ʿAqil المُصْطَفَوِي Profile picture
muḥammadan • disillusioned logician // inactive
イザズ Profile picture Raffy Fatlly Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 15, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
This is a profound point because this is exactly the point that Taha Abderrahmane makes in critiquing Kant and Hume in his work on ethics, Su'āl al-Akhlāq. In the first chapter of the book, Taha Abderrahmane address a very fundamental question: what is the relationship between religion and ethics?

Kant provides an ethical theory that is representative of one answer: that ethics come first, and religion follows it after.
Jul 22, 2022 30 tweets 6 min read
The notion that something must only be written down in order for it to be accurate is a modernist and cultural bias.

We think in these terms because the modern education system in general no longer emphasizes the importance of memorization.

This is a thread, inshāAllāh. We also might come from a culture that was not known to memorize things. How many of us (or our elders) can recite a complete work of poetry entirely from memory is a good indicator of how much memorization has lost its value today.

It losing is value also correlates…
May 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
<netflix theology>: when your worldview is shaped by modern pop culture in media which is largely degenerate.

this is not without any basis, since charles taylor in his ‘a secular age’ introduces the notion of the <social imaginary>. he distinguishes <social imaginary> from <social theory> because they are fundamentally different:

(i) many people often <imagine> their social surroundings, and this is not expressed in theoretical terms. it is carried in images, stories, legends, etc.
Feb 17, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
Islām is a very personal matter—each of us will be held individually accountable for our actions, but make no mistake, Islām is not merely confined to the personal.

Islām emphasises a strict unity of life and law.

This is a thread, inshāAllāh. To understand the all-embracing role that the Sharīʿah plays, you have to understand Islām’s conception of man.

The place of the human on earth with a specific responsibility (amānah) is the basis in which our morality is anchored.

“Lo, we offered the trust unto the heaven…
Dec 28, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
Tak tahulah kita baca buku Imām al-Ghazālī رضي الله عنه yang berbeza ke apa, sebab dari pembacaan saya, apa yang Imām al-Ghazālī sebutkan completely opposite dengan ciapan di bawah ini.

Ini bebenang sanggahan, inshāAllāh. 1. Perempuan sebagai pemuas lelaki?

Imām al-Ghazālī dalam petikan ini terang-terang menyatakan bahawa salah untuk kita katakan bahawa tujuan berkahwin ialah untuk kepuasan nafsu semata-mata[teks Arab: الشهوة].

Bahkan, tujuan berkahwin yang utama ialah untuk mendapatkan… Image
Nov 18, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Sejujurnya, tak ingat langsung apa buku falsafah pertama yang saya baca, tapi buku di bawah ini merupakan buku falsafah pertama yang mendorong saya ke arah bidang pengajian saya sekarang.

Benda paling penting yang saya dapat: philosophy of logic tak sama dengan logic. Logik juga mempunyai banyak “mazhab” dan semuanya ada kelebihan dan kelemahan sendiri.

Bagi sesiapa yang pernah mengaji teks manṭiq klasik seperti Īsāghūjī, al-Sulam al-Munawraq, etc, itu hanya merupakan satu approach kepada logik iaitu “Aristotelian logic”/“Syllogistic logic”.
Oct 24, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
We live in age of contradiction—those attuned to their fiṭrah would realise this pre-reflectively.

Things that are morally wrong are redefined to fit an incomplete framework of ethics.

This is what causes spiritual unrest in many people, and agitation in much of discourse. Sexual jokes, explicit content in media, overall degenerate behaviour are deemed acceptable as long as those participating in it are fine with it.

The contradiction, of course, is that the same people who profess to be Muslims are the one defending this.

This is nothing other..
Aug 26, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
I don’t actually believe in the concept of “human rights”. When people invoke the term “human rights” nowadays, they are usually referring to the modern conception of it (particularly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations), and it is this one that I am sceptical about.
Jul 28, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
Utilitarianism as an ethical system might be unpopular to many people but the effect of reviving the attention given to pleasure has had considerable influence even until today.

This is a thread on 'happiness' and 'pleasure', inshāAllāh. By equating (or even replacing) happiness with pleasure, the modern man is everyday stripped down to an animal obsessed with fragmentary sensations fueled by the culture of consumerism—that promotes this very profitable lifestyle—and a kind of individualism.
May 23, 2021 28 tweets 7 min read
There is an interesting point in this book where René Guénon is critical of a part of history: the Renaissance.

In particular, he criticises both humanism and secularism. This is my attempt at explaining it comprehensively and in simple terms.

This is a thread, inshāAllāh. Image I’m putting aside Guénon’s esoteric doctrines and focusing on a passage that was the most important to me.

“A word that rose to honor at the time of the Renaissance, and that summarised in advance the whole program of modern civilisation is ‘humanism’. Image
May 15, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)—moga Allāh merahmatinya—seorang wartawan berbangsa Yahudi, kemudian memeluk Islam setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara di Timur Tengah. Seorang penulis dan pemikir hebat.

Dalam autobiografi beliau, The Road to Mecca, ada diceritakan tentang Zionisme. ImageImage Palestin, kata beliau ketika melawatnya pada tahun 1922, ada bilangan orang Arab yang jauh lebih tinggi dari orang berbangsa Yahudi, nisbah hampir 5 orang Arab bagi setiap seorang Yahudi.

