Angraj Profile picture
Hindu Civilizational Nationalist
Sep 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Indian Iz!@amic scholars on cow slaughter:

"Cow slaughter in India is a great Iz!@mic practice-(said) Mujaddid Alaf Saani II. This was his far-sightedness that he described cow slaughter in India as a great Iz!@mic practice. It may not be so in other places.. ..But it is definitely a great Iz!@mic act in India because the cow is worshipped in India. If the Muzlims give up cow slaughter here then the danger is that in times to come the coming generations will get convinced of the piety of the cow." - Maulana Ali Mian on 03/04/1986
Jul 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
There was the man in the 7th century who said his mother and his beloved uncle (both having the same blood as the man) will go to hell because they were not from a particular religion. @Javedakhtarjadu any idea about the name of the man and the particular religion? Apart from the fact that the claim made by @Javedakhtarjadu is bogus, this discussion on the same blood, the same DNA, etc is a ploy to stop discussion on actual reasons behind the deep gulf which divides the two communities.
Jun 20, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Lokanath Misra during a debate in the Constituent Assembly: "Article 19 [Became article 25 of the constitution after revision] is a Charter for Hindu enslavement. I do really feel that this is the most disgraceful article, the blackest part of the Draft Constitution.. (1/8) I have considered and studied all the constitutional precedents and have not found anywhere any mention of the word ‘propaganda’ as a Fundamental Right, relating to religion." on December 3, 1948 (2/8)
Apr 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
"You cannot ask me to change the genius of my culture, the genius of my religion. There is no free for all situation here. You convert & I convert & whoever has a better organization is going to convert more. This is not a percentage of the market. Here it is one-sided... ..I cannot change the genius of my culture bcoz I don't believe in conversion.

Conversion is violence. It is pure violence. It wipes out cultures. It is not merely violence against people, it is violence against people who are committed to non-violence.

Apr 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
4 factors behind the myth:
1. You have to just put a slogan, there is a stampede behind it & it comes to be taken as one of those 'truths that we hold self-evident'. No one looks up anything. Most have not heard anything beyond the assertion that Ambedkar wrote the Constitution.. .. a 'fact' which by now has sunk into their visual cortex because at every turn they see statues of Ambedkar holding the Constitution.

2. Reproducing records in the partial form: Only those passages are reproduced in which he is speaking in the assembly..
Apr 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Three points of view(M, K, D) relative to Iz!am with respect to the large scale temple demolition in medieval India:

M: Destruction of temples was necessary & pious act sanctioned by theology as temples were the center for worship of false gods of Kafirs.Maintain the status quo. Kafir (H in this case): It was an evil act of Jihad. These are symbols of the oppression of Kafirs. As supposedly we are 'free', our sacred temples must be freed from the forcible colonial occupation of invaders.
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Kashi Vishwanath temple complex, with the Nandi statue (photo taken in the 1880s). Nandi is still facing the Gyanvyapi mosque which was originally the Vishwanath temple. The Nandi has been waiting!!! Image A sketch of the Gyanvyapi mosque/Vishwanath temple by James Princep in 1831. There was a clash between Hindus and Muslims in 1809 when Hindus tried to construct a small shrine on the narrow strip of land between the mosque and the temple. They seem to have succeeded. Image
Mar 23, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Apart from the fact that the symbol used by Hitler was not Swastika but Hooked Cross (Haken Kreuz), here is what the Chief Rabbi of Israel stated in a joint declaration of the second Hindu-Jewish summit in 2008: "Swastika is an ancient and greatly auspicious symbol... ..of the Hindu Tradition. It is inscribed on Hindu temples, ritual altars, entrances, and even account books. A distorted version of this sacred symbol was appropriated by the Third Reich in Germany..The participants recognise that this symbol is, and has been sacred to Hindus.. Image
Mar 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Some of the things that have happened when Modi-Shah is here:
1.Many Hindus lost their lives in anti-Hindu Delhi riots thanks to the surrender of the central govt to Jihadis of Shaheen Bagh.
2.Thousands of Hindus got arrested for celebrating Diwali. 3. The sanctity of the Sabarimala tradition was broken.
4. A Hindu was killed by the bullets of the Bihar police for participating in Durga Viswarjan.
5. More 'Sabka Vishwas' schemes are in the full swing,
6. Bhagwan Ram is being called 'Imam-e-Hind' by the RSS. etc.
Mar 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In the year 2019-20 scholarship given to
14.23% Muz!ims=1771.64 crores
2.3% Christians= 376.57 crores
79.8% Hindus= 602.57 crores

Lion's share to Ministry of 'Minority' Affairs, a euphemism for Ministry of Muz!im Appeasement which is now called true secularism, Sabka Vishwas. Image Source:

% religious population data as per census 2011.
Feb 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Propagating 'hostage population theory' Maulana said: "There would now be 9 Hindu provinces against 5 Muz!im provinces & whatever treatment Hindus accorded in the 9 provinces, Muzlims would accord the same treatment to Hindus in the 5 provinces."
What a lovely message of unity! The credit must be given where it's due. The pan-Izl@mist Maulana had indeed given d message of unity (of a different kind).

