Aryāṃśa Profile picture
aesthetics, philosophy, history, markets
18 subscribers
Jan 25 6 tweets 2 min read
When I was young and in America, I always knew I was Indian and my country was India. That's because I knew what it felt like to be an unquestioned majority in India and had an instinctive sense of "ownership" of the country. In America, I saw my subcontinental friends act like confused ducklings because their liberal teachers, the zeitgeist and their civics classes told them they were also Americans, but it was a hasty and uncertain reality, which they hesitatingly accepted or rejected.
Sep 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Israel is a state run by a population (Ashkenazi Jews) with an average IQ of 115 surrounded by Arab states with an IQ of 80. It’s not too hard to see why such comical scenarios ensure.

The average Ashkenazi is more than 2 SD smarter than the average Arab Muslim. People running Israeli intelligence would be 1 SD smarter than the average Ashkenazi, think an IQ of 130. For reference, more than 15% of Ashkenazi would have an IQ higher than 130. Image
Aug 19, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Nice thread, since you are being candid and following historical trends somewhat respectfully, let me just provide my own response to it.

It was very difficult to draw strict lines of separation in theological identity in pre-modern primary religions, so what makes up Hinduism *theologically* is not a clear cut bullet point list. The identity of Hindu has always been subjective but it comes down to what Savarkar has said. Hindus are a people, tied by genetics, culture, language and ancestral connections to 1 homeland. Hindus are those people whose homeland is bhArata. There is a common philosophical base of Vedanta-Upanishads in India from which all sects source beliefs (historically, from a materialist analysis). Sikhi clearly also sources concepts from this, like literally every Hindu sect, but all the sects have their own interpretation of those concepts or build on them further.

- karma, reincarnation (punarjanma), individual soul (atman), world soul (brahman), panentheism (brahman pervades everything, and everything is sourced in it), concept of dharma, reverence for cows etc

What defines a sect from a religion now from that sense is completely based on self-identity. MANY Hindu sects can just make an argument that we are totally different than *xyz other sect* and hence not the same "religion"

However, reasonably, people understand they share a common identity based on many things and don't feel the need to do so.
Aug 17, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Lot of Sikhs bet on the strategy of completely divorcing themselves from the bad reputation and stereotypes of India by calling themselves “Punjabis, Sikhs” and believing in that exceptionalism. Indians obviously took glee in it when North Americans started rejecting this shtick. I’m also a Punjabi, but why should I do Punjabi exceptionalism? If I really want to divorce myself from India’s bad reputation, then who cares about ethnicity? I should just bring in my caste (Khatri) which is responsible for most of Punjabi history as well as being elite human capital in modernity.
Jul 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
White people have enemies in all kinds of violent and lecherous races living in their countries that kill and rape their family members but on Twitter they chose to just seethe against the most non violent and productive immigrant group 24/7 I get it no one wants their country or home to be overran by foreigners but literally what choice do you have at this point? Seethe and abuse a group that commits no crime, minds its own business, earns more than native Whites, pays taxes? That's the ideal kind of immigrant.
Jun 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Has no one read this article? How did we miss this? Seems like lot of tensions with RSS might've cost us dearly in UP.

RSS pracharaks cutting down their campaigning in UP is like fighting a world war without proper equipment or resources.

Only those in formal leadership positions in the organisation are campaigning. The ordinary pracharak or karyakarta is not campaigning at all,” the Lucknow pracharak said, as he wound up his morning shakha, or gathering, in Lucknow. “Until the last election, shakhas would be one of the most important sites where campaigning was discussed and planned—now, there is nothing happening.”
May 13, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
It's just very funny to see Muslims try to discuss theology or philosophy. You can just tell it's being done by people who are 90 IQ at max and whose philosophers were tops 100 IQ themselves. It's like the midwit's idea of "owning" someone in a debate. The reason Hinduism seems hard for you to understand is because you're just too retarded to even understand how to debate core matters on metaphysics or soteriology.

