Dr Anna Hájková Profile picture
@warwickhistory. Holocaust, Jewish, feminist, and queer history. She/her. Author The Last Ghetto https://t.co/5N1G2mcYOZ Agent: @janklowuk Trolls no thank you
Jun 4, 2024 33 tweets 7 min read
Ich habe am Sonntag das neue Buch von Frank Nonnenmacher ausgelesen, an dem meine Freundin @Eichmuellerin mitgearbeitet hat. Der Sammelband ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zu Geschichte der Nazi-Verfolgung der "Asozialen" und "Berufsverbrecher" im erzählt durch ihre Nachkommen. Image @Eichmuellerin Das Buch ist bei @Campusverlag erschienen, hat 372 Seiten, ist gebunden und kostet recht erschwingliche €29 (ich glaube dank Zuschuss @evzfoundation).
Leider gibt es kein Audiobuch, aber vielleicht lässt sich der Verlag noch überzeugen.
Jun 3, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
OTD in 1924, Franz Kafka died of tuberculosis. He was many things: a citizen of Czechoslovakia, Jew, employee of an insurance company, and a seminal writer whose work shapes of German literature to this day.
He was also brother to 3 surviving sisters: Valerie, Gabriela, Otilie. A 🧵about the Kafka sisters and the Holocaust.
Gabriela *1889 married Karl Hermann, had three children, and was deported in October 1941 from Prague to Lodz ghetto. She was murdered in September 1942 in Chelmno.
Oct 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
My social media channels show too many decolonial colleagues celebrating Hamas violence as Palestinian anticolonial resistance. They seem undisturbed or don't comment on the hostages, children and the elderly murdered, sexual violence, female corpses undressed, paraded, spat on. I am one of those historians of the Holocaust who has been publicly critical of the occupation. We are a minority; voicing this stance comes at a steep prize.
So yes, it is the violent and oppressive Israeli occupation that is a major factor for the events we see now.
Jun 9, 2023 33 tweets 14 min read
Today, after seven years of hard work and support of friends and colleagues around the world, Willy Brachmann, man who survived five years in Auschwitz, will receive a Stolperstein in his native Hamburg.
A thread about a capo, "habitual criminal," and a man who I think was a hero Brachmann was born in 1903 in Hamburg, and started stealing during WWI. Like many other German teenagers, he provided for his starving family while their fathers were on the front, and the blockade left Germans hungry. By 1933, his rap sheet was a page long.
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some good comments from Bijan, my responses below It is of utmost importance to raise the issue of antisemitism in motion 5 (the floods of antisemitic abuse that I received after I flagged it up was really eye-opening)
May 23, 2023 61 tweets 15 min read
Today is the 150th birthday of Leo Baeck, leader of Reform Judaism in Germany. Baeck was a guiding figure of German Jews under the Nazis. When he was nearly 70 years old, the Nazis deported Baeck to Theresienstadt.
A thread in memory of a great man - one that understood power. At his age, Baeck was part of a decimated group. Almost all German Jewish elderly perished in the ghetto, due to poor food and horrible accommodation. Baeck, who often fought for the rights of the seniors in the Jewish self administration, lived to see the liberation.