Arizona's Law Profile picture
A nonprofit journalism effort covering Arizona's courts, legal system and laws. Listen for our program on @SunSoundsofAZ (& online)! --@PaulWeichAZ
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Sep 10 6 tweets 2 min read
Some really excellent questions from @ThomasGalvin & the other Supes at today's meeting about Nov's election!

The 2 page ballot is thanks to the Leg, and it is going to cause many problems (and take longer to tabulate).

Examples: longer lines at printers, voting booths...
1/5 Image ...tabulators, etc.

The 2 page ballot is going to cause a host of other problems. Mail-in voters are going to have to be especially careful not to mix up the pages with a family member living elsewhere in the county (eg filling out ballots together)....
May 2 71 tweets 8 min read
JOIN US at 2pm as we cover the much-delayed oral arguments in @KariLake's 2022 Election Contest appeal.

The ever-effervescent @tomryanlaw and I will bring you every thrilling moment of the 50 (scheduled) minutes of arguments. Image As always, we encourage you to follow along with us. Neither of us traveled to Tucson for today's festivities, so we're depending on this YouTube link:
Dec 12, 2023 25 tweets 4 min read
LIVE NOW: The Arizona Supreme Court is about to hear oral arguments in the case to decide whether Arizona's Civil War-era total ABORTION BAN is back in effect, or whether the 2022-passed 15-week ban superseded it (despite Leg's attempts to both regulate and keep the total ban). Image LINK TO WATCH the hour-long oral arguments, beginning at 9:30:…
Sep 25, 2023 43 tweets 6 min read
Welp, PW is off today. So you are stuck with me, your intrepid court watcher, Tom Ryan. Let's get started. This hearing has been going on for 1 hour now. Logged in just in time to hear Mr. Blehm argue with Judge Hannah. It did not go well. TR Kari Lake is NOT in the courtroom even though she is the Plaintiff. Wendy Rogers is in the galley though. Judge Hannah is now correcting Blehm on who can verify signatures on Petitions and Initiatives. TR
May 24, 2023 61 tweets 11 min read
Well, goooooood afternoon Arizona! For all you out there keeping score on all the butt kicking going on in the MAGA litigation realm, I've got a little refresher course for you to read before we get started in Judge Tuchi's Court on the Alan "the Dersh" Dershowitz OSC hearing. TR The hardworking journos at AZ LAW have put together this handy-dandy Sanctions Scorecard for your ease of reference. It's a lovely, hop, skip and a sneeze down Memory Lane for who is getting slapped with sanctions in MAGA land. TR
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is NOT how laws are made or changed.⤵️ The *resolution* passed on a party line vote. Here is the action portion.

Note that it:
1. includes no enforcement provisions - woulda sent up red flags,
2. does not even direct Borelli to write the ltr
3. etc

SCR1377: Image
May 17, 2023 125 tweets 17 min read
LIVE COVERAGE of the @KariLake Election Contest trial (Part Deux), at 9am.

Join the irrepressible and very quotable @tomryanlaw and I for the play-by-play!⤵️ I'm in the courtroom, Tom is watching the livestream.

And, YOU can watch the livestream, too, at the court's site:
Search "Lake" or "Hobbs", then click on the eyeball icon.
May 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Judge DOES ALLOW @KariLake to present evidence showing Maricopa "failed to conduct any level 1 signature verification".

He's also not impressed with ever-changing theories: "also recognizes the contradiction between this new theory & the other allegations in Count 3" Contradiction, per Judge: "her own affiants declare that they conducted signature review at level 1."

"The Court will give such affidavits and the evidence presented at Trial the weight that each is due. Plaintiff is further bound by her concession..."
May 16, 2023 78 tweets 13 min read
LIVE COVERAGE, 1:30pm (AZ Time): @tomryanlaw and I will be covering oral arguments in @AbrahamHamadeh's ongoing Election Contest lawsuit.

The Superior Court judge will be considering Hamadeh's January 4 Motion for a New Trial.

Join us, please, right here⤵️ If you would like to watch the livestream with us, here it is, with a snazzy coming soon slide and everything:

May 12, 2023 57 tweets 9 min read
LIVE COVERAGE: Coming up at 9am, live coverage of oral arguments in the Kari Lake Election Contest.

