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On a mission far beyond the ordinary senses.
Apr 24 14 tweets 3 min read
Another Islamically incorrect take from our brother, Andrew Tate.

Here's a breakdown of this tweet and the correct islamic belief regarding it.

( a thread 🧵 ) Image First of all he says that, "any man that has sex because it feels good is gay".

That's the first mistake here.

Islamically, the only sexual relations that aren't allowed are those outside marriage.
Apr 9 16 tweets 3 min read
Why becoming a concubine is the best thing to happen to a kāfir woman after a war with the Muslims.

( a thread 🧵 ) Image A nation who faces war, their men will be killed in the war,

and their women will go through either of these 3 circumstances:
Apr 9 14 tweets 3 min read
The kuffār took slavery and concubines away from us.

Slavery isn't the same when it's done by the kuffār and when it's done following the islamic laws and teachings.

Slavery in Islam isn't isn't about racism, it's captives from battles that the Muslims win.

Reinstate slavery.
Slavery was historically abolished because it was no longer necessary and became an economic burden.
Feb 29 11 tweets 5 min read
As a Muslim, there is no excuse for you to stay ignorant.

I put together all the beginner books and created a curriculum for you to follow so you can become stronger in your religion.

( read more🧵 )Image The following curriculum includes 6 sciences:

Fiqh: Islamic Jurisprudence.
Seerah: Islamic Biographies.
Tafseer: Explanation of the Quran.
Aqeedah: Islamic Theology and Creed
Arabic: Includes Grammar ( Nahwa/Sarf ).
Hadith: Prophetic Narrations and its Sciences.