Arturius Maximus Profile picture
@TotalMusicSnobs @SnobsOnFilm
Oct 14, 2020 39 tweets 12 min read
"Dorothy was a waitress …" #PrinceTwitterThread The cult-iest of @prince cult classics; this opening line of "The Ballad of Dorothy Parker" (henceforth, TBoDP) is as resonant a song opener as "Dig if U will…", "I was dreaming when I wrote this…", or "I guess I should've known…" — despite not being a single.
May 14, 2020 33 tweets 12 min read
Whenever I talk about @prince — especially his classic 80's period — context is where I like to start. And with an album like Purple Rain which (frankly) overshadows EVERY other album released in his career, context is the best device we can use to appreciate its finer points. But before I get into context, today's my day to dive into "Take Me With U": 2nd track on PR; recorded over a roughly 9 day period in late January 1984 (thx @PrinceVault & @Duane_Tudahl); PR"s 5th & final single release (reached No. 25 on the US pop chart).