Amanda Hu Profile picture
An artist who likes talking about clean air. Not a doctor/engineer/scientist. She/her. Profile pic: @stwatson2 Banner: @calgaryhester
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Jul 19 4 tweets 1 min read
- Kids don’t need to get sick to be healthy
- Viruses are bad. They can cause damage to our bodies+long-term issues
- The need you think kids have, to get exposed to germs to teach their immune system, is what vaccines are for
- COVID is worse than many other viruses This was prompted by a convo I had with a friend’s family member today when she asked me about my mask and why my friend’s family wears them. We had spent chatted a bit before about music and her being a band teacher and I showed her how to cool her townhouse with multiple fans.
Jun 26 8 tweets 2 min read
Something I learned by getting to know people over the past year and them getting to know me is that people who don’t pay attention to Covid or the climate crisis or any of the other existential concerns we face are extremely concerned about stuff that I never worry about 1/ People are worried their kids getting abducted inside indoor recreation facilities, homeless people being dangerous, sunscreen toxins, not being able to to find camp for their kids over the summer, whether their kitchen renovation will still be on trend 2/
May 21 4 tweets 2 min read
Reminder that McKinsey also came up with “economic endemicity” aka the “move to endemic” and other such rhetorical tools for the manufactured end of COVID. That’s why there’s now always more COVID than “during COVID”
McKinsey helping governments “solve” their pandemic spending problems with justifications for the end of COVID protections was just another part of their role in marginalizing the working class for the benefit of their corporate clients
Apr 30 5 tweets 1 min read
I feel like the escalation of H5N1 is going exactly how you’d expect after capitalism won over common sense with COVID and our public health social contracts were destroyed: Farmers hiding their animals’ sickness, no willingness to use PPE, ID experts saying, “It’s inevitable” No clear communication on infection control as the WHO and others are tied in knots to try and avoid saying “airborne” and people know govts won’t provide a sufficient cushion if they have to take a huge loss due to culling. Because they hung people out to dry last time
Mar 25 8 tweets 3 min read
This woman’s only known diagnoses are autism and ADHD. She was assessed for MAiD 4 times by 5 doctors and now has been given approval. This is a really concerning situation. She stated her death was “reasonably foreseeable” but was approved for Track 2. From a previous story:…

"As it stands, AHS [Alberta Health Services] operates a MAID system with no legislation, no appeal process and no means of review," wrote Miller in her brief for the court.
Miller also pointed out that on her initial MAID application, M.V. indicated her death had become "reasonably foreseeable" yet she was approved as a "track 2" MAID patient, which means death is not reasonably foreseeable. "Therefore M.V. is not a reliable witness," wrote Miller in her brief. Feasby heard that two doctors were initially approached by M.V. One agreed to sign off on approving her for MAID, the other denied the application. A third "tie-breaker" doctor, as described by lawyers for Alberta Health Services, was then offered to the patient, ...
Feb 18 7 tweets 3 min read
“Now that we’re post-pandemic…” ❌

WHO leader says COVID-19 is "still a pandemic" A World Health Organization leader says she is worried people are still too eager to move on from COVID By NICOLE KARLIS Senior Writer PUBLISHED JANUARY 4, 2024 5:15AM (EST) “Now that Covid is over…” ❌

