Dr Ah Kahn Syed Profile picture
Medical whistleblower. Not anti-vaxx, just pro-truth. Pseudonym. MD. PhD. On the Francesoir list https://t.co/MAgKKeOIvh TG https://t.co/BIaWm0LeIH Account suspended Oct 2021
Oct 15, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
#NSW Australia Supreme Court Judge rules against the plaintiffs in Kassam vs Hazzard on all counts.

Essentially, your right to your bodily autonomy is no longer your choice according to Justice Beech-Jones.

This is not over yet.
#holdtheline Image Now, the question comes:
If a judge rules a group of people must receive a treatment that is of no benefit to them, and causes harm, does that judge become vicariously liable for the consequences?
Oct 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Just posting some approved content to try to get my social credit score back...

Apologies for the dullness of this thread.

Please don't read it. Zzzzzzzz......