Anthony Daly Profile picture
Book lover. Film music affectionado. Survivor. Do a bit of writing. Author of Playland aka, The Abuse of Power. A one time West End "pretty boy."
Kimberly Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 25, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
The IICSA Westminster report stresses that whilst there may have been individual rogue MPs abusing children there was no evidence of an organised network within Westminster. Indeed this blanket conclusion appears to extend to my experiences. They have concluded that simply because I witnessed “senior establishment figures” being present at parties where underage “rent boys” were sexually abused and exploited, does not constitute evidence of the existence of an organised network.
Dec 31, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
SECRET STATE. Almost 700 files relating to the Guildford Pub Bombing and the subsequent unlawful imprisonment of the Guildford Four and Maguire Seven were to be opened by The National Archives (TNA) tomorrow (Wednesday 1 January 2020). However, the files have been removed from the TNA at the request of the government and returned to the Home Office. It now appears the files will remain closed for between 80 and 100 years from their original date.
Aug 9, 2019 27 tweets 5 min read
Part 2: The PINCHER/HAVERS document
I was keen to find out the content of the documents the Met had copied from Pincher’s “rather fat” Havers folder in February 1987. In April 2019, I submitted an FOI request to the Met as follows: “On 17 December 1986 the Serious Crime Squad of the Met instituted inquiries into an allegation that Lord Rothschild and the journalist Chapman Pincher were Soviet spies. Two senior officers from Scotland Yard were allocated the case.
Aug 8, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
Part 1: The PINCHER/HAVERS document - background and context.
Sir Michael Havers (later Lord Chancellor) had for years been friends with the journalist Chapman Pincher. They went pheasant shooting occasionally. Pincher wrote... “the most delightfully indiscreet oyster I ever met was Michael Havers, the Tory Attorney-General for many years and, briefly, Lord Chancellor.”
Aug 3, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
I had no plans to release this material any time soon, but in light of the Carl Beech disaster, I thought this might add a little counterbalance to the prevailing narrative. A POSTCARD FROM LONDON: I was told to smile for the camera, but this was the best I could manage. Tacky little paste-ups like this were considered to be the height of sophisticated marketing back in the day (I’ve had the image cleaned up and enhanced).