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Saippuakauppias. Palindromaattinen ultranationalisti.
Aug 23, 2022 • 24 tweets • 13 min read
ARE FINNS MONGOLS? Thread on the history of Finnish Turanism and racial theories in the modern era. 1/24 Image One might often stumble upon old ethnographic maps where Finns are part of the Mongoloid/Turanic race. This theory greatly influenced foreigners' perception of Finns in the 19th & 20th centuries, but where did it come from and did the Finns really think of themselves as Asians? 2 Image
Jul 23, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Discovered an interesting piece of Finnish Patriotic Pulp Fiction: “Greater Fatherland” written by pseudonymous “Captain Steel”. Published in 1918, his military sci-fi story presents an imaginative vision about the future of Kingdom of Finland. (Spoilers) The (author’s self-insert) main character is a Finnish student who enlists in the Finnish Jaegers during WW1 and through the lost research of a scientist, discovers a new metal that is lighter and stronger than any known metal and uses it to develop super-weapons.
May 3, 2022 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
In this thread I will be looking at “Paths of the Finnish Kin” published in 1935 by the Union of Veterans of the Kinship Wars. The book is an ethnographic study on the origins and history of the Finno-Ugric peoples from a nationalist perspective. The author Eero Kuussaari took himself part in multiple volunteer expeditions that aimed to create a Greater Finland. His book sought to teach about the rise and fall of ancient Finns to serve as a lesson and inspiration for the realization of this dream. "This book is meant to serve the national effort, which
Mar 16, 2022 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
“What has Russia done to Finland in the last 30 years?” I will answer this question in earnest now to hopefully get people to understand why a Finnish patriot would oppose Russia today. @LatinxPutler 1/14 Firstly, the framing that Russia’s relationship with Finland changed fundamentally with the fall of the USSR is wrong. USSR’s influence in Finland didn’t end because there was never any Lustration here. 2
Mar 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Winter War scenery by Erkki Tanttu. These were illustrations for 'Kiirastuli', a collection of war-time elegies by poet Yrjö Jylhä. ImageImage ImageImageImageImage
Feb 5, 2022 • 17 tweets • 7 min read
Was the Continuation War a hoax? Thread on a Finnish WW2 Conspiracy theory about “Mannerheim’s secret agent”. 1/16 In 1971, a man named Vilho Tahvanainen raised controversy with his book “Special Mission as Mannerheim’s Secret Agent”. Questioning the entire Finnish WW2 narrative, the book was dismissed as pure fiction and Tahvanainen was, in his view, unpersoned by President Kekkonen. 2
Nov 12, 2021 • 22 tweets • 13 min read
Thread on “The Long Wrath” - the bloody guerrilla war on Finland’s eastern frontier during the Russo-Swedish War of 1570–1595. 1/21 In the Kalevalan myths, there is a tale of an ancient brother war between the families of Untamo and Kalervo. This perennial tale of a fratricide was part of the shared tradition between tribes of Finland that were entrenched in an analogous conflict for hundreds of years. 2
Oct 20, 2021 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
How a Finnish Admiral ended Denmark’s dominance of the Baltic Sea – Thread on Klaus Kristersson Horn and naval combat in the Northern Seven Years’ War. 1/17 Image In 1563 Sweden entered the Northern Seven Years’ War alone against the alliance of Denmark and the Hanseatic city of Lübeck over the control of the Baltic Sea. The war was fought in southern Scandinavia but is mainly remembered for the fierce battles between modern navies. 2 ImageImage
Jun 5, 2021 • 21 tweets • 12 min read
Thread on Marttinen’s men – Finnish soldiers in Uncle Sam’s Army 1/20 Image After the armistice with the USSR was signed in 1944, there were serious fears that the Red Army could occupy Finland completely. Young officers of the headquarters took the initiative and began to organize a guerrilla network using the organization of the former Civil Guard. 2
May 2, 2021 • 16 tweets • 9 min read
Thread on the Finnish People’s Army and the Terijoki Puppet Government during the Winter War. 1/15 Image While nowadays the Winter War is seen having started after a Soviet false flag incident (The shelling of Mainila), in 1939, the Soviet Union wanted to portray its invasion as assistance to the “legitimate” Finnish Government of O.W. Kuusinen. 2/15 ImageImage
Mar 28, 2021 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
What if Mannerheim had crossed the Rubicon? Thread on the planned 1919 Finnish right-wing coup and Petrograd offensive. 1/19 After the failure of Finnish monarchy, Mannerheim was named the regent of Finland while a new Republican constitution was being drafted. Finland still struggled to gain the recognition of its independence and ambitious foreign policy goals were abandoned. 2
Mar 27, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Hans Kalm’s plan to capture Petrograd with the Estonian Army and his Finnish volunteer corps in 1919 was quite imaginative. According to the plan, the strength of Finnish volunteers was to be doubled to 6000 men and together with 25 000-30 000 Estonian troops, they would attack from Narva towards Petrograd. They also believed they would get help from White Russian, Baltic German and Finnish Armies.
Mar 11, 2021 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
On this day in 1555, the battle of Joutselkä was fought between the Finnish troops of the Kingdom of Sweden and Muscovite Russian forces. In this battle, the Finns achieved a victory over a ten times larger Russian force thanks to innovative tactics like the use of ski troops. Image In the 16th century, the expansion of Finnish settlements and raids conducted over the border by both Swedes and Russians escalated tensions between the two kingdoms until they were in a state of war. In the Winter of 1555, Tsar Ivan the Terrible decided to invade Finland. ImageImage
Feb 8, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
On this day in 1918 during the Finnish Civil War, the Battle of Kuopio ended. The battle was a relatively bloodless, yet important victory for the White Army in Northern Savonia. The White forces were officially led by Carl Malm, an officer of the Old Finnish Guard, disbanded in 1905, but in battle they were led by Jägers like Einar Vihma, who had returned from Germany to liberate his hometown.
Dec 27, 2020 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Fascinating video about asymmetrical skis used by Uralic peoples in Fennoscandia. On the left foot, the skier has a long ski for sliding, on the right foot, he has a shorter ski for kicking

