Owner of Anyman Fitness • OG fitness coach since 2013 • As seen in Men's Health + https://t.co/BAx7CLuIT3 • See how I can help you here ⬇️
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Feb 3 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
If I magically woke up with a huge gut & my goal was to become unrecognizable by June 2025, here's exactly what I would do:
1. Never eat a meal without 50 g of protein. Protein is your ally when dieting. Without it, you will be extremely hungry. You will lose muscle. You won't recover from your workouts, or be satisfied. Aim for your goal weight (in lbs) per day.
Jan 14 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
From on high, these 10 Fat Loss Commandments are indisputable.
While you can lose fat without them, the odds of doing so, and keeping it off permanently are slim.
These are not quick fixes, nor are they shortcuts.
If you're looking to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, just to regain it all in a weekend, these Commandments are not for you.
If you are looking to develop the skills and correct approach to lose the weight and keep it off for the rest of your life, these 10 Commandments are your new Guiding Light.
Jan 13 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
If I had to lose 40 pounds by the summer time, here is the exact, 13 step blueprint I would use to do it...
1. Stop drinking alcohol entirely - go straight edge until you are a full 40 pounds down (the best thing you can do for your fat loss + your health in general). 2. Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night - non negotiable.
3. Skip breakfast and drink water or coffee only (simple way to save calories)
4. Eat 2 meals per day, one at noon and one at 6-7 pm
Jan 3 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
If I was the guy on the left, and I wanted to transform into the guy on the right and I had ONE year to do it, here's 14 things I would do to make it happen: 1. Start eating 225 grams of protein per day.
That's my goal weight in pounds. Protein reduces hunger, builds muscle, and boosts your metabolism. Eat animal protein, dairy, and whey shakes. No excuses. You will build muscle and recover from workouts quickly.
Aug 26, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
I spent 13 years in the gym losing 85 pounds and building my dream body.
This is all you need to know in 33 bulletpoints.
1. If you get drunk every weekend, you won't get into great shape.
Make a short term sacrifice for a long term gain and cut out the booze. 2. Train your legs harder 3. Stop skipping workouts "just because" 4. 1 g/protein per pound of bodyweight EVERY DAY 5. Skip breakfast if you're trying to lose fat 6. EAT BREAKFAST if you're trying to gain muscle 7. Rice and potatoes are anabolic
Jul 13, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Welp, it happened. My oldest daughter has her first boyfriend.
He’s a good kid. When he met me he shook my hand, looked me in the eyes and called me “Mr. Helmes”.
My daughter told me he’s also terrified of me.
I asked her why and she said, “because you’re enormous and you have a lot of muscle”.
I just smiled and said “Good”.
Girl Dads out there, this is why we lift. 💪
It’s worth noting I didn’t do anything to make him scared of me. Other than exist. I was perfectly cordial to him.
That “hurrr durrr I own guns” rhetoric is for dorks who have no physical presence.
Lift weights and be in shape and you don’t have to say shit.
May 28, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
10 Foods that have a Ridiculously small serving size and you're nearly guaranteed to overeat.
It's wise to avoid these foods...
I'll give you 2 metrics - the serving size and the "me" size...
If you follow these 20 tips for 30 days, you'd easily lose 2 inches or more across your belly, and reduce your visceral fat.
1. Take your bodyweight (in pounds) and multiply it by 10. Eat that many calories every day. Track them diligently. Give it 2 weeks. You'll lose weight 2. Stop drinking alcohol 3-4 nights per week and limit your booze to 2 drinks total every 7 days. 3. Make protein the cornerstone of every meal. Add a few, healthy carbs if you have trained that day. 4. Get more sleep; a lack of sleep raises cortisol and makes you hungry.
Apr 27, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Reverse Pyramid Training is the FIRST program I did to build strength and athleticism.
It took me from 0 to a:
- 450 deadlift
- 335 squat
- 305 bench
Just 2 hours per week training in TOTAL.
I combined it with a solid diet and ended up with this physique (keep reading)...
Some of our BEST all-time transformations started with Reverse Pyramid Training.
It's simple.
Straight forward.
And it gets you brutally strong - RAPIDLY.
This is exactly what Ryan did here to kickstart his gains.
21 things I wish I could tell the bloated guy on the left when I first started hitting the gym 15+ years ago...
1. Running isn't "leg day". Lifting weights is leg day. STOP BEING A P*SSY and lift with your legs... 2. Leg presses and Romanian Deadlifts will build your legs FAR better than barbell back squats and traditional deadlifts will. 3. You won't get a 6 pack from doing "abs". 4. Walking > running 5. Sweat or soreness don't equal results. 6. Train your back more and your chest less.
Apr 13, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Reverse Pyramid Training is the FIRST program I did to build strength and athleticism.
It took me from 0 to a:
- 450 deadlift
- 335 squat
- 305 bench
Just 2 hours per week training in TOTAL.
I combined it with a solid diet and ended up with this physique (keep reading)...
Some of our BEST all-time transformations started with Reverse Pyramid Training.
It's simple.
Straight forward.
And it gets you brutally strong - RAPIDLY.
