Darumbal/South Sea Islander. this account is a private account and only represents my views not those of my employer.
Oct 23, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The mainstream media has been complicit in the forced disappearances of Aboriginal women. This is because they do not centre Aboriginal women who have died, and because of this, do not show the devastating waves of racist violence perpetrated against them in life and death
This Four Corners report is highly significant not just because it is led by black women, but because the MSM have constantly framed this as 'black on black crime' or 'violence against Aboriginal women' in ways that paint Aboriginal communities as the problem
Jun 17, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
We need to keep our focus on building a sovereign black media space. I'm continually reminded of this when I see the continual accounts of racism in MSM and the impact this racial violence has on mob, particularly young black journos.
The MSM is just another colonial apparatus and we see this in their focus -- we shouldn't be aspiring to working within these spaces where the frameworks are still set up to become black versions of white journalists. We have to challenge 'normative' journalistic values & norms
Apr 11, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The thing I was most shocked at living down south is how close and cosy the relationship between media and power is - a lot of these journos and pollies go to the same schools, unis, have same social circles etc
Some of them marry each other or after their stints in the press gallery become media managers. Or they become pollies themselves! Or have close family ties. This is why I see no value in political journalists who have more in common with Morrison or Albanese than wider public
Watching @annajcarlson & Marissa Dooris speaking on carceral feminism and 'discourses of protection' in debates on criminalisation of coercive control at #AWGSA21
.@annajcarlson & MD speak that approaches to criminalising coercive control have been subject to extensive critique, but despite this critique, advocacy by carceral feminists have had dividends - ie law reform
Jul 14, 2021 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
Watching @drcwatego speaking on black power #awfsa21
.@drcwatego: speaks of moving from statistical targets that never get met to Indigenous story... to Indigenous intellectual sovereignty as a means for affecting change. #awfsa21
Apr 14, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
#RCIADIC30Years Today I remember the words of Aboriginal poet Robert Walker, who was killed by guards in Fremantle prison in 1984.
"Have you ever heard screams in the middle of the night
Or the sobbings of a stir-crazy prisoner
Echo over and over in the darkness...
"Threatening to draw you into its madness?
Have you ever rolled up into a human ball
And prayed for sleep to come?
-Robert Walker