Andreas Graf Profile picture
Programme Lead EU Climate & Energy Policy @AgoraEW working towards a fossil-free future. German-American. Brussels based. Tweets in EN/DE. Views my own.
Mar 13, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
I think its high time we grapple with the fact that the target setting process for the EU's 2030 hydrogen targets last year was driven by hydrogen hysteria. The numbers are complete nonsense with no sound analytical basis whatsoever. Nowhere was 20 Mt of H2 found to be a realistic goal! Lets start with the European Commission's own modelling for REPowerEU, which yields only 16 Mt in 2030 based largely on external modelling assumptions driven by the political target itself.…
Nov 15, 2022 16 tweets 10 min read
Einige Erkenntnisse aus dem Webinar von @FraunhoferISI @consentec_de @ifeu @TUBerlin zu den neuen Klima und Energie #Langfristszenarien des @BMWK.… #Langfristszenarien

Im Gebäudesektor:
"Wir verdreifachen die Fernwärmebereitstellung in allen drei Szenarien".
"Hybrid-Wärmepumpen werden nur zwischen 2024 und 2030 installiert" - "Man muss hinterfragen, ob dieser Modellierungs-Artifakt realistisch ist." Image
Nov 15, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Der @bEEmerkenswert schlägt für die Fernwärme als Teil von einem Beschleunigungspaket vor die Transformation Pläne im BEW für die Förderung von Solarthermie auszusetzen und Nachhaltigkeitskriterien für Bioenergie klarer zu gestalten. .@bEEmerkenswert: Bei Häusern mit einer relativ neuen Gas oder Ölheizung (Max 10 Jahre) sollte mit einer auf drei Jahre befristeten Solarbooster-Sonderförderung zur Nachrüstung mit Solarthermie angereizt werden, um bis zu 25-50% des fossilen Brennstoffeinsatzes zu vermeiden.
Aug 31, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
One of Germany's largest heat pump manufacturers @StiebelEltron expects record production of 80k units this year and is investing €600 million to scale its production to 240k by 2025. That's half of Germany’s 500k annual heat pump target from 2024 provided by one manufacturer! This follow announcements by @Viessmann that they will be investing €1 billion in the development and production of heat pumps over the next three years, including €200 million for a new production site in Poland employing 1700 people.…
Aug 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
"Einer der größten deutschen Produzenten, Stiebel Eltron, will nun über eine halbe Milliarde Euro investieren, um binnen drei Jahren dreimal so viele Anlagen wie in diesem Jahr liefern zu können."… "Für 2022 erwartet die mittelständische Firma aus dem südniedersächsischen Holzminden laut Mitteilung einen Produktionsrekord von 80.000 Wärmepumpen. Dies sei eine Steigerung um 60 % gegenüber 2021. In den nächsten drei Jahren soll die Anzahl auf dann 240.000 Geräte wachsen."
Mar 3, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
Here's a collection of some of the most interesting analysis that has appeared over the last days with regards to short- to medium-term actions that Europe can take to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas. An @IEA 10 point plan for Europe as a whole:
Mar 3, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Here's an overview of the 10-point plan of the @IEA to reduce European dependence on Russian natural gas by next winter.
1. No new gas supply contracts with Russia

Impact: Taking advantage of expiring long-term contracts with Russia will reduce the contractual minimum take-or-pay levels for Russian imports and enable greater diversity of supply
Mar 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday Greenpeace Austria @GreenpeaceAT released an 'immediate action program for energy transition in Austria for peace and climate'. Here's an overview of their demands in English.
1. Immediate gas exit package
- increase RES financing
- stop installing oil and gas boilers in new buildings
- change decision making rules in multi-family homes to acclerate clean heating
- end obligation to connect to gas grids
- public sector leadership
- training initiative
Mar 3, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
About a dozen prominent German energy experts have released a joint public letter in @TspBackgroundEK outlining priority actions for Germany and the EU in responding to current political developments. Here is overview and translation into English.
1. We – Germany and Europe – should reduce dependence on Russian energy imports as much as possible in the short and medium term.
Mar 1, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
We don't talk enough about lowering temperatures in district heating networks.
Here's a quick overview of key benefits from a recent study...… 1. 'More heat extracted from geothermal wells since lower temperatures of the geothermal fluid can be returned to the ground.'
Mar 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
When it comes to gas savings from heat pumps in the short-term, a key point is that significant energy savings can be achieved even just by *shifting* our gas consumption into the power sector. Image E.g. 1kWh of gas in a boiler produces at best 0.95 kWh of heat. On average it's closer to 0.85 kWh. 1kWh of gas in a CHP plant powering heat pumps and feeding into a district heat network generates 1.41 - 1.61 kWh of heat depending on the temperature - close to a 2:1 advantage. Image
Jun 17, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about hydrogen blending. Blending up to 20% of hydrogen by volume into the gas grid translates into only about 7% in energy terms, meaning the CO2 emissions reduction benefit is limited to 7% - much less when the H2 is CO2-intensive.… Image But if you put the cost of a feed-in tariff hydrogen blending where it would belong - namely on the gas supplier and gas customers - you would also effectively increase the cost of fossil gas through an implicit CO2-price. IRENA estimates the same blending =+0.5Eurocents/kWh.
Apr 6, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
What do Denmark and the Netherlands have in common when it comes to energy taxation? They both have effective carbon prices well above €100 per tonne, well above the EU average.

