Filmworker, writer, Black Jew. Documentaries, op eds, sketch comedy. Director of @HalfFreedom doc. Contributing Writer @JewishCurrents. Comedy @killingmylobstr
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Jan 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Can’t believe this needs to be said but objecting to the acknowledgement of Jews of Color on the basis that it reminds you we exist makes you a racist!
Just watching jwitter lose its mind over a Black Jewish woman being hired for a prominent position by an extremely mainstream org is a huge mask off moment for how many of these voices are completely organized around hatred of anyone different, even their fellow Jews.
Jul 16, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Joint thread between myself and @NakitaRakel:
CN: Harassment/emotional abuse
Over the past year several people we know have experienced sexual and other forms of harassment from the same person in left Jewish spaces. Efforts to set boundaries were followed by emotional abuse & attempts to isolate targets from community. 1/6
Jun 11, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If you have never apologized or taken actions to be accountable for harming people, you haven't actually changed. You aren't entitled to forgiveness you never even asked for.
Have you done a single solitary thing to address past harm? No? Then you haven't grown, just rebranded. If you don't make things right declaring yourself a "better person" and shaming the people who you harmed for speaking up is just a continuation of abuse.