asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل Profile picture
Professor at California State University, Stanislaus. Obviously, my views/satire are my own and not of the university where I teach or the city where I live.
Jun 10 11 tweets 2 min read
Thread: My first-hand experience with Israeli kidnapping. Forget about Palestine for a second, this is about Lebanon. In June 1982, Israel started bombing Lebanon. In the middle-class Muslim neighborhood where I lived, Israeli fighter jets started dropping concussion bombs which would flatten tall building. In one moment, the building right next to ours was hit, and the five-story building was leveled to the ground. There was no PLO presence in our quarter whatever. All our neighbors were crushed to death. It is the only time in my life when the
Oct 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
People in the West don’t realize the extent to which the carnage in Gaza is shaping and changing Arab and Muslim attitudes toward the West in general. You listen too much to token Arabs at think tanks and to UAE/Saudi propagandists. Here is an Arab director:

“Things are not… …the same in my eyes. I don’t like to speak their language, or to watch their movies or movie productions, or their songs or even follow their celebrities. Their quiet countries no longer seduce me to visit and to roam in their streets. I don’t crave their fast food anymore…
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I kept wondering: how will the New York Time spin Bakhmut? There you have it. Image “A Russian capture of Bakhmut “will mean nothing, actually,” predicted Col. Serhiy Hrabsky, a commentator on the war for the Ukrainian news media.”
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
See how you can get a job in Western media? This guy worked for a Lebanese newspaper (L'orient-Lejour) but after publishing this pro-Zionist article, he was hired by The Washington Post. It is easy for a native to learn to impress the White Zionist Man… He was not even bothered by the fact that those refugees (or most of them) later moved to Palestine and fought against the native Arabs and participated in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread: I strongly disagree with Maya’s favorable take on Seinfeld. 1) the show has zero sensitivity to gender issues and women were always in the background, a side-story. 2) the show portrayed one of the most diverse cities in the world as almost purely white and male. 3) the show had no gay characters at all in all those years. 4) I personally take what the creators of the show said from the start: that it is a show about “nothing”. 5) they talk about living in New York City and always going out without mentioning the stress of daily living
May 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
How WINIP is cooking the books to manufacture Saudi public support for normalizations with Israel. WINEP has been frustrated. Saudi public in all surveys continue to register high disapproval for normalization. Even officials spoke about that.… So what does WINIP do? They play with results and with this: First, they say they rely on this firm:

“by a highly qualified, experienced, and completely independent and apolitical regional commercial company licensed to conduct market research across most of the Arab world.”
Dec 15, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
خيط عن وسام اللحام والنقاش الدستوري. ١) اتابع كتابات والظهور الاعلامي لوسام اللحام. هو عليم ويعرض بطريقة واضحة وسلسة. يدرس الموضوع قبل النقاش فيه. ٢) اختلف معه في العودة الدائمة إلى التفسيرات الفرنسيّة للجمهوريّة الثالثة عندهم. لماذا نكون ملزمين, ولماذا يكون النص الفرنسي مقدسا؟ ادمون ربّاط كان له إصرار وطني على أولويّة النص الدستوري العربي على الفرنسي. وعندما اعتنق لبنان دستوره في عام ١٩٢٦, كان بالعربيّة وعليه النصَ العربي مُلزِم بصرف النظر عن مصدر الوحي الاستعماري. ويذمّ اللحام بربّاط عندما يقول عنه إن لديه عقدة بسبب قوميّته العربيّة. هذه ليست نقيصة,
