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⚡ Intelligent Payments for the High-Volume Digital Economy 🔎 Find your edge at 🌋 Learn more about Amboss at
Apr 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Magma Announcement, @jackmallers style:

Yo. Today I am extremely excited to finally announce the biggest release that Amboss has ever been a part of. Our announcement of Magma brings us one step closer to a more fair and honest financial system. You don’t need to wear a fancy suit or work on Wall Street in order to have access to the world’s most important financial innovations of our lifetimes.
Apr 26, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Lightning needs an easy solution to getting connected. For this, we built Magma 🌋.

Want to buy a channel? ✅
Want to sell channels? ✅

It's now a simple process for anyone that has a lightning node and one active ⚡️channel.

Pay lightning, get a lightning channel. 🧵👇 Magma is a peer-to-peer marketplace for channels on the lightning network.

We've made a simple smart contract by adding a touch of friction to a normal lightning payment. Once the purchased channel is confirmed, Amboss releases the peer's lightning payment, minimizing trust.