Amit Ganguli #INC ๐Ž ๐Žท๐Žฐ๐๐Žฅ๐Žด๐Žฆ๐Žฑ๐Ž ๐Žฎ๐Žน๐Ž ๐Žน Profile picture
Precision eng., entrepreneur, hobby writer, news junkie, he/him, pan, rationalist, atheist, โ’ถ-realist. Tweets PERSONAL | RTโ‰ endorsement | Some tweets sarcastic.
Jan 14, 2022 โ€ข 19 tweets โ€ข 19 min read
@angrycat42069 @BlackXtian @RexChapman @MikeSington Let me try.
Someone is bullying you online from an profile you've not seen before, in our hypothetical case lets call the profile Anon.
Anon starts making references to specific things, you soon figure out that only people you go to/went to school with know.
@angrycat42069 @BlackXtian @RexChapman @MikeSington Soon it becomes clear to you that Anon definitely was some from school.
Great, you then try to find out - Aha! A class you went to with Hailey, Iris, Jon anther reference to a class with Jon, Keanu, Logan. So, clearly, the only person in both classes was Jon.
So, Anon is Jon.
Jan 9, 2021 โ€ข 11 tweets โ€ข 4 min read
Many conversations happening on #WhatsApp (WA) groups about new #WhatsAppPrivacyPolicy .
This thread has arguments to help ditch WA & move to @signalapp:
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Info presented with NO bias, prejudice, malice or indemnity.
Open to corrections: individual tweets may be deleted, tweets added to thread or corrected as replies.
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