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
مش معقول كيف بيطلعوا بتنظيرات. الخاصرة الرخوة؟ شو يعني؟ انا بعلّم علاقات دولية ما بعرف المصطلح. متى قال حدا ان لسوريا حق السيطرة على لبنان لأن خاصرتها رخوة؟ واليمن في خاصرة الإمارات والسعوديّة معاً؟ شوف: بلا تنظيرات وبلا تبريرات. ساعة خاصرة رخوة وساعة انه في لبنانيّين رهائن في دول الخليج. وبلا كليشيهات ان الحوثيّين هم "بروكسي" لإيران. يا رجل, لما شنّت السعوديّة الحرب على اليمن ما كان في علاقة بين الحوثيّين وإيران. ارجع لوثائق ويكيليكس. بس ليش اللف والدوران؟ عندما اعلنت الإمارات التحالف مع إسرائيل, كان علي جابر اصرح وأصدق منكم جميعا إذ قال: شو ما عمل
Jan 25, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
سلسلة. "أصحاب ولا أعزّ": بين الادانة الترويجيّة والتضامن المصطنع. ثقافة الإن جي أوز ليست جديدة. هناك أجندات خارجيّة تُفرض في الفن والثقافة والأدب: اصبح كاتب قصّة نشأ في حي اللجا يُقحم المحرقة في أول رواية له فقط لعلمه ان ذلك يروِّج لها ويضمن ترجمتها. أقرأوا كتاب جوزيف مسعد "اشتهاء العرب". هناك عدة جوانب للتعليق على الفيلم. ١) الضجة حوله كانت مفتعلة ومصطنعة وكلّها تعود لموقع لم أسمع بها من قبل يزعم ان هناك دعاوي وخلاف ذلك. أعتقد ان ذلك كان بفعل الشركة الاعلانيّة الترويجيّة كما ان إعلام الاستعمار الغربي يحبّ اي تعبير عن نيّات طهارنيّة أخلاقيّة
Jun 6, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
A Thread: who met with Blinken and what did they discuss. List was arranged by Hady Amer

James Zogby: of Lebanese origin and close to UAE and PA.
George Salem: a Republican official and was in the Dahlan Task Force on Palestine.
Taleb Salman was with Najdah (close to DFLP) and Later with Ford.
Ghada Najjar, her husband worked with Zogby.
Hanna Hanandia: appointed by Mahmoud Abbas to PNC.
Ed Gabriel: a Lebanese-American who served as ambassador in Morocco.
Khalil Barhoum: was with United Palestinian Appeal.
Samar Ali: her father is with the Jerusalem
May 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Listing the biggest friends of the Palestinian cause in the world: 1) China of Mao which was the first to provide arms and support to Palestinian groups (USSR later came but used leverage to reduce the demands of the PLO); 2) Nasser who supported the first resistance in Gaza 3) Algerian revolution and state; 4) Cuban revolution; 5) African National Congress, which in turn received support from Palestinian groups; 6) North Korea; 7) Japanese Red Army; 8) there were far left groups in Western Europe but many were infiltrated;
May 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Some advice for supporters of Palestine on social media:
1) verify facts as much as you can before posting.
2) it is ok to be emotional (I am one) but don’t allow your emotions to make you lose temper and use abusive or harmful language: your enemy is watching every word and want us to slip. Let us try to not slip especially that our cause is too valuable for us to be careless as emotional as we are.
3) Reject any antisemitic expressions and suspect any account with a pro-Palestinian name which spews hate and antisemitic trash.
4) don’t allow the enemy to
May 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
In 1990-91, I was a visiting prof at Randolph Macon’s Woman’s College in Lynchburg, VA. I befriended the local rabbi and she was a progressive woman. She invited me to address the congregation and they asked me about the future of the conflict. And I said then: how could there be a settlement when the very minimum demands by the political leadership of the Palestinians (and those minimum demands are unacceptable by someone like me who insists on the maximalist demands) are categorically rejected by successive Israeli governments. Israel is a violent
Apr 30, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
A thread: There is something happening to Edward Said at the hand of Western liberals (academics and journalists). There is an earnest campaign to make Said less radical than he was and to turn him into another Arab/Western liberal.