Your arguments like 95% of e-dawah givers mostly just revolve around "exposing flaws" and "embarrassing stories"
Apr 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Lost one of my most important folders, the history one, 5 GB worth of prolly top tier/esoteric/unfindable books, papers, snippets. Don't know what to say/feel, totally numb....

it's worse than a modern alexandria burning Image the worst loss was the subfolder called "Punjab History" because it contained stuff im positive <1000 people knows/read about and esoteric books i had downloaded from IRL libraries across the US by going there in person and digitalizing.

fuck, its just such a brutal loss, im totally numb.
Mar 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The Amisch of America are known to be a hyper conservative Anabaptist community in the US. They're of Swiss German descent & call other Americans "English". They don't use electricity or motor vehicles and live the 19th century style life that their ancestors did.
The Amisch have a very high fertility rate, and they homeschool all their children, with most of the time being spent on Bible study and learning practical skills like woodmaking or construction. Their native language is not English but a dialect of Swiss German.
Mar 3, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
It's very irritating how people are so dense they don't seem to get this (either that or they aren't well travelled at all). So anyway, let me just clarify what this means in some tweets below. Your 'reputation' as a country in today's age is an intersection of some innate factors plus material success.

1) Innate Factors: proximity to Western Europeans- race, skin color, religion, culture, ideologies followed (full marks for progressivism)

2) Material Success: cleanliness, GDP per capita, HDI, etc

Countries that are racially, religiously, culturally closest to NW Europe/Anglosphere will have the highest reputation.
Feb 25, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Hari Singh Nalwa's letter to Dost Mohammad Khan of the Barakzai Dynasty. Nalwa said that it is written in the scriptures of the Hindus that the Sikhs will conquer Kabul. Image Nalwa had a low opinion of the Afghans, considering them dogs and cowards. A big chunk of his life had been spent on the frontiers of India expanding the boundaries of Lahore and killing the Pashtun tribes. Under his campaigns, the boundary had extended to the doorway of Khyber Image
Jan 23, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Fundamentally the demands of Hindu nationalists have always been very just, we have just wanted one country to be ours. The Muslims & Christians have their countries, even the Buddhists have theirs.

Why should we be the only people on Earth to have to sacrifice for secularism? We are morally right, historically right, and legally entitled to have India as ours. The other side is morally incorrect, historically incorrect and has no real fundamental right to India.
Dec 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
One of my good friends who is an MBBS, MD from AIIMS Delhi (AIPMT AIR <100) took JEE Advanced just for fun without ever studying a single day for it & got an AIR of 3k. Highest rank in our class in AIPMT & one of the highest in JEE Advanced despite him never caring about IIT. Guy was just smarter than all of us without ever having to study much for it. My class was full of rattabaaz kids who studied 10-12 hours a day but we could never even come close to him as he would coast of his raw brainpower that made him understand math & physics intuitively.
Dec 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
ArainGang really pretending like inbred Pakjabi Muslims aren't worse looking than their Hindu-Sikh counterparts.

What did Punjabi Muslims, especially Raeen, actually even do for millenia? They have no history, they never fought anyone, they were never the leaders in the Punjabi fight for sovereignty against the Afghans and Mughals. We did all of those things. Let's look at it from the start. The Punjabi people start fighting back against the Mughals with the Khatri Gurus and their followers, the Sikh panth gets increasingly militarized and culminates in they Holy brotherhood of the Khalsa. This is well known history, with no involvement of Punjabi Muslims. Let's look what happens further.
Dec 26, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Man get a grip if you think your people deserve to have the entirety of the US, Canada, Australia to themselves in addition to Europe. What makes you so entitled? Your homeland is Europe, you do not have exclusive ownership of the New World. Stop being a kid w the entitlement. Are you pretending to be stupid? Gain a semblance of reality and stop being a terminally belligerent online fighter. Look, the LAND your people rest on is excellent land (unlike say Japan).

