Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the standpoint of their ideological ramifications are the mortal enemies of IFA/Kushite-Kemetic Spiritual Science ☥
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Sep 29, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Anhuru (also spelled Anhur) is the omnipotence (all powerfulness) of the Supreme Being working thru man, particularly in righteous wars. He was the central deity of the battlefield, which is why the Greeks associated him with their god Ares.
The invincible deity Anhuru is most often depicted black as the universe with a mini-afro crowned by the four plums (twice as many as Amen). He is a warrior manifestation of Shu (the deification of positive decisions).
Feb 11, 2024 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
What is a Seba?
A seba is a spiritual science teacher in the Kushite-Kemetic system. First, recognize that we have no "priests." That is a Christian term that has no relevance in African spiritual science.
A Kushite-Kemetic spiritual leader has a lot more in common with a professor than a priest.
Jan 7, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Mdu Ntchr (meaning "Words of the Supreme Being") is the indigenous Kemetic name for what the Greeks translated as "hieroglyphs" (meaning "Sacred Writing"). Mdu Ntchr is the oldest written language on Earth. It evolved between 14,000 to 7,000 years ago in Lower Nubia.
By 6,300 years ago it was utilized as a unifying factor for the emergence of a massive unified kingdom founded by the king of Abydu, Narmr-Meni (Menes). This kingdom was Smai Taui (the United Lands) of Kemet (the Black Nation).
Jan 3, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
(Image of the jet Black female deity Nwt, who personified the stars/heavens the Kushite-Kemetic people studied to understand the science of astronomy and calendric time itself).
Why did I ignore the New Year and did not wish you one?
Because only slaves celebrate New Year January 1st. That is the calendar of time given to you by the people who enslave you; you can't be free if you literally rely on your enslaver to tell you what time it is.
Nov 24, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The Mutapa civilization dates back to 100,000 years, when they became the world's first stone masons. Their stone temples were built to Mwari, the Supreme Being as the Universe. Many thousands of years ago, their masonry skills traveled up the coast of East Africa to Kemet.
In the 8th-century bce, King Nyatsimba Mutoto founded a dynasty at Zvongombe. Mutoto conquered most of modern Zimbabwe. This began the title of Mwene and a Mutapa Empire.
Nov 2, 2023 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
To fully understand Ma'at, we must look for her in other parts of Africa where the concept of Ma'at originated. In Yoruba spirituality, she was called Iwa. Like Ma'at in the Nile, there are not "priests" of Iwa or temples for Iwa.
Every priest and every temple had to be of service to Ma'at/Iwa.
Many of the female heads from
Ancient Ife are depictions of the orisha Iwa, the deity of Balance, Harmony, Truth, and Order.
Oct 29, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
In order to rise after a fall, we are not to keep our eyes on the ground, but look UP. When you do so the first thing you see will be Aton (sun). This is why Akhenaton tried to center the spiritual system onto Aton.
Because his predecessors conquered half of Asia and southeast Europe, Akhenaton inherited a vast empire full of foreign subjects who could not understand the complexity of Afrakan spiritual science. He then tried to "dumb it down" into one symbol, one concept.
Jun 17, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
The Akan civilization that preceded modern Ghana was one of the wealthiest regions in Africa between the 3rd century-16th-century ce when it was a southern part of the realm of the massive Wagadu Empire (popularly known today as the Ancient Ghana Empire).
The Akan region, was a premier source of the gold trade in West Africa that was considered by West Asians, North Africans, and Europeans as the best gold in the world.
May 17, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
The conquest of Africa is NOT due to advanced guns. Much of Africa was conquered by Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs long before any one had a gun.
They had taken over the religious-political and economic institutions throughout Africa's most powerful empires and was using Africa as a slave source for nearly 1,500 years before invaders with guns started to come into Africa. It was NOT the gun that destroyed Africa.
May 17, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
The Yoruba afterlife consists of Reincarnation. However, what distinguishes African reincarnation concepts from Indian versions is that Africans explain that you reincarnate from your ancestors and into your descendants.
The Indian version is a lie crafted by Aryans to deceive the Black Indians into believing that they can reincarnate into other castes so there's no reason to fight against the higher castes but just hope to reincarnate into it in the next life. This is all lies and propaganda.
