Andrew Giles MP Profile picture
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. Member for Scullin.
Jan 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There’s a strange and misleading editorial in the Age today, bemoaning a lack of vision in our national politics.

It ends by talking about three issues it would like to see more on ‘from both sides of politics’ and says ‘that does not seem likely’.

Let’s look at these. .@austtralianlabor has long been committed to a real National Anti-Corruption Commission, and to a Voice - we are the only party committed to fully implementing the Statement from the Heart.

These are far from secrets, and have been much reported on - including in the Age.
Aug 8, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Last week in parliament @CatherineKingMP and I worked to hold the Morrison government to account over #CarParkRorts.

We’ll keep pressing for answers, on behalf of Australians who deserve so much better than a mob that cant distinguish public money from a LNP slush fund.

THREAD To recap: last year I wrote to the Auditor-General, asking him to look into the car parks program, which seemed dodgy to me.

It was so much worse than I’d thought.

Worse than sports rorts.

His report was utterly damning.
Jun 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The Morrison government has taken commuters for a ride.

Using public money as if it were Liberal Party funds.

What we’ve learned about #CarParkRorts this week.

A THREAD Desperate to buy votes, the Morrison government ripped up the rule book in 2019.

They made promises no one could keep - and they must have known this at the time.

So, the commuter car parks program is a disaster, with only 2 completed out of 47.

But that’s not the real story.
Jun 28, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Last year I asked the Auditor-General to investigate the Morrison Government’s commuter car park program.

His report has just been tabled.

It has shocked me.

This is sports rorts on an industrial scale.

THREAD This program was always about buying votes, not addressing the real needs of suburban commuters.

It’s the centrepiece of a $4.8 billion fund, the Urban Congestion Fund, that has also been mired in controversy for project delays and delivering 83% of its funding to target seats.
Jun 7, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
You always hear the Morrison Govt say how they are tough on
crime and they deport foreign criminals, but every now and then a story emerges
which should be cause for concern. Time for a thread (one the Minister for Home Affairs or Immigration Minister definitely won’t like) It’s important that Australia has laws which keep Australians safe – and that includes being able to cancel the visas of non-citizens who are criminals or may be a threat to our community.