Amory Gethin Profile picture
Researcher @WorldBank DECRG. Redistribution coordinator @WIL_inequality. PhD @PSEinfo. World Political Cleavages and Inequality Database:
Dec 4, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Global poverty is commonly measured by counting the number of people whose consumption falls below a given threshold.
This approach overlooks an enormous component of people’s economic well-being: public goods. 🧵 Existing measures of global poverty (e.g., World Bank) are based on household consumption = market value of all goods and services purchased by households.
These measures exclude public goods, since these goods are not bought on a market.
This has two implications.
Nov 28, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
How does redistribution vary over the course of development?
Has there been a convergence in tax-and-transfer systems?
We Matt Fisher-Post, we paint the first global picture of government redistribution since 1980.
5 stylized facts: 🧵
@voxeu @BaldwinRE… 1/ Government redistribution always reduces inequality, but with large variations. Image
Nov 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Excited to present my job market paper!
Exploiting a unique microdatabase, I estimate that education accounts for:
1⃣ 50% of global economic growth since 1980
2⃣ 70% of growth for the world’s poorest 20%
3⃣ 50% of global gender inequality reduction
🔗…Image The starting point is a new microdatabase representative of 95% of the world’s population, which I assemble by harmonizing surveys fielded in 150 countries around 2019. It provides comprehensive information on education, individual incomes, and other sociodemographics. Image
Nov 25, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Hugely excited to announce the publication of our article in @QJEHarvard!🤩 This paper is the outcome of a massive data collection effort that we started with @cmtneztt and @PikettyLeMonde in 2017.
A few takeaways on the evolution of political divides in Western democracies 👇 1/ The disconnection of income & educational divides. In the 1950s, left-wing parties were supported by both low-income & lower-educated voters. There has been a striking reversal of educational divides, leading to a separation between a "Brahmin left" and a "Merchant right".
Nov 12, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
So happy to see our article forthcoming at AEJ: Applied 🥳 This was the very first paper I ever worked on, quite a journey since we started collecting data in 2017 with @thomas_blncht and @lucas_chancel!
Here are five facts that we uncover about income inequality in 🇪🇺 and 🇺🇸: 👇 1/ Income inequality has risen faster in Eastern Europe than in Western/Northern Europe, but in no European country have top incomes boomed quite as fast as in the US.
Sep 20, 2021 16 tweets 8 min read
Can redistributive policies successfully foster inclusive growth in emerging economies?
With @aroopc82 and @Leo_Czajka, we shed new light on this question by studying the case of South Africa, one of the most unequal countries in the world.🧵👇
🔗 This 🧵 is based on our new working paper, "Can Redistribution Keep Up with Inequality? Evidence from South Africa, 1993-2019".
Part of a broader project on inequality in 🇿🇦, including wealth inequality ( and wealth taxation ( Image