"If even a grain of d soul of Izl@m is alive among its followers, then I should say that if a thorn gets stuck in a Turk's sole in d battlefield of war...
Feb 5, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Reproducing some of the writings/speech by this Stalinist known as an 'eminent historian':

1. Lord Indra is 'rowdy & amoral'.
2. The god Krishna has a 'rather questionable personal record'.
3. Lord Shiva is just 'a development of phallic cults'. 4. Bhakti is just the reflection of the complete dependence of the serfs or tenants on the landowners in the context of Indian feudal society.
5. Another myth which, through repetition has been made to stick to the artifact called Hinduism is that it is a tolerant religion.
Jan 27, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
In Jan1670, Krishna Janmsthan Temple was destroyed on orders of Aurangzeb.

The contemporary account Ma’sir-i-‘Ãlamgiri records:

"On 27th January: During this month of Ramzan..d reviver of the faith of the Prophet issued orders for d demolition of d temple situated in Mathura.. ..famous as the Dehra of Kesho Rai. In a short time by the great exertions of his officers the destruction of this strong foundation of infidelity was accomplished, and on its site a lofty mosque was built.. (2/4)
Jan 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Not eating beef is not only religious for Hindus but it also has some historical-political context. As @Infinitchy says it is a symbol of H resistance.

In medieval India, cow slaughter was rampantly used as a symbol of Hindu subjugation by Invaders.

Here are some instances: 1. Firuz Shah Tughlaq broke the idols and mixing the fragments with pieces of cow’s flesh, filled bags with them, and caused them to be tied around the necks of Brahmins who were then paraded through the camp
Jan 1, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The 'greatest Hindu' blamed Hindus for the Moplah genocide of Hindus. Gandhi said:

"Hindus must find out the causes of Moplah fanaticism. They will find that they are not without is no use now becoming angry with the Moplahs or the Muzulmans in general." 26th Jan 1922 After the Moplah genocide of Hindus, the 'greatest Hindu' asked Hindus to love Moplahs more. Gandhi said:

"..Even so is it more necessary for a Hindu to love the Moplah and the Muzulman more when the latter is likely to injure him or has already injured him" 26th Jan 1922
Dec 27, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Sri Aurobindo's thoughts on the "biggest Hindu":

"He [Gandhi] has no reason in him at all, never was reasonable at any moment in his life & I suppose never will be..I don't think he is himself really sure what he will do next.He has not only 2 minds but 3 or 4 minds."
31/7/1932 "Gandhi is a European- truly a Russian Christain in an Indian body...What he preaches is not Indian spirituality but something derived from Russian Christianity, non-violence, suffering, etc" - Sri Aurobindo on 22nd June 1926
Dec 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Today is d birth anniversary of d veteran historian R. C. Majumdar who refused to bend history to suit the interest of secularists & presented Izl@mic imperialism in medieval India as it was & not as Stalinist & Muzlim historians & d politicians were tailoring it to become. (1/n) For him, this “national integration” based on willful blindness to the recorded history of the havoc wrought by Izl@m in India, could lead only to national suicide. (2/n)
Nov 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
“With the grace of Prophet Mohammed and Allah, almost all Hindus in Calicut are converted to Islam. Only on the borders of Cochin State a few are still not converted. I am determined to convert them also very soon. I consider this as Jehad to achieve that object.” - Tipu Sultan.. his letter to Syed Abdul Dulai.

“Don’t you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed ‘Raman Nair’ very soon (referring to the king of Travancore)..
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Noone demolished Kashi Vishwanath.
Noone demolished Keshavadeva Temple, Mathura.
Noone demolished Ram Janmbhoomi Temple.
Noone demolished Bindu Madhava Temple,Varanasi.
Noone demolished Sun Temple, Multan.
Noone demolished Sun Temple, Modhera.
Noone demolished Somnath Temple. Noone demolished Sharda Temple, Kashmir.
Noone demolished Martanda Temple, Kashmir.
Noone demolished Avantiswami Temple, Kashmir.
Noone demolished Rudramahalaya Temple, Gujrat.
Noone demolished Bijamandal Temple, Vidisha.
Noone demolished Naganathaswany Temple, Tamilnadu.
Aug 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Tipu in his letter of 19 Jan1790 to Budruz Zuman Khan: “Don’t you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed ‘Raman Nair’ very soon(referring to the king of Travancore).. ..Since I am overjoyed at the prospect of converting him and his subjects to Islam, I have happily abandoned the idea of going back to Srirangapatanam now."

Tipu in his letter dated 18 January 1790 to Syed Abdul Dulai:
Aug 14, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
What is said: Paki got independence on 14th Aug & India on 15th Aug 1947.

What actually happened: On the demands of Mu$!ims for Mu$!ims by Mu$!ims(across whole India) a new “Medina” was created after the “Direct Action” which resulted in millions displaced & killed. PC- @upword_ Image For the first time, Indigenous civilization lost its 1/3rd of the homeland “permanently” to an intransigent “minority”. (remember this fact next time someone uses the magic word “minority” to guilt trap gullible Hindus)