to do cold approach
Apr 2 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you see the difference? Image ASK RIVELINO

"I guess you always have to be in the middle of the picture."

Nobody told that to Robert Kraft Image
Mar 25 5 tweets 2 min read
If she leans away, you will not lay Image If you watch the video, he does two things right but four big things wrong

• He asks her out, which takes social courage
• After she rejects him, he doesn't get angry

• He is too enthusiastic, which comes off as needy
• He is seeking rapport with her (huge smile)
• He admits that he is already won over by her, he has no doubts about her
• After she rejects him, he seeks rapport with her again, he doesn't tease her

Mar 21 6 tweets 2 min read
Here's her main point:

"The primary reason why women stop having sex with their husbands is because they don't feel emotionally safe, and the reason that they don't feel emotionally safe is because their attachment needs are not being met inside of the relationship.

Attachment needs are our deepest needs inside of a romantic relationship, and if those things are not fulfilled, we will not feel emotionally safe. And especially for women, when there is a lack of emotional safety, they start feeling very unsafe giving their bodies to their partner and they start to feel extremely unattracted to their partner. Like basically, they can't get physically turned on by their partners anymore."

–Sarah Hensley My first comment, she's not entirely wrong

She is speaking "her truth", as some people like to say