autoandrophobic MtF. trans terf. sexually inverted creature. genetic dead end. reactionary feminist.
Oct 11, 2024 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
honestly the fact that my experience with AGP resembles how @elegationvain describes AAP is imo evidence for it being real. my transition was motivated primarily by what i felt was an identity disorder. i truly always imagined myself as a woman, and felt disgust for being male.
@elegationvain i don't relate to blanchard's core autogynephilia scale at all, but i consider myself to be AGP. i'm most aroused by being called pretty, beautiful, princess, baby girl by a partner. not by mentally envisioning the visual image of myself with disjointed female body parts.
Aug 8, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
why c1s women don't have AGP or why "everyone sees themself as their gender identity during sex" is an invalid argument
charles moser is a BDSM activist who wishes to remove all paraphilic disorders from the DSM claiming they are "regressive" and "stigmatizing".
interpreting autogynephilia as an expression of gender identity is a willful misinterpretation of how an erotic target location error functions & blurring of superficially similar things