Anna Bonkhoff, MD Profile picture
PGY-2 @harvardneuromds | Stroke Researcher @MGHNeurology, @harvardmed | interested in recovery after stroke, the human brain & data science
May 10, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
Exactly 7 years ago, I spent #StrokeAwarenessDay undergoing emergency #thrombectomy for #basilar artery occlusion. #BAO

Today, I'm still in awe and celebrating how #modern #medicine saved me from locked-in syndrome and enabled me to live a normal life, against all odds.

1/ 🧵 2/ So far, I have avoided sharing this information as part of my professional life, fearing it would somehow disqualify me as a credible clinician-scientist. Finally, I realize that the experience only strengthened my resolve to give future patients the second chance I was given.