Judge Peter Thompson will be deciding whether to:
1) to dismiss the remaining signature verification count or to proceed to trial next week
2) Lake's request to reopen... Image ...Count 2 that Maricopa County failed to properly follow logic and accuracy testing laws. (Judge could add that to next week's trial, or set a separate hearing.
3) Ryan Heath's motion to file an amicus brief.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING SUNS UPDATE: Tonight On Court, Tomorrow IN Court

Bankruptcy Hearing On Whether @Suns VIOLATED Bally Sports' Automatic Stay

(READ Filings) Phoenix Suns' KD, Book, Ayton "The Suns face a critical Game 5 in their playoffs series, on the Nuggets' home court.

Tomorrow, the Phoenix Suns face a critical hearing, in Bally Sports' home (Bankruptcy) Court. Instead of Book, KD, Ayton, CP and crew, the team will rely only on DC to carry the workload...."
Mar 23, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: AZ Supreme Court Sends Piece Of @KariLake Case Back To Trial Court, To Look At Whether Maricopa County Followed Signature Verification Policies In 2022;

Denies Review Of Rest Of Appeal UPDATE: Have added the Order.
Dec 29, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
LIVE COVERAGE of the court hearing on the Election Recounts, coming up at 10am.

We will get the OFFICIAL reveal of the recounted results in the razor-thin AZAG race (Mayes now by 511), the Supt/Publ Instrxn &LD13 House. We are also expecting discussion of some attempted twists.

This am, @AbrahamHamadeh's atty (LaSota) filed a Motion to STOP the announcement of the RECOUNT RESULTS!
Dec 27, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Judge DENIES SANCTIONS against @KariLake for her failed Election Contest, but will have to repay taxpayers $33,040 for costs. CORRECTION:
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: "Enough really is enough." Defendants ask for estimated $700,000 in SANCTIONS against @KariLake and her attorneys.

SANCTIONS SCORECARD: Keeping Track Of Arizona's 2020-22 Election Case Aftermaths All filings posted at

Secretary of State's: $36,990
Maricopa County: $25,050
Gov-Elect Hobbs: $633,935
Total: $695,975
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Not only that, but they are accusing @MarcElias (an atty in the case) of having an inappropriate ex parte communication with the judge.

Accusing an atty of ethical violations - especially without any evidence - can be an ethical violation.
PW Ex parte: Communicating with a judge without letting other attys in the case know he was doing so....Though I've never seen an accusation of ghostwriting for the judge.
Dec 24, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: Kari Lake FAILED To Convince Judge To Reverse Governor’s Race, Election Contest DENIED
@katiehobbs Is Gov-Elect, Printer/Tabulator Issues On E-Day, Chain of Custody Allegations Were Not Misconduct To Change Result Kari Lake wants one more ch... (cont'd) Judge invites sanctions motions by Monday night.

Plaintiff did not prove anything she needed to.

Dec 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Welll, I'm going to take a break from hitting "refresh" to hit the freeway. Can't stay at office any longer.

Indications from the court seem to indicate we won't see the ruling tonight. However, that could just be poor communication. PW If any of you see it, DM me. (I think my phone gets those notifications, and I'll safely pull off of the road.)
Dec 22, 2022 169 tweets 29 min read
LIVE COVERAGE: We're gearing up to bring you Day 2 of the Kari Lake Election Contest evidentiary hearing, beginning at 8:30.

We will also be keeping an eye on the emergency hearing in Abe Hamadeh's Contest, re: inspection of ballots.

JOIN US! Kari Lake The link to watch the Lake trial:
Dec 21, 2022 173 tweets 27 min read
LIVE-TWEETING coverage of the Kari Lake Election Contest slated to begin at 9am (AZ Time).

Join us for the 1st day of a 2-day trial. Lake will be trying to prove that Hobbs' 17,000+ margin for Governor should be erased.

It should be interesting! Kari Lake WATCH along with us.

Here is the Court's PUBLIC livestream link:

Search for "Lake", click on the "eye" icon once it appears.

We'll also be looking for links to local coverage in case the court's falters. (Place them ⤵️)
Dec 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: @AbrahamHamadeh Election Contest WILL GO FORWARD. Judge Jantzen dismissed one count, Counts 1-IV go forward, Friday

Recount results expected on Thursday. Abe Hamadeh Minute entry uploaded momentarily.