Muh "built the countries", I am talking about your land. The place you grow your crops, feed your animals, drill your oil and build your homes. The land is not yours and you are not entitled to some 999 year lease of it just because Western Europeans were the first Old Worlders to reach it.

Dec 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Reading this. Kapany was an intellectual giant though not as well known. Born in the Sodhi clan of Khatris, his dad was in the Royal Air Force in WW1. Moved to Imperial for a PhD in Physics, later to the US. He was the biggest pioneer in the field of Fiber Optics in the 60s. Image Great obituary by the NYT on his life.…
Dec 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Being a conservative and religious traditional Hindu is never enough, being a political Hindu matters a lot more. Narasimhan Rao used to think being a South Indian Brahmin who could quote scripture and Sanskrit meant he would have enough sway with BJP, RSS, VHP leaders that Babri would never fall. He was wrong.
Image Rao personally met Advani in a safe house in the last week of December where he was given assurance Babri wouldn't fall. Kalyan Singh had also given his word, so had Bhairon Singh Shekhawat. Image
Nov 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Somehow we have returned to literal Manusmriti tier definitions of Upper Caste vs Backward Caste with former being twice-borns and latter being Shudras. Affirmative Action is so tempting it makes people want to embrace being a Shudra than have anything to do with Dvijas. Savarnas (all four varnas) hould have formed a common identity in Indo-Aryan speaking parts of India. The lure of central/state government jobs and easy leaps in university admissions was so strong it made Shudras reject any assimilation attempts and embrace being backward. This is one of the main reasons caste will never die.
Nov 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Asked GPT4 to depict an attractive Indian man and woman based on the beauty ideal, taking into account the average phenotype of what it considers India.
Punjabi/Khatri beauty ideal according to GPT4, plenty such faces in Delhi.
Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Genetic results of a friend of mine. @TPeshwa. He's an Iyengar from Karnataka. I'm posting his results because he has blonde hair and blue eyes but is 100% South Indian in Admixture.

This is important to make people understand that your genotype is not equal to your phenotype. Image In older times when DNA science did not exist, it's easy to see why people made the honest mistake of thinking anyone with such features in a subcontinent full of mostly swarthy people has foreign ancestry (think of how Chitpavans were seen as Jewish)
Oct 14, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
A thread on the the historical progression of Hinduism and Hellenism. Quoting for higher visibility.

Hindus and Greeks started of very similar. Both had shared origins, shared epics, similar religious pantheons, myths and systems of morality. Both were living in places surrounded by once great civilizations. Both had a similar environment, surrounded by other polytheistic cultures, it was an abundance of Gods and Goddesses, sacrifices, deified heroes, and remnants of a Bronze Age culture mingling with an urban one.

However, there was one key difference which happens right at the beginning. Indics & Iranics, unlike any other polytheists of the time, and unlike the Greeks, begin a very early canonization of their source material, of the oldest hymns in their religion. They systematically compile these oral hymns into books, note down the individual poet's name, the names of the diety, and canonize the whole corpus as divine, sacred and immutable. This gives the foundations of our religion a security of supra-Biblical proportions, an anchor point from where it all begins. NO other polytheist has such a canon. The Greeks have their orally transmitted Epics, just as we do, but they do not really consider them so profane so as to not question them, not doubt their divine character, neither are these Epics canonically binding on every Hellene as the "source" of their cults, nor do they provide an explanation of their ritual or religion.

Unlike the Iranics, the Indics also develop a varnashrama or a society based on four codified varnas "castes" where the priestly caste spent centuries explaining the hymns of the Vedas and the ritual behind them. This leads to philosophical explanation of the ritual, and you can say by 400-500 BCE, the entirety of what defines Hindu philosophy, ritual, pantheon has already come into existence.

In contrast, the Greeks have a flourishing civilization in Mycene but after the Bronze Age Collapse, they have to start from scratch and they have neither the Vedas (canonical text), nor the ritualistic explanations, philosophy or a dedicated priestly class who considers this corpus its personal responsibility.