The long ski was traditionally made from pine tree reaction wood, which was hard and curved. The shorter ski was made from birch and its bottom was covered with deer hide to give it better friction. The long ski was waxed with animal fat to make it slide better.
Oct 14, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Cartoon by Kari Suomalainen from 1942 mocking the declaration of War on Finland by England and the Commonwealth.

"1939-1940: Finland vs. Russia - Result."

"1941- : Finland vs. Russia, England, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, India etc.. - Result!" ImageImage Another comic from the same topic:
"Finland has 1 300 000 000 enemies!"
"I better put the entire bunch in a motti!"

Below: the last dance at Hawaii, directed by Mr. Roosevelt. Image
Jun 17, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
While the assassination of Nikolai Bobrikov is by far the best-known act of Finnish resistance during the first Russification period, it wasn’t the only one. Here are some other assassination attempts which took place (and some of them are quite funny) 1/10 Eliel Soisalon-Soininen was a Finnish conservative politician who became the Chancellor of Justice. In his position, he had to enforce the Russification policies and was awarded for his actions, which furthered his reputation as a traitor. 2/10 Image
Apr 26, 2020 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
Thread: Heinrich Himmler's obsession with Finland Image In the 1930s, there still existed a living tradition of paganism in the rural areas of Karelia. Old bards sung poetry in the traditional Kalevala meter and played the traditional instrument Kantele. Traditional magic rituals were still performed. ImageImageImage
Feb 22, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
There is an interesting story how the Waffen SS got absolutely MOGGED in Lapland. SS Kampfgruppe Nord was formed from reservists, police units and concentration camp guards. They were poorly trained and inexperienced. In 1941 they attacked Russian positions in Salla together with the Wehrmacht and Finnish troops. ImageImage
Feb 7, 2020 • 20 tweets • 10 min read
Finnish Kinship Wars, the final chapter: The East Karelian Uprising. 0/19 Image Between 1918-1919, the British intervention forces supported Karelian Nationalism as a counterweight to Finnish expansion in East Karelia. A Karelian regiment fought under British command against the Finnish Viena expedition. 1/19

Jan 20, 2020 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
The Finnish Kinship wars, Part one: The Viena expedition. 0/14 Image During the Finnish Civil war, the white army sent several volunteer expeditions to Karelia and to the Arctic sea, to secure the Eastern border and to create a greater Finland. Many Finnish Reds had retreated to Karelia, threatening to flank the White Army. 1/14 Image