How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App recap, the marginal likelihood answers the question "how likely is my prior to generate the training data?" which is fundamentally different than "will my trained model provide good generalization?", leading to many discrepancies. See a probabilistic perspective, whether we are doing supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised learning, forming our training objective involves starting with an observation model, turning it into a likelihood, introducing a prior, and then taking our log posterior. 2/8 particular, the predictive distribution we often want to find is p(y|x,D) = \int p(y|x,w) p(w|D) dw. 'y' is an output, 'x' an input, 'w' the weights, and D the data. This is not a controversial equation, it is simply the sum and product rules of probability. 2/18