Ketika ini beliau belum memeluk Islam.
Mar 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
📚 Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation

Possibly controversial, haha. I read this back in 2016-17 and it shaped a lot of my thinking then.

What struck me the most was the universality of usūl al-fiqh and its direct relation to ethics. Image Previously, usūl al-fiqh seemed to me to be divorced from the philosophical question of “how should we live life?”. l assumed it was pretty much contained within the realm of ‘deciding what is halāl/harām’ and it stopped there.
Dec 26, 2020 33 tweets 8 min read
There is an important distinction between fairness/justice (al-'adālah) and equality (al-musāwah) in Islam.

Knowing this distinction would make you understand why I cringe everytime someone calls the Prophet ﷺ a "feminist".

This is a thread, inshāAllāh. Firstly, the definition of justice (al-'adālah).

al-'adālah, al-'udūlah, al-ma'dilah, al-ma'dalah all of them mean the same thing according to ibn Manzūr: al-'adl.

In his Lisān al-‘Arab, he defines al-'adl as "what is established in the souls as straight, and it is the... Image
Dec 18, 2020 14 tweets 2 min read
Bila baca isu climate change dengan jantina ni, teringat pula pernah belajar satu paper epistemologi yang ditulis oleh Alison Wylie tentang ‘standpoint theory’.

Standpoint theory ialah teori yang banyak digunakan dalam falsafah feminisme dalam perbincangan tentang pengetahuan. Teori ini menjelaskan bahawa ‘social location’ atau kedudukan kita dalam masyarakat (berdasarkan jantina, bangsa etc) akan memberikan perbezaan epistemik iaitu perbezaan dari segi maklumat, pengetahuan, bukti, cara berfikir etc

Teori ini popular dengan gerakan feminisme 2nd wave
Nov 1, 2020 20 tweets 6 min read
No need to “eceh” me.

Yes, blasphemy laws exist in classical books of fiqh.

Pressed about it?
مُوتُوا بِغَيْظِكُم
—Q 3:119

This is a thread about blasphemy laws for people who can’t distinguish them from vigilantism, inshāAllāh. t.co/NUtEhLRhYp Firstly, I was talking about vigilantism (i.e. some random person taking laws into their own hands) in the first place, which is an entirely different thing from blasphemy laws.

Why are you so pressed to equate the two together?
Oct 31, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
“Muslims have a choice to not be offended by a cartoon” is an opinion that I wholeheartedly disagree with.

Firstly, it’s not just about the cartoon. It’s about the action and intent to disrespect our Beloved Prophet ﷺ.

Reducing it to “just a cartoon”... means denying the feelings Muslims have when they see the honour of our Prophet ﷺ desecrated.

Because it implies that it’s irrational for Muslims to feel angered with lowly caricatures of the Prophet ﷺ.

Secondly, is there really a choice in not feeling anger towards it?
Oct 20, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Boleh, ustazuna. René Guénon ni ahli falsafah Perancis abad ke-20.

Salah satu aliran dalam falsafah ialah “Perennialism” yang secara asasnya mengatakan bahawa semua agama dibina dari satu kebenaran universal yang sama. Kebanyakan dari mereka akan cari persamaan doktrin dalam pelbagai agama dan claim bahawa semua agama mempunyai essence metafizik yang sama.

Salah satu cara mereka melakukan demikian adalah dengan membandingkan ayat-ayat dari kitab suci agama yang menceritakan tentang satu...
Oct 9, 2020 23 tweets 4 min read
Scene ini dari filem Tolkien (2019) sebenarnya merupakan satu contoh pemikiran berlandaskan falsafah eksistentialisme yang dipelopori oleh Kierkegaard pada abad ke-19.

Ini ialah bebenang berkenaan falsafah cinta dan ketuhanan Kierkegaard dari buku Fear and Trembling, inshāAllāh. ImageImage Kierkegaard menganggap fenomena jatuh cinta sebagai contoh yang paling mudah difahami oleh orang ramai untuk menerangkan tentang konsep kepercayaan (faith).

Apabila seseorang itu jatuh cinta, dia merasakan seolah-olah seluruh kehidupannya telah berubah...
Sep 13, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I’m by no means knowledgable about the Islamic sciences, but being able to know enough to make comparisons/draw parallels with Western thought makes my classes endlessly interesting.

Here are some examples, inshāAllāh. Jean-Paul Sartre, the French existentialist relayed a story in his lecture Existentialism is a Humanism:

A student of his came to him asking whether he should join the French Army in the war to avenge the death of his brother or should he stay at home and take...
Sep 10, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Personally, saya rasa format video ini agak teruk dan nak rant sikit pasal benda ni.

The nature of the ‘free will vs determinism’ issue is that ia melibatkan kepercayaan—jadi minda kita instinctively akan cuba mencari satu jawapan yang memuaskan hati kita. Ia bukan seperti isu lain dimana kita bebas melihat pelbagai pendapat from a neutral perspective (sebagai suatu aktiviti akademik) dan akhirnya memilih untuk tidak bersetuju dengan mana-mana pon kerana ia tiada kaitan dengan diri kita.
Aug 28, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
This is from one of my favourite poems written by Hamzah Fansuri, a 16th century Sufi who wrote Malay poetry on mysticism, and is considered the first known poet of the Malay world. Image He was said to be the first person who introduced the genre of ‘syair’ and influenced the entire Sufi poetry of the Malays.