Andrew Francis Profile picture
Mathematician, professor: does evolution with maths. Former ARC Future Fellow, other ARC roles. Loves thinking about science, people, and meaning. He/him
Dec 27, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
I’m going to explain myself by tweeting out my letter to my DVC-R that goes through my thoughts.

1/ Dear [DVC-R],
(cc VC, PVC-R, Dean)

Like many, I have been left shocked and angry by the political vetos applied to ARC Discovery Grants this round. The system the ARC has in place to assess quality research uses the best experts Australia has available…

Oct 22, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
A little personal reflection.

A trigger warning: cancer, end of life. I'm sitting in my mother's nursing home room. She is gently fading away with pancreatic cancer. It's now 28 days since she ate anything, so my visits have become silent affairs as she sleeps.

She is fortunate in many ways. No pain to speak of, and she is ready to die.