May 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
According to the Ancient Yoruba sacred scriptures called the Odu Ifa, the secret to success is believing in oneself as god. Since 99.9% of Black people don't even imagine God as their race, it is no wonder we are the least successful race.
To cure this tragedy, the Odu Ifa teaches us:
Eyikeyi ọlọrọ tabi eniyan alagbara ti ko jogun ọrọ ati agbara, yoo sọ fun ọ pe aṣiri si aṣeyọri ni igbagbọ ninu ara rẹ.
May 15, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Kemetic (northern Nilotic) refugees settled on the Kenyan coast in significant numbers during the Achaemenid Occupation of Kemet (525-350 bce).
Unlike many Africans today, in times of war the Kemetic refugees (mostly women, elders, and children) migrated to other parts of Africa, NOT like todays strong young African men running away to Europe or Asia.
Jan 31, 2023 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
Why do racist Europoid anthropologists promote the idea that Africans are the first homosapiens and that all other races are mixed with Neanderthals? Why would they give us such a "compliment" but then claim to be superior?
Because it is not a compliment but an insult based on their myth of the ascension of evolution.
Jan 29, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
There is a growing myth that the bible (and Abrahamic religions) are total plagiarizations of Kemetic texts. This is NOT true. Only about 5-15% of the bible is Kemetic in origin.
The rest of the bible is made up of an Anatolian variant of Zoroastrianism due to the previous Persian Empire, Greek mythology, and Punic religion.
Dec 28, 2022 • 21 tweets • 3 min read
What is the purpose of a spiritual system?
Contrary to modern practice, it is not simply so you can worship something or claim to be a member of a religious group.
A spiritual system has a purpose that is focused on the protection, empowerment, and preservation of its practitioners' body and culture. The moment that it can no longer provide this for you, it is no longer a worthy system to practice but a faulty one.
Dec 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Excerpt from
"The Role Of Royal Women in Ancient Egypt"
by Ife "Carruthers" Jogunsomsimi
of the Kemetic Institute Chicago. 6224 AFE/Smai Taui (1984 ce).
"Unlike her counterpart in the Ancient Near East and Classical Greece, the woman in Africa occupied a position of equality and respect. She inherited as well as sold property; signed legal documents and played a very important part in the daily life of the state.
Nov 5, 2022 • 30 tweets • 4 min read
What and Who is a Semetic Person?
The term Semetic refers to the mythical Hebrew character Shem from the Bible. Since Shem is fictional, so is the authenticity of those who claim lineage to him; therefore Semetic people have never and do not exist.
In fact, there is also no archaeological evidence for the existence of any such people called Hebrew. Not a single tomb, palace, contemporary written document, or temple built by these people of legend.
Nov 3, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
It is no secret that one of the greatest problems facing the Continental Afrikan and the Diaspora is his mental-slave conditioning. But what does this mean, what exactly is a slave?
A slave is someone who must 24/7 completely follow the directions of another, the "slavemaster," without compensation. The slave is so conditioned that if he cannot find his slavemaster, he will search him out.
Nov 1, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Spirituality is for helping people live better lives; this is done solely by making better decisions. This is where wisdom teachings come from. It is also where oracles come from.
However, if oracles are real, then why didn't babalawo's oracle warn him of the road to self-destruction they were on with the European enslavement of Africans and then colonialism.
Oct 3, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Dogon people of Mali, West Africa, famous for their sciences, also possess a hieroglyphic script made of thousands of characters. There are estimated to be only 800,000 people today who can speak the Dogon language, and so it is difficult to decipher.
Though Dogon hieroglyphs can be seen all over the walls in Mali, they have kept the meaning secret from Europeans. The Europeans, blinded by their bias against the existence of indigenous African scripts, conclude that the hieroglyphs are just paintings of circumcision rites.
Oct 1, 2022 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
In regards to my last post, a few people wanted to emphasize the fact that the race of "God" is mute because God is not visible and has no form. This is not true. God is visible through man because God is manifested in the most perfected of humans, our sages.
Thus, when you say that the final and greatest word of God came through an Arab named Muhammad, you are saying that he is the most perfected human to ever live. The same for Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, and Moses in their respective religions.