Anton Padmasiri Profile picture
Building stuff 👨🏾‍💻🧪 Founder CEO at @wealth_os. Previously product at Smart Pension and Fidelity. Like/Retweet = thoughtful/funny. =/= agree.
Mar 26, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Social media is bad for you in general. Use it wisely and hack it to your advantage (THREAD)

There are a few whom I follow on twitter who I'd label as avid tweeters. They will post upward of 50 original tweets, replies, quoted RTs a day. Easily. To the best of my judgement, these tweeps are not tweeting as a part of their profession or for brand reasons (journalists, academics, industry experts etc.). They are tweeting on a personal capacity and straddling different subjects - politics, environment, sex, celebrity.....