You know what they also have in common? Key energy poverty indicators well below the EU average. You know what Romania and Bulgaria have in common when it comes to energy taxation? Effective carbon taxes close to €0 per tonne.

You know what they also have in common? Energy poverty well above the EU average.
Feb 19, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This could be big! The German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy has just today launched a national dialogue for scaling up policy ambition to achieve climate-neutral heating by 2050. The opening thesis statements are stunning.… Thesis 1: Emissions trading will become a lead instrument for heat transition.
Feb 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
'The 322 foot (98 meter) tower, whose construction was confirmed on Jan. 29 by sustainable developer UTB, the state of Berlin and the borough of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg the will be made largely of wood.'… 'If the project lives up to the progressive aspirations declared by the developer and city, WoHo could serve as a template for how to build a charismatic architectural showpiece in an up-and-coming neighborhood without exclusion or displacement.'
Oct 12, 2020 32 tweets 9 min read
One of the more interesting aspects of this very informative new @H2Europe report is its analysis comparing the cost of producing renewable hydrogen for electrolysis projects connected to the grid vs islanded systems with direct connection of renewables. This table provides an overview of the two schematic production scenarios. For both scenarios, key techno-economic parameters of the electrolysis were adopted based on current state-of-the-art 10,000 kW alkaline electrolysis.
Oct 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Die Umstellung des deutschen Mietmarkts von Kalt- auf Warmmieten kann den klimafreundlichen Umbau von Mietshäusern fördern und gleichzeitig Mieter vor teuren, ineffizienten Modernisierungen schützen.… Vorbild ist Schweden, wo seit dem Jahr 2000 eine Kombination aus steigenden CO₂-Preisen bei gleichzeitiger Einführung des Warmmieten-Prinzips gilt. Die Emissionen der dortigen Haushalte sind seither um 95 Prozent gesunken.
Oct 12, 2020 20 tweets 6 min read
The EU Hydrogen Strategy is about scaling renewable hydrogen production to levels beyond current EU consumption levels for conventional fossil hydrogen. At 0.1% of current hydrogen production, we better get to it. Current hydrogen demand is largely concentrated in a handful of applications, in particular diesel fuel refining and ammonia production for fertilizers.
Dec 12, 2018 26 tweets 13 min read

1/ The last two weeks I unpacked 2030 energy sector results in the @EU_Commission's new EU 'Long Term Strategy' and took a closer look at Buildings, Industry, Transport. Today, I cover what remains.

2/ Energy related emissions account for 79% of EU GHG emissions and includes the production of electricity & heat generation, and fuel combustion in industry, buildings, transport & agriculture. Other GHG emissions come from agriculture, waste & non-energy industy processes.
Dec 6, 2018 26 tweets 15 min read

1/ Recently I highlighted key 2030 energy modelling results in the @EU_Commission's new EU 'Long Term Strategy' and did deep dives on Buildings & Industry. Today I take a closer look at the Transport Sector. 2/ Transport represents around a third of the final energy consumption in the EU. All sectors have seen emissions reductions since 1990, with the exception of transport, which has increased by nearly +25%. The currently dominant transport technologies rely on oil based fuels.
Dec 3, 2018 23 tweets 11 min read

1/ The EPSC - the European Commission's @ECThinkTank - has launched a new report on key trends shaping climate & energy policy in the short- to medium-term (2025-2030). The publication is aimed at laying the groundwork for upcoming discussions on stronger implementation. 2/ The publication identifies 10 key trends in total, which I will try to summarize here in condensed form. However, I encourage you to also take a closer look at the publication and follow @EPSC @phil_offenberg @AndouraSami if you are interested in digging deeper.