The US is starting 2024 in its second-largest COVID surge ever, experts say With the U.S. in the middle of a COVID surge, it's time to make sure you're vaccinated and return to masking, experts say.
Feb 11 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve had a lot followers over the past few months make some variation of the comment, “I appreciate your work on Covid but you are wrong about supporting Palestine.” Let me be clear again: I support Palestine for the same reasons I fight for Covid protections. 1/ Captialist/colonialist forces (which are inherently interlinked) push us to view the elimination of certain people as necessary to our collective survival, when it is really that it is necessary for capitalism and the hegemonic colonial powers’ survival 2/
Feb 3 4 tweets 2 min read
This needs to be emphasized that 1/3 of the experts didn’t see *Fake Study, Hanlen et al 2022* as a 🚩LOL. Many folks, in medicine especially, base their understanding of emerging issues on rapid/syst reviews and the interpretations of the literature by rapid review authors. 1/ Another good example of the concern with systematic reviews is the infamous Cochrane Review on N95s where several researchers have noted that the conclusions did not reflect the available evidence 2/…
Dec 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm on a break from my Twitter break as I was informed of statements made on behalf of the Corsi Rosenthal Foundation that need to be addressed. I have sent a direct email outlining my concerns but will make some general statements here: 1/ Throughout the pandemic, institutional power structures have stymied efforts to protect the most vulnerable and to address the key issues that continue to worsen and prolong C*vid worldwide. People trying to maintain power and cover their negligence have doomed us all 2/
Dec 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
So @NukitToBeSure sent me the new TEMPEST next-gen CR box to try out and I'm pretty excited about it. It's a fully metal(!) frame for use with ArcticP14 PC fans and 2" thick 20x20" MERV13 filters and my husband described it as "the most beautiful air purifier I've ever seen." 1/ Picture of black rectangular box with 6 smaller grills for fans sitting on a warm wood floor. It's very straight forward to assemble and I was able to do so having forgotten I was sent the instructions 😂. It's got a lot of details that help like the "UP" cutouts! One of my favourite parts are the carrying handles and hand screws for easy filter replacement 2/
Picture from top of black rectangular box with two filters slotted in that read 20x20x2 with arrows reading "air flow" pointing inwards
Close up of black metal box with overhang and black screws
Dec 3, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
So today I realized that a lot of people think avoiding COVID is a “quirky difference” and that’s why they are so insufferably patronizing about it. Like that when the whole, “you do you” thing happened, we chose, “Be weirdly hung up on a thing that isn’t a big deal for fun” “Oh wow you’re still doing that? We see that different, unique lifestyle that you’re doing. You go, girl!” They don’t see that it’s about adaptation, survival and solidarity.
Nov 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s such a cool and fun yearly winter tradition we now have to blame all the serious infections on the prior year’s lack of infections after we blamed that year’s serious infections on the pr Every year now:
Sept: “We’re going to have a NORMAL year this year despite doing nothing!”
October: “Ok, ‘beginning of the year sickness’ is done. Now we’ll be normal!”
November: “Still sick but paying off that immunity debt!”
December: “Damn still sick but masks don’t work!”
Oct 2, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
I've talked a lot about my role as a patient advocate recently and what I learned about the ways in which doctors and patients interact. I've had the privilege to work in situations where I was able to facilitate the building and rebuilding of good patient-doctor partnerships 1/ I became involved in some situations where I would say there was a breakdown in patient-doctor relationship; doctor viewed patient as "non-compliant" while patient+family viewed doctor as harmful and unwilling to address their needs. Everyone would gather with shields up 2/
Sep 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Places that are doing IPAC better than hospitals:
- my tattoo artist’s studio
- my massage therapist’s clinic
- my dentist’s office
- my house - my mom when she gets together with her friends
- the pharmacy near us
- the hairdresser my friend goes to
- several kids I know when they’re at school
Sep 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You order a coffee and they hand it to you in this.
You: Uhhh do you not have coffee cups?
Them: This is just as good.
You: It’s burning my hand though and it’s spilling.
Them: It holds coffee, doesn’t it?
You: But there’s a cup designed for this that is insulated and has a lid!
Picture of red plastic cup You: Ok can I use my own travel mug?
Them: No we don’t allow the use of outside cups at our coffee shop because we don’t know if they’re designed for coffee
You: But the cup you gave me isn’t designed for coffee
Them: We’ve determined it’s good enough and cost-effective
Sep 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So one of the things I’ve learned is to identify which people are experts at what stuff because a lot of experts who comment on stuff are not qualified to do so!
Virologists =/= experts on the immune system
OHS managers =/= experts on Covid transmission
Doctors =/= experts on PPE So when someone in the news is quoted as “an expert” or someone is listed as a “subject matter expert,” it’s important to be critical of their expertise, as it may not be in the topic they are speaking to with the title of “expert”
Aug 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Public health experts and doctors don’t use ghoulish eugenicist rhetoric challenge If you talk about vulnerable people being left by the wayside, decanted, culled, removed, etc in any context that isn’t being completely clear about that being bad, and especially if you state it as an outcome of policy for which you are responsible, you get a eugenicist warning
Aug 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't know how we can convince people to care about covid and climate change if they're stepping over dead, burnt bodies to swim in the ocean where other people died in Maui. I know this is less positive than I usually am but I have concerns! The gravity of suffering everywhere seems like it is impossible to ignore, but people are doing it. There is a vast chasm and widening chasm between those who acknowledge and see the pain and those who decide not to.
Aug 7, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
So I got around to doing qualitative fit tests on some new respirators and have some results. 🧵

(Attn! If you wear one of these respirators on the regular, do not freak out if they didn't pass on me. Everyone's face is different and bifold respirators don't work well for me) Picture of 5 respirator masks against two pieces of paper that have qualitative fit test instructions and sample text. Everything is sitting on a brown slatted deck floor.  From top left clockwise: Blue Nitta N95, Pink Demtech N95, Grey Breatheteq KN95, White 3M Aura, White Canada Masq CA-N95F Reminder: this is my qualitative fit test kit set up. For this test, I used the 3M FT-12 Sweet Testing Solution rather than the Bitter.
Jul 28, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Y’know, I have to say, when I tell regular people that a superintendent at a major school board in Alberta, who is also a licensed engineer said, “It would be better to burn the money than buy air purifiers for our schools” it really makes it clear that I am not the weird one Or when I tell people that a superintendent at different major school board in Alberta complained that ASHRAE is a shill for “big filter” and that air purifiers are a conspiracy and therefore would not allow them
Jul 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
So a dear anti-infection friend and her family made the trek out to see their beloved gran last week after missing “the big family reunion” due to lack of safety measures. They were super apprehensive bc another family member told them gran was angry at them for missing it 1/ Their gran had been the one to introduce N95s to *them* but they’d heard she’d relaxed and were really worried they were going to get the pressure due to missing the reunion. They were also told the cousins are all living “normal” life and judging them. 2/