1. Story of sour grapes. 2. Emotional breakdown tweet
Apr 20, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Learn #SubramanyaBhujangam in less than 15 days!
Learning procedure before the thread begins:
Subramnaya Bhujangam is a powerful stotram written by Adi Shankara. When Bhagavtapada had visited Tiruchendur he got the darshan of Subramanya and the words poured out of him, into a beautiful 33 verse stotram.
Benefits of reciting the stotram with faith:
Lord Subramanya will
- Act as armour for you.
- Let no enemies near you.
- Remove all obstacles.
- Give you bliss, health, wealth and happiness.
The way to learn the sloka:
- Consider Adi Shankara as your Guru, pay obeisance to him and start learning.
- I’ll post one verse video with the best pronunciation from the internet so that you can learn easily.
- Now you’d have to listen to 2 verses each day and keep reciting each verse until you get the pronunciation right.
- I’ll highlight the difficult word in the verse and write an equivalent English word just to get your pronunciation right.
- Wherever you’ve doubts, pause the video and play that part again. And recite, do this until you are getting the exact pronunciation.
- Once you learn, if possible as a token of respect donate to a poor Brahmin priest.
सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥
3. Modi as a “President” manages the global brand of India. You’d see the most hands-on President in the Indian history.
4. Yogi as a PM plays to the local sentiment. He develops Bhimrau states.
5. Amit Shah continues as HM. Tightening the screws in the India system. UCC will be implemented post elections.
6. India’s Raw brings democracy in Pakistan & creates a proxy party there. We don’t want a volatile neighbor, while at the same time we don’t want them to be prosperous.
7. Kashi-Mathura liberated. Millions of tourists visit Kashi-Mathura-Ayodhya dham. UP becomes more prosperous than any other state in the country, and starts supplying electricity to neighbor if states.
8. BJP finds inroads into TN by winning municipal elections of Tirunelveli, Kovai, Madurai. Becomes a strong third front with 8-10% vote share. Annamalai creates massive disruption that the next TN CM first goes to temple after taking oath.
9. Personally, my wish is Indian Muslims accept the fact that they’re Indian Muslims and there’s no global Ummah tha they’re part of- this realisation they’ll get after they see Saudi Arabia ditch them entirely and builds a Rām Mandir there.
10. Mumbai finally gets a CEO who takes care of all the bodies- khudai comes down in the city.
11. Sanskrit becomes compulsory in schools.
12. Giving up reservation becomes a people movement.
13. We see more animes from Japan around Hindu epics.
One of the common responses to the above tweet is- point no 6 is too ambitious.
No it isn’t. You know what was more ambitious? Building Rām mandir in India.
Winning over Pakistan is very easy.
1.Isolate the powerful Pakistani Punjabis there. 2. Spend a few million dollars and create a narrative that their race migrated from outside Pakistan and enslaved the remaining castes. 3. Encourage atheism there. 4. Create noise around the atrocities on Hindus there. 5. Make them dependent on you for electricity- directly or indirectly. 6. Prop up an opposition movement to their fascist ISI ruling- like the Anna Hazare movement.
It’s easier to create puppets in Pakistan right now.
Nov 1, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Starting a Gems of Gabbar thread 🧵
Share your inputs as comments.
Here’s the first one:
Let’s turn the attrocities on Kashmiri Hindus, because it’s “cool”: