Rodrigo Monteiro Profile picture
CTO @ChucklefishLTD. Lead Programmer on Witchbrook, @WargrooveGame, Halley Game Engine & Aegisub. C++ / Game Engines. BAFTA Member. Z is up. He/Him. 🇪🇺
Jul 2, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
Applying for a game programmer role? I've gone through a LOT of programmer CVs and cover letters in my career, and there's a lot of common mistakes that I keep seeing, so here's a thread with my tips! You should always provide:
- a cover letter (I've seen a SHOCKING number of people that don't bother with one!)
- your CV
- a portfolio of the stuff you've worked on
Jan 17, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
My favourite subject of game engines is being discussed again, so here's some cases where I think custom game engines are actually a Good Idea:

(Note that these will mostly be code reasons. On teams where code is not a large aspect of the project, these are less relevant.) Architecture: the way an engine is architected has severe implications on what your code will look like. One of my driving factors for developing Halley was my displeasure with how Unity and Unreal games are ultimately architected, leading to lower overall game code quality.
Dec 29, 2017 28 tweets 19 min read
The Game Programming Resources thread!

2017 marks my 20th anniversary of game programming, so I’ve decided to start a curated thread with some of my favourite game programming articles, videos, and resources! I'll keep adding more over time, and feel free to send me suggestions! Linear Algebra is BY FAR the most important subject in Mathematics that game programmers should know. It covers vectors, matrices and transformations. This video series will teach all of those in a very accessible way!