This is exactly what Ryan did here to kickstart his gains.
If you're serious about finally losing your gut, here are 35 FACTS about losing fat...
1. You'll never lose the weight for good if you don't STOP your habit of getting drunk every Friday and Saturday night
2. Getting healthy is the best way to honor your loved ones 3. Dine out 1-2 times per week, max 4. Make your own meals at home 5. Never drink a liquid calorie 6. NOT snacking > eating a healthy snack 7. Pack your lunch for work and eat nothing else
Mar 25, 2024 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Visceral fat (fat around your organs) puts you at risk for cancers, heart disease, and premature death.
Luckily, this is a solvable problem.
Use the 7 simple tips below to reduce your visceral fat and greatly improve your health
(Keep reading...) 1. Use heat therapy on a regular basis
Stress reduction is crucial to fat loss.
Lowering your cortisol will help you sleep better, reduce your hunger cravings, and will help you lose weight.
20 minutes in the sauna 4-5x/week is associated with longevity and improved health.
Mar 18, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
After 13 years in the gym, losing 85+ pounds, and maintaining it for a decade, here's everything you need to know
(#1 + 1a are far and away the most important).
1. Drinking booze is like losing fat on EXPERT MODE
1a. Eliminating booze is like losing fat on EASY MODE 2. Eat 50g minimum for breakfast each day 3. Zone 2 cardio should be done 5+ days per week 4. Do twice as many rows as pushes in your training 5. Don't eat low carb if you want to gain muscle 6. Don't fast if you want to gain muscle
Feb 16, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Fact 1: I was way stronger in the picture on the left
Fact 2: I have 25 more pounds of muscle in the picture on the right
Being strong is important, but it doesn't always build muscle.
I'm a hardgainer. I needed some "tricks" to build real mass (keep reading...)
Once I started focusing on actually BUILDING MUSCLE and not just lifting more weight, my gains took off.
Grab our Massive Muscle Maximization Guide to learn exactly how I did it (it's free):
If you're an able-bodied man in your 30s and you can't do all of these, it's time to get to work:
- <7-min mile
- 50 push-ups
- 15 pull-ups
- Run 3 miles in <27 min
- Walk 4 15 min miles in a row
- Static hang 90 seconds
- Hold strict plank 80 seconds
- Bench bodyweight
- Tread water 30 minutes
- Squat 1.25x bodyweight
- 24 inch+ standing vertical jump
- < 5-sec 40-yd dash
If you can do all of these, you're in great shape. Keep it up.
If you can't, you now have your list of new year's resolutions. You're welcome.
And if you're ready to get started, check out the next post. Where I'm giving away my Push/Pull/Legs program 100% free
Start building muscle and strength the right way, and start checking things off the above list
Be like our client Keith
He used our Push Pull Legs program to get the results you see below
Bookmark this plan if you're one of the millions suffering with this condition:
1. Stop with the fasting already
Yes you want to lean out if you're skinny fat. But fasting is the wrong way to do it. You need to build muscle asap.
Eat 3-4 times per day. Make sure you get 40g of protein every meal. Make sure it's animal protein. Chicken, pork, beef, fish, shellfish, lamb.
2. Stop with the low volume training
So many skinny fat guys get on a powerlifting program out of the gate. If that's you, I have bad news for you: 5 sets of 5 isn't going to get you where you want to be.
Lift 4-5 days per week. And get LOTS of volume. We're talking 20 rep sets. Chase that pump. Start with a push/pull/legs split
3. Stop with the crazy caloric deficit
You'll never get rid of the "skinny" part of being skinny fat if you're starving yourself. Not gonna happen.
Figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the total calories your body burns when you're just laying around doing nothing. Eat that many calories every day. For most skinny-fat guys this is in the 1900-2400 range. There are tons of free calculators online to find yours.
4. Stop with the steady state cardio
8 mile jogs at 10 minute miles are only going to dig you further into a hole. If you must do cardio during this transition period, make it high intensity. A few hill sprints of 40 yards each, a few times per week. Jump rope for speed for 2 minutes a couple times per week. You get the idea.
This is all you need to get rid of the skinny-fat physique forever.
The good news is you aren't crazy overweight. You're starting farther ahead than guys who need to lose 40+ lbs.
All you need to do is be consistent with the above for 3-4 months and you'll look drastically different.
And if you need a weightlifting program to get started, you're in luck.
Because I'm giving away my push/pull/legs program in the next post 👇
This is the most proven and effective strength training split of all time
Push / Pull / Legs
And your free guide tells you exactly how it's done
Fitness coaches love to dog on the idea of "starvation mode" BUT understand this about metabolism:
Metabolism is DYNAMIC. If you eat less, your metabolism goes down, and vice versa.
Eat less, you lose fat AND your body gets used to eating less.
If you want to keep losing fat, eventually you'll need to adjust your intake downwards (this is why "just eat clean bro" has limitations - you WILL stall out eventually without tracking anything).
The good news is, this is reversible by eating more.
Sep 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
If you ate exactly this for the next 30 days, you could easily lose most of your gut and be down 10+ pounds...