Andrew McCalip Profile picture
Building space capsules and robots @vardaspace. Circumnavigating the world @ Former: Co-Founder Cosine Additive, acquired by GE
2 subscribers
Jul 26 22 tweets 23 min read
We’re going to circumnavigate the world with a droneship

Andrew’s next hobby project is here.

The goal is to complete an around the world ocean trip, autonomously navigating 25,000 miles over the course of one year. The droneship will be streaming to X live via Starlink through the whole journey.

Will it work? Who knows. Do we have a specific goal? Not really. We're just here for the grand adventure and the inevitable memes.Projectbob.xyzImage
Apr 20 29 tweets 14 min read
I built a thing to fulfill a meme.

Bluetooth smooth scrolling wheel.

Please don’t buy one. I can’t make very many. But if you must….
How did we get here?

I’ve been mildly interested in doing a haptics / input device for years. While doing some dingboard edits on the Rabbit R1 a few months ago, this one came to mind.

How hard could it be???Image
Aug 4, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Meissner effect or bust: Day 8

TLDR: I’m cracking open the first LK99 sample about 11pm PDT. I’ll be posting pictures and videos as we go. Probably not live, but nearly live.…
Image I’m also opening up a public spreadsheet for organizations to sign up for samples. My part of this epic journey ends at the production of the Rocks. Now we need to get the Rocks into the hands of the scientists to characterize and evaluate them.…
Jul 28, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Meissner effect or bust. Day 2

An absolute emotional rollercoaster. We've been back so many times, I've lost count

The first reaction to make Lanarkite (PbO + PbSO4) is running in the furnace! We opted to do 80% in an open air alumina crucible and 20% in a sealed quartz tube Image PbO + PbSO4 from Sigma. Thanks for the fast shipping! Image
Jul 27, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Meissner effect or bust. Day 1.

Made good progress on the list of to-dos. I'm doing this all after-hours,  so it's been a long day. Since we're gated by the delivery of the PbO + Pb(SO4), which should be tomorrow, we're working on infrastructure first. Image Getting the DAQ set up. Will do multi channel thermocouple probes in furnace to ensure best control. We verified 930°C with our small 6"x6"x6" furnace. All data logged to Influx so we can verify ramp rates.