Science-based syndicated columnist. Mediator. Latest “science-help” book: Unf*ckology (How to scuttle fear & live w/guts & confidence)
Jun 3, 2024 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
The West Bank is sovereign Israeli territory. It belongs to the UN-recognized state of Israel and is part of Israel under international law. It is a complete fiction that Israel is "occupying" the West Bank.
As @AviKaner puts it in a post: "It was only called 'West Bank' after Jordan forcibly annexed territory in 1948. It has never been a sovereign state. And of course Israel must maintain security to prevent Hamas Muslim Brotherhood & Islamic Jihad from taking it over like Gaza."
@afagerbakke: "Israel does not intend to 'annex' Judea & Samaria, territory to which it has legitimate claim and that never has been part of a “state of Palestine.” More accurate would be to say that Israel is 'extending Israeli sovereignty' to parts of Judea & Samaria.
@haivri: "#Israel should declare sovereignty in Judea and Samaria based on the fact that it is Israeli territory. All countries who have relations with Israel should honor that."
We Jews thought we were safe in America. I no longer feel that with so many mobs on the streets openly calling for the mass slaughter of Jews.
Here in Venice, we just had these terrorism-loving monsters shouting for the slaughter of all Jews -- and note the "from the river to the sea" signs. Marching through a residential neighborhood where many Jews live. It's terrifying and I'm guessing it was meant to terrify.
I went out and yelled, repeatedly, "I'm a Jew! I'm a Jew! I support the state of Israel!" and "Am Yisrael chai!"
This horrible bully -- the tall bearded male in the green vest-- kept advancing on me. Gotta show the Jew woman her place, right? Intimidate her into shutting up and going away.
Of course, as a man, he is taller and stronger than I am, and when I told him to back off, he didn't -- kept advancing, clearly to intimidate me -- a thin 59-year-old woman who writes books, out on the street in her slippers.
Well, I was afraid, but I held my ground as much as I could while backing away from him.
It's just what had to be done. I'm still shaking and I can't stop crying. This is America now? Really?
And, from the bottom of my heart, I thank every one of you Americans who stands against this -- like the many beautiful Christians here on Twitter who showed me the Jewish stars they'd just taken to wearing. And I thank the Muslims who express their horror at this, and especially those who do it publicly, like a number of the wise voices I've discovered here on Twitter.
Never again!
Am Yisrael fucking chai!
I was mentioning at the end how Israelis care for Palestinians in Israeli hospitals, giving them the same excellent care Israelis get and putting them before Israelis for treatment if they are sicker.
Israel has a hospital now near the border where they are giving medical care to Syrians.
And they take just extraordinary measures to avoid the death of civilians - which is just terrible, and I lament every one...yes, every Palestinian civilian kills is a tragedy to me - while they do what they must to stop the depraved Hamas terrorist savages from burning Israeli families alive and all the rest on, say, February 7 and May 7.
Hamas is source of terrible evil - not just for Israelis but for Palestinian civilians, as you'll see from the Palestinian social activist who had her eyes opened when she went to Gaza to try to improve the education and other things for Palestinian civilians.
Michael Rose on the diet that maximizes healthspan — and lifespan. As I see it, if you don’t have your health and you live long…it’s Hobbesian with a twist: Nasty, brutish, and endless.
First, he lays out the opposing viewpoints.
Important thing to remember to understand slides for this talk: “x” is chronological age.
In 1992, this Hamiltonian theory…and then the curveball it gets thrown, next slide.
Jun 1, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Marco del Giudice #HBES2023 talking on a general architecture for motivation, emotion, & personality. Check out his terrific book, “Evolutionary Psychopatholgy.” Well-worth buying despite how academic books cost you several limbs and maybe a first-born child.
Mechanisms that support motivation and personality: reconstructing it from the bottom up, from the specific mechanisms. A mechanistic point of view. These models converge on motivational level of analysis of personality.
Jun 1, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Geoff Miller @primalpoly on what evolutionary psych can learn from polyamory. #HBES2023@primalpoly What predicts anti-poly stigma? Results surprising.
Jun 1, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
We rely on cues to potential opportunities and threats because we often can’t directly identify them. -Steven Neuberg @HumBehEvoSoc on the evolutionary logic of stereotyping, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. #HBES2023
Slides follow, bc he goes thru this info fast!
Nov 15, 2020 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
It's my experience w/every primary care doc I've ever had (& all specialists, save one) that doctors really, really need better training in diagnostic thinking. Basic errors in logic are frequent, inability to recognize conditions that co-occur are not nec. linked, etc. I read (1
medical literature and lit about cognitive biases and other errors in reasoning, so I am able to self-diagnose in a way few patients probably are. But most patients are at the mercy of a doctor who probably lacks fundamental reasoning skills necessary for figuring out what is (2
Aug 19, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
LA is lawless shit-hole, bc pols took away enforcement measures police can use to get abusers to curb behavior. Aggressive, loud hipsters (not homeless) "camping" in tricked out van in front of my house. Guy runs motorcycle to make noise/pour fumes into my house. Police powerless
Police do what they can to stop abuse of residents & hoped to tow van for expired registration (or use it to get them to move, which wld have been fine w/me). Turns out reg is in prog, so they can't. Now say I shld get restraining order to stop abuse. Afraid to leave house.