Adam Shatz ·… The worst part is that some wish to employ Said into their political campaigns today regarding Syria or against Iran or against armed resistance. Take this for example: of all the things Said said about Israel and Arab governments, Shatz ignored all that and dug a sentence Said
Apr 3, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
What is happening in Jordan. It was a UAE-Saudi-Israeli coup. But Muhammad bin Salman rules by miscalculations. He miscalculated when he invaded Yemen; he miscalculated when he killed Khashoggi; he miscalculated by not ascending to the throne when Trump was president, and now He miscalculated by arranging for this attempted coup which is not going to receive the support of the Biden administration. Hamzah’s recording all but confirmed the news of the coup attempt and he even declared himself a savior for Jordan. The funny part about Hamzah’s
Jul 28, 2020 19 tweets 4 min read
ملاحظة (بودّ) على مقابلة شربل نحّاس مع جاد غصن أمس. ١) ارى نفس اتفق مع كل توصيف نحاس للأزمة الاقتصاديّة وحجم المشكلة ويمكن كنتُ سأتفق معه لو كان هناك للحركة مشروع واضح المعالم بعيداً عن شعارات عامّة عن الجردة وعن تسلّم السلطة (وبصلاحيات استثنائيّة). ثم إذا كان رياض سلامة الحرامي يعني لا يمكن ان نقول إذا كنا نتفق مع شربل نحّاس على العلاج لأنه لم يُحدّد العلاج (رجاء, لا تقولوا لي "الدولة المدنيّة هي الحل" لأن ذلك يثير نفوري بنفس الدرجة من شعار "الدولة الاسلاميّة هي الحلّ" مع أنني طبعاً أميل للأولى على الثانية). والصلاحيات الاستثنائيّة يجب ان تثير حساسيات
Jun 23, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Top Middle East official at State, David Schenker, just gave an interview to a Lebanese website (US propaganda now favor websites over traditional media to disseminate their propaganda). 1) he actually threatened Lebanon if it reaches economic agreements with China and spoke About China being this intimidating global power. He must have had his government confused with China. He actually threatened Lebanon if it reaches agreements with China. As one reader on FB asked: has China ever threatened a country if it were to reach agreements with US? No.
Feb 26, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
What is wrong with Bernie Sanders’ stance and rhetoric on Palestine. 1) the man has a long record of support for Israeli aggression and occupation; whether in the House or the Seante, he has signed letters blaming Israeli violence and war crimes on its Arab victims. 2) he Supported US military and economic aid to the Israeli occupation state, year after year; 3) he was never as a House member or Senate member outspoken about Palestinian rights or even about Israeli violations of human rights. People may be surprised, but the other mainstream
Nov 17, 2019 24 tweets 5 min read
Nassim Talib in Lebanon. I watched two lectures that Talib gave on Lebanon, one in English and one in (bad) colloquial Arabic. 1) he refers to the Lebanese dialect as his native “language” (as opposed to Arabic) but we discover that his command of his native Lebanese is quite Weak. Also, he proposes Lebanese dialect as the language but people are free to use the dialect and they do. There is no Classical Arabic language pressures. But how come there has never been literary production in Lebanese dialects despite decades of advocacy? (He is not the
May 14, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Benny Morris on those bad Palestinians: “But from 1933 onward, Palestine’s Arabs...mounted a strident campaign to pressure the British, who governed Palestine, to bar all Jews from entering the country.” You are telling me that the Palestinians were… Opposed to the immigration of hundreds of thousands of Jews who wanted to create a Jewish state on Palestinian lands and who wanted to displace the natives? And they were opposed to that? That is certainly anti-Semitic. If the Palestinians wanted to prove that they were not anti
Dec 28, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Amos Oz. I know how much liberals of the West love to love this man. He was a racist war criminal, and his racism extended to non-European Jews. I wrote about him on my blog before but I will summarize. In the early 1990s, I was teaching at Colorado College.. in Colorado Springs (it is a most interesting and progressive school, where the two daughters of Dick Cheney went to school, and where his wife sat on the board for years). Amos Oz was invited for a public lecture in the year I was there